Borrowing money to invest in this matter--preparation before departure


Last week, I received a call from the credit card bank, saying that there is an activity for card friends, as long as there is a salary transfer certificate, I can borrow money.

I personally have been affected a little recently, but my work is fairly stable, so although I am not in a hurry to use the money, I still consider whether it is feasible to use it for investment.

This activity is divided into two options: the annual interest rate of 8.99% can be repaid in advance, and the annual interest rate of 6.99% can not be repaid in advance within one year.
In addition to the basic interest, the application fee (5999 yuan) and the transfer fee (50 yuan) must be added, which is the total borrowing cost.

It is recommended to use the website of Taiwan Bank for trial calculation.

There are two types of repayment installments: 36 installments (three years) and 48 installments (four years). Considering that the handling fee for one application is fixed, and if necessary, it can be repaid in advance. Perhaps borrowing the maximum amount is more cost-effective to choose a more installment?

By the way, the aforementioned non-payment within one year means that if you want to pay within one year, even if it is a breach of contract, there will be a corresponding penalty. In this plan, it is 2% of the total amount, so you must not be careless.

Borrowing like this should be calculated with a clear monthly repayment amount and a percentage of monthly income, also known as the debt-to-income ratio.

Since it is an investment, it is of course hoped that the borrowed money will generate more than interest.
Calculated in 48 installments, the interest plus handling fee accounts for about 18% of the principal. Due to the use of the repayment model of the principal and interest amortization, on the premise that the loan is not used for repayment, this money should produce more than 40% within four years. Only 36% of the income is higher than the earning power of bank loans, which is about the same as 9% annual interest rate or 8% annual compound interest rate. This loan is good for me.
For me, it's a rate of return that usually requires taking a little more risk, but it seems more feasible now in the global crisis.

The simple idea is that even if the recession is maintained for the past one or two years, as long as the economy recovers in the third and fourth years, the stock market returns will be pulled up in one breath, and the goal should be achieved.
In other words, if the recession really lasted for four years, it would be my defeat.

The above considerations are based on the premise that the investment targets have lived well for four years.

Short-term speculation makes more money and loses more. I think I don’t have that kind of technology, so I don’t take it into consideration.
In the long run, it is relatively easy to judge the quality of the company, the stability of the industry and the appropriate stock price.

Finally, consider the overall risk: if all the borrowed money is lost, is it acceptable at that time?
Paying monthly payments for four years and getting nothing in the end is frustrating just imagining it.
To prevent this from happening, we will do our best to prepare in advance, but imagining the worst is also part of the preparation, which is necessary.

Oh, by the way, none of the above has taken into account the risk of being laid off, so it is necessary to work harder for this.

Although it is not good to say that, the possibility of dying tomorrow still exists, and it is also indispensable to take care of yourself and reward yourself appropriately.

The above is the preparation before the trip has not yet been decided.


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