Sailing from Corsica... Rose, Fox, B612.

Write the romance of the poet, the bravery of Skywalker, the affection of the Cancer Palace, what you have seen and heard in travel or life, stroke by stroke, faithful and unpretentious, and engraved the memories completely on the manuscript paper, Vol de Nuit, Terre des Hommes, ethereal The vision and mind above the clouds, mountains and peaks, he vaguely remembered that the laurels and glory of those literary awards were quietly placed in the attic of an apartment next to Central Park in New York...

"What's really important is invisible to the eyes."

At the end of July 1944, the gates of purgatory full of sin and pain were still not closed. On the island of Corsica in the Mediterranean Sea, an F-5B reconnaissance plane slowly set sail, ready to fly to the south of France. Conducted inspection work... At that time, the flowers were suffering from the ravages of the Nazi Party and its affiliated puppet "Régime de Vichy" (Régime de Vichy). The vicious sound of black boots trampling on bright roses.

The pilot softly bid farewell to the tower's guidance. Five minutes later, in the endless daylight and six hours of fuel reserve, at 8:30, through the return of the radar signal, he started the shooting mission alone; Since the plane crashed in the Sahara desert, the hallucination of being lost among the huge sand dunes on the banks of the Nile, I can't help but think of my hometown Lyon , and I also miss my younger brother François , who died unfortunately, and the buildings that were abandoned halfway. People's life... "The French Academy of Fine Arts" (École des Beaux-Arts).

The light of the rising sun may cover up the shining of the stars, but it does not mean that Wuya Galaxy is silent. As a pilot, whenever he soars in the sky, or wanders in every foreign city, Moscow, Saigon or Madrid, he always does this. tell myself:

"Everyone has their own star, but the meaning in it varies from person to person."

Write the romance of the poet, the bravery of Skywalker, the affection of the Cancer Palace, what you have seen and heard in travel or life, stroke by stroke, faithful and unpretentious, and engraved the memories completely on the manuscript paper, Vol de Nuit, Terre des Hommes, ethereal The vision and mind above the clouds, mountains and peaks, he vaguely remembered that the laurels and glory of those literary awards were quietly placed in the attic of an apartment next to Central Park in New York... But this is by no means the end, he sighed .

Looking at the pointers and numbers on the instrument panel, the outline of a villain with a mustache appeared in his mind. The pilot involuntarily increased his grip on the control stick, more than 40 million French compatriots, and the incalculable European people. , From Calais to Amsterdam, from the Seine to the Danube, the Nazis and fascists are inhumane and injustice, treating all things and the common people as dogs, and the only place where they can contribute, apart from words, is flying.

You say, what does it feel like to fly at an altitude of 10,000 feet and complete a flight with life as a bet? Shuxun? Treasure? Famous? He replied to himself: After a hundred years, luckily, Icarus may not be like Icarus, and there may only be wind, sand, and stars (Wind, Sand and Stars) . As for egg muffins, Gin Tonic and Coke, it was a feast for the return to the world, and the pilot was completely satisfied even if he didn't see the sunset "43 times" a day .

The warm Xiayang on the sea level, the rising light penetrates the clouds, like a curly blond hair, the wind moves with the heart, the transformation of the clouds is more like the innocent play of the naughty boy , maybe, he guessed, the beautiful testimony in the clouds , there will be no proud kings, degenerate alcoholics and entrepreneurs full of numbers, and weird and inexplicable vain (conceited) people.

"If you love a flower that blooms in the vast sea of stars, then when you look up at the stars, you will feel satisfied."

At this time, the pilot accidentally smelled the fragrance of "roses" in the small cockpit. It was both proud and willful, and was once regarded as the "first love" of all life ; Do everything you can from the bottom of your heart, just to protect the "uniqueness" in your palm... Even if there is a sea of flowers outside the window, in the name of loving roses, it is the sacrifice and protection without regrets.

"Humans don't have time to learn about other things anymore. They always go to the store to buy ready-made things, but there is no store in the world where you can buy friends."

love? Do not! Pain is the only way to truly love , because I finally understand what "sincerity" means. The pilot caressed his goggles, a "fox", and flew with the reconnaissance plane over the Mediterranean Sea; from "me" to "us", even if When there is love, it hurts. One day, the hero and heroine in the story will know that life is not different without each other, but the moment of meeting, knowing each other, loving and cherishing each other, even if it is only an hour, a quarter of an hour, an instant, has achieved "We build. eternity"... Apprivoiser, vaguely brought out Aimer, c'est agir.

Is the Côte d'Azur ahead? The coastline is so beautiful, so beautiful, and finally returned to the sky of the motherland... The pilot adjusted the angle, and after a few shakes before landing, the reconnaissance plane landed safely on the runway of the airport.

"Please help me draw a sheep!"

A subtle voice came from the bottom of the fuselage, and the pilot smiled, yes, this is his hometown, the paradise of Chengping that he has longed for, the planet "B612".


On July 31, 1944, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the famous French aviator and author of "Le Petit Prince", performed an execution against the Nazis in southern France. He disappeared during a reconnaissance mission in the occupied area and did not return to the base safely within the scheduled time. It is believed that he was shot down by Germany ; after the end of World War II, after the rebirth of France, Saint-Exupéry posthumously awarded the title of "Martyr of France". The term of copyright protection for all creations (including drawings, poems, paintings, photography, etc.) will be extended for 30 years in France.

In April 2004, the "Department of Underwater and Undersea Archaeology" under the French Ministry of Culture confirmed that the wreckage of Saint-Exupéry's plane was found in the Mediterranean Sea near Marseille.

Happy birthday, June 29th: the innocence that never fades, the romantic knight that never fades away: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

When I read "The Little Prince" when I was 20 years old, I was very touched by love and friendship;

Reading The Little Prince at 40 is, well, worth a glass of whisky without water.

Image source, together with thanks to:éry


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l'ange de l'assassinat...
