[Daily Update] Reading Notes (77) Organizational Models to Support "Natural" Talents: Platform


[Daily Update] Reading Notes (77) Organizational Models to Support "Natural" Talents: Platform

With the flattening of the organization, the career path based on the organizational hierarchy will also need to be transformed, so that the path of career development is not limited to the professional hierarchy, but adapts to the flat organization, and is also a career model suitable for small organizations.

At this time, organizations need a new value proposition for talents.

[1] Value Change: Talents Measure the Opportunity Cost of Enterprises

The matching degree between organizational functions and talent capabilities is no longer dominated by the organization, but also by talents.

This corresponds to the fact that talents can understand various aspects of the enterprise through the online platform, and the opportunity cost of leaving if they feel unsuitable after entering the enterprise, also because the focus of values is different from the past.

This is like "loyalty" can no longer be used as a measurement point for talents, and instead use "developmental" and "comparative value" as the measurement indicators for talent retention.

[2] The characteristics of the new generation of talents, and the required organizational characteristics

Under the concept of flat organization, the organization should not only think about the vertical career development path, but also think about the horizontal and horizontal development. required combinatorial capabilities to plan.

From the characteristics of "personal value" on the motivation side and "combination ability" on the growth side. For organizations to bring these two characteristics of demand, the most suitable positioning is "platform".

On the one hand, it enables talents to show their own abilities, and on the other hand, it creates the internal driving force of personal self-motivation.

[3] The third pillar of the learning system: self-knowledge

On the other hand, when a person does not know how to develop on the platform, does it mean that the value of the platform organization cannot be exerted.

Because the talent demand of a platform-based organization needs to be internally driven, if it is not clear what an individual wants, the hierarchical organizational path becomes an indicator instead.

Therefore, in the training system of talent development, the learning system of "self-knowledge" will be the third development system of the platform organization. Compared with the original organization, the professional ability learning system, management system, and self-awareness learning system are the self-driving forces that support talents to turn into "spontaneous" talents.


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