From the Wang Zhian Incident to China’s Overseas “Rebels”

Having said all that, I have only one thing to say about certain politicians of the Democratic Progressive Party, the Chinese overseas "rebels" who are adding insult to injury, and those who harass and invade the privacy of Wang Zhian and his team, "You are so shameless."

Just two weeks ago, the famous Chinese journalist Wang Zhian became an unprecedented person who was blacklisted by both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Of course, overwhelming criticism is inevitable. Both the pinkettes in mainland China and some dark green people in Taiwan expressed happiness about their situation. In fact, I was not surprised that Wang Zhian was scolded wherever he went, but until I heard about his address, the personal information of company members were found and published, and he and his team were constantly harassed, I still felt that I should Come out and talk about it.

First of all, is Wang Zhian wrong? From my perspective, yes. I will not imitate a person with a disability (it is called a person with a disability in Mainland China, and there is no derogatory connotation) because I know that if the other person is more sensitive, they will feel sad. However, I don’t think what he committed was such an unforgivable mistake. First of all, his purpose was not to ridicule, but to satirize some of the DPP’s actions. Besides, this kind of "talk show" program itself has the nature of often telling "hell jokes". I think Wang Zhian is not too out of line this time (yes, I also like to watch Taiwanese talk shows), at least compared to Tsang Boen. For others. And judging from the applauding and laughing reactions on and off stage, at least his behavior did not break through the moral bottom line to the point where people and gods were outraged (could it be said that so many people at the scene were bad). Perhaps Wang Zhian's biggest mistake was that he did not apologize immediately after the incident, but I think he did this mainly out of anger at many people's misunderstanding of his behavior and shock at being blacklisted. It is also not an unforgivable mistake. (Because he later apologized, but Chen Junhan did not accept it).

But some people want him to be doomed. The most active among them are some Chinese overseas dissidents.

In fact, many of them have long been quite dissatisfied with Wang Zhian. In fact, this matter was not such a big deal in the first place, so why make such a fuss out of a molehill? I think that many of these people have a considerable number of YouTube followers, and with their influence, it is not that difficult to jointly launch a public opinion war against Wang Zhian. Once Wang is brought into disrepute, no one will question any bad things they say about Wang (for example, he is the CCP's "big foreign propaganda" and never supports democracy, etc.). This is a quite common political method. A well-known example is that Nazi Germany enacted the "Animal Protection Law" and strongly criticized the Jewish method of slaughtering livestock as "animal cruelty." Do you think those Jews tortured animals out of a perverted mentality? Even if their customs are inconsistent with modern animal protection concepts, should they be imprisoned in concentration camps and tortured for this reason? Of course not, but since everyone no longer believes in the character of the Jews, if they continue to promote their evil, greed, and perversion, naturally many people will believe it. Are you telling me to talk about matters as they happen, and not to talk about deeds without caring about your heart? What I want to say is that people are always emotional animals. These things have to be learned, and most people simply cannot do it well (for example, I am).

The two most criticized aspects of Wang Zhi'an are: first, he is the CCP's "big foreign propaganda" because he is not firm enough in his anti-communism, and some even say that he "licks the CCP". Second, he does not support freedom and democracy because his criticism of Falun Gong is regarded as disrespect for religious freedom. He even said that this is "ironclad proof" that he serves as the "big foreign propaganda" of the Chinese Communist Party.

Regarding the first point, what I want to say is that no one who has carefully watched Wang Zhian’s YouTube program will think that he is the CCP’s “big foreign propaganda”. He does not directly scold someone like ordinary people, but truly shows the qualities of a professional journalist, speaking with logic and facts. I think he scares the CCP more than others. If the harm done to the CCP by those people can be compared to "skin trauma", it is just a few punches without pain or itching. Wang Zhian stabbed him directly with a knife. The heart of the CCP, because he clarified the inner nature of the CCP in a "way acceptable to ordinary Chinese people." As for why some people say that he is not firm enough against communism? I think it’s because he probably doesn’t hate the CCP and China as much as some people do.

Many Chinese overseas "dissidents" probably think this way: As long as the CCP collapses, I don't care about anything. My purpose is to fight the CCP. As for the fate of the Chinese people and where China will go after the CCP is gone, I don't care at all (the most extreme one) There is a man named "Gongzi Shen"). Not to mention that these people who grew up in China have no feelings for the people of this land and are quite cold (personal experiences are different, and I have no right to comment too much). In my opinion, they will not have any feelings for the people of this land. What kind of harm has the CCP caused, because they simply did not use the "method that ordinary Chinese people can accept" as I said above. I repeat here, people are emotional animals. If you are an ordinary Chinese audience and see such a person who does not care about your life and death and only wants to kill the CCP, are you willing to accept his point of view (although he may be right) ? Therefore, many people who watch their programs are Taiwanese who hate China or mainlanders who hate the CCP and have immigrated. For those ordinary people who have the opportunity to persuade (not interested in anti-communism, but do not agree with many of the CCP’s policies, this kind of There are so many people in China), it is of no use at all, and may even arouse resentment.

As for the programs produced by Wang Zhian, although I often disagree with his views, I can feel a warmth from the way he speaks. This warmth comes from his concern for the general public in China and his heavy commitment to changing society. sense of mission. And what about the many other Chinese anti-communist bloggers who claim to “open up people’s wisdom”? I can see nothing but hatred and hostility. I used to feel depressed when watching these people’s videos. Besides, since they don’t care about the life and death of the Chinese people and only care about whether the CCP will collapse, they can just say that it is a personal grudge. Why do they still want to raise a "noble" banner for themselves? Not to mention, I believe that Wang Zhian has a deeper personal grudge against the CCP than most of them. After all, he once had tens of millions of followers on Weibo and was the most popular investigative reporter in China (no one). All his hard work came to nothing overnight. Zero, living in exile in Japan to work hard alone, isn't this personal grudge deeper than the ocean? However, Wang Zhian still has not forgotten his original ideal of changing society. He has put aside his personal grudges with the CCP and still has goodwill and sympathy for ordinary people in China. I don't think it is too much to call this "noble". At least, he is much better than "Gongzi Shen" and the like, right?

Let’s talk about Falun Gong again. In fact, I didn't think Falun Gong's teachings were too harmful at first, but after seeing what they did, I finally reached a rare consensus with the CCP: it is a cult. Let’s not talk about the various rumors spread by its media to create trouble (the Epoch Times, New Tang Dynasty, etc. must have heard the absurdity of many people), when I see that no matter what Li Hongzhi says, no matter how ridiculous the things he says, the believers below Just echoing and attacking those with different opinions without any objection makes me shudder. How is this different from the CCP? I think the only difference is that the CCP at least does not openly oppose modern science. I once picked up a Falun Gong leaflet while walking by Hoan Kiem Lake in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam (Falun Gong is legal there). I deliberately showed it to the locals to know their attitude towards Falun Gong. However, most people were dissatisfied after reading it. He would tell me to take it away and throw it away with a look of disgust. If someone tells me that all Vietnamese have been brainwashed by the Chinese Communist Party, I will not refute it. I believe that the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong is definitely not for the people. However, Falun Gong is like the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Although it opposes the corrupt Qing court, is it itself better than the Qing court? I don't think so.

Wang Zhian said that he has no interest in anti-communism. This is true, but it does not mean that he is a "communist licker." I think what he opposes is everything that is anti-science, anti-logic and anti-democracy. I would like to ask if the CCP falls, but most Chinese people still have no concept of democracy and human rights, what will the new regime look like? It’s hard to say whether it will be worse than the CCP. Therefore, I think what Wang Zhian did is more meaningful than simply anti-communism, but it is also more arduous: through his own talent and persistence, he eradicated ignorance in this land. The end of a political power is often sudden, but a change of thinking takes a long time. As the saying goes, "it takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to cultivate people." If Wang Zhian does not have a strong sense of mission, how can he persevere? To me, while he's not perfect, he certainly deserves my respect. However, most of China's overseas anti-communist bloggers are still at the stage of "determining right and wrong based on their stance". As long as they are anti-communist, they are right. How is this essentially different from Little Pink's "No matter what the CCP does, it is right" The difference? The difference between them and Little Pink is just in their stance. They have the same black and white concepts and the same lack of independent thinking. Therefore, I very much agree with what Wang Zhian said: "Those overseas exiles from mainland China are not democrats, but just dissidents."

As for why the DPP wanted to blacklist him so quickly? Anyone with a discerning eye can see something is wrong. None of the other Chinese YouTubers who came to Taiwan to watch and be interviewed by the program were sanctioned due to "legal issues." Why did Wang Zhian have to be chosen? I think the answer is pretty obvious. Suppression of investigative journalists is also common in Western countries with extremely mature democratic systems. However, due to pressure from the law and public opinion, Western politicians generally do not dare to be too blatant. After all, everyone is afraid of being exposed, right? Wang Zhian once boasted that if he interviewed Taiwanese politicians, he could "question them to death." As a result, after he arrived in Taiwan, all politicians, green, white, and blue, refused him interviews. Is this at least to some extent out of fear? However, when Wang Zhian accidentally did something wrong, the DPP took advantage of this "east wind" and quickly issued a "blocking order." I can't help but wonder how many bad things they have done, and how afraid they are of Wang Zhian, to be so disregarding the controversy and dignity of public opinion? And I think they are also very smart. They probably know that other YouTubers will not pose any threat to them, so they turn a blind eye to the so-called "legal issues".

Having said all that, I have only one thing to say about certain politicians of the Democratic Progressive Party, the Chinese overseas "rebels" who are adding insult to injury, and those who harass and invade the privacy of Wang Zhian and his team, "You are so shameless."


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