Reading pen farming | In the currency circle, I want to make money "down-to-earth": four observations and thoughts from STEPN NFT

Four observations and reflections: how to alleviate the innate selling pressure, cognitive coordination, game play and community, and the combination of virtual and real offline.

Receive a STEPN NFT from a friend at the end of April. It's called "running shoes", but it can actually be used for walking - because there are four types of shoes, I got the "walker" - fortunately, you can use the walking shoes, which will be explained later. Let's talk about our experience today!

Four Types of Shoes|STEPN Official Website

■ In the currency circle, I want to make money "down to earth"

Briefly describe this Move-to-Earn (M2E) GameFi blockchain game.

First of all, you must install STEPN App ( iOS / Android ) on your mobile phone, it is also a hot wallet (Hot Wallet). Store enough cryptocurrency for it, maybe SOL or BNB, depending on which chain do you want to settle on Solana or BEP20? Go to the in-app mall, use these coins to buy a pair of shoes for yourself (buy an NFT), and reserve some coins as a transaction fee for the blockchain - at this time, all the pre-work has been completed, and you can start "down to earth" made money (laughs).

It is a chain game app and a hot wallet

To play this mobile game - or to start the "enablement" of this NFT - is quite easy, just press the START button on the main screen, and it will start the eight doors of Lilock like in the anime "Naruto" Dunjia 's countdown.

I saw a dashboard on the screen, you must maintain the movement speed (depending on different types of shoes) and fall in the green section of compliance, and you will earn GST tokens, which can be sold for "money" . After the time runs out (meaning running out of energy and stamina), remember to STOP your shoes, because it has a setting for durability consumption/repair. It will restore 25% energy every six hours. If you want to increase the upper limit of the energy gauge, you have to become a centipede and buy a few more pairs of shoes.

Entering the "Eight Gates of Dunjia" time countdown

After the event, you can easily post the GPS footprints recorded by the game to the community, which shows the potential of SocialFi .

I mentioned earlier that "it's good to use it and go", the reason is that it is rainy in Taipei . Sometimes it rains all day, and in this case, it is acceptable to go out, and it is safe to walk along the arcade. But if it encounters a heavy rain, you have to make people run, which is really a bit overwhelming!

■ NFT for GameFi, observation and thinking

Not referring to individual projects, what I want to discuss is what I observed from STEPN ? This kind of NFT that came into being for GameFi brought me thinking, and wrote it around "enablement":

✅ How to relieve the innate selling pressure?

All chain games that focus on Play-to-Earn are inherently bound to face a large part of the crowd who come for Earn , resulting in the "digging and selling" selling pressure. How to alleviate this "supply side" force? It is necessary to create a "demand-side" response that can compete with it. It is a point that every project party must be careful when designing Tokenomics .

Taking STEPN as an example, in addition to selling the currently earned GST tokens, the situations that can be used include casting shoes, upgrading shoes, opening treasure chests, combining gems, transfer fees, etc. It seems that the use is still insufficient, and more "GST consumption" scenarios are needed, and the answer may be found in those coming soon.

✅ Ride the "Cognitive Coordination" ride

I know that exercise is good for physical and mental health, but why is it so difficult to cultivate such a "good habit"?

The long-selling book " Atomic Habits " tells us that because the benefits brought by "good habits" are not immediate (you need to cross a certain threshold to show them), many people will not see the results and fall into the valley of disappointment. give up halfway.

The Valley of Disappointment|Illustration from the book "Atomic Habit"

I think the STEPN chain game has an advantage. It can be tied to the habits that everyone "want" to develop, and even be more radical, you can't not walk! So this "want" is expected to become a "necessity".

In short STEPN adds solid incentives to the Move, creating immediate, visual pleasure (who doesn't love money?) - even small ones - a signal to the brain that when the experience is satisfying, we compare It is possible to repeat an action, especially when the action is commonly perceived as "wanted" or "necessary."

Playing other mobile games, even if you can make money, your subconscious will tell you: "It's unhealthy to sit for such a long time!" More or less, you have suffered from this contradiction, psychological cognitive dissonance.

But playing STEPN reduces this layer of burden, it is a cognitively coordinated NFT .

✅ Gameplay/Community

For a game (chain game) to go a long way, it must have enough gameplay .

What is gameplay? I would like to discuss it from the opposite side, when a game has too many cheats, and after entering, it is filled with various cheaters and hook-ups... In the near future, it should be a dead end!

I don't know if STEPN can keep the pine and cypress evergreen? But I know that the official fight against cheating spares no effort. The other is about the development genre of shoes (please imagine the skill tree of the video game " Diablo ") has a certain complexity, the construction will not be too brainless, if you are not brainless, you will not be boring, if you are not boring, you will have fun , so you Various discussion hubs similar to Bahamut can be seen.

This also brings community to the game. Isn't this the "consensus value" that everyone is talking about in the era of the big Web3 - especially the NFT project?

✅ Combining virtual and real to offline

The "combination of virtual and real" games is not a big news. It should have started from the "somatosensory" gameplay of the early Wii console, to the more impressive Switch console and Pokémon GO trend in recent years (for me)... Hey! It's all Nintendo (laughs).

First, it is good to encourage the player to leave the seat with the buttocks, and then go outside. This is the "virtual and real" in the scene .

Another kind of "virtual and real" refers to the flow of money. How can STEPN gradually get rid of the question that this is a Ponzi scheme - the later gold makes up the previous one? That is to create more gold, "real" gold flow in addition to "virtual" coins . At present, I have seen the joint cooperation plan between STEPN and the well-known brand ASICS (ASICS) .

■ Epilogue

Many people swear that STEPN will be the next case to enter the "death spiral" after LUNA.

But in any case, this senior who detonated the topic and successfully drove " out of the circle " can observe a lot of things worth borrowing from him, especially if he wants to be the project party of GameFi NFT.

Regardless of its ultimate success or failure, every step of it will become the nutrient for its successors.

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