How to make mudra when meditating?

Mudras are very extensive and are used in almost all schools of thought. They are used in Buddhism, Taoism, Jainism, Yoga, Tangmi, Dongmi, and even in Egypt, Babylon and Sumerian cultures. The earliest recorded mudra comes from the Indian "Vedas", which uses different mudras to meditate. There are more than 200 kinds of handprints, and even the same handprints have different names and exercises in different sects (sometimes different sects in the same sect).
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How to knot mudra when meditating? Sitting posture four

Mudras are very extensive and are used in almost all schools of thought. They are used in Buddhism, Taoism, Jainism, Yoga, Tangmi, Dongmi, and even in Egypt, Babylon and Sumerian cultures. The earliest recorded mudra comes from the Indian "Vedas", which uses different mudras to meditate. There are more than 200 kinds of mudra. Even if the mudra is the same, the names and exercises are different in different sects (sometimes different from the same sect). For example, in India, Thailand or Buddhists, they greet each other with folded hands. This folded hands is a kind of gesture. The mudra, which is a sign of bowing, respect and surrender to the divine.

As an experiment, you can use the namaste while meditating, and after a while, you will feel a sense of peaceful surrender to all things in the universe. Therefore, if you are angry with some people and things that day, you can use the Heshi seal, focus on the heart chakra, and a peaceful and gentle energy will envelope you in a short time. After sitting up, you can look at people and things again and you will see From different angles, remember that meditation is not used to suppress emotions. Meditation is not to be in the same frequency with emotions. Once you are in the same frequency with emotions, you will be dragged away by emotions. You are a viewer, you admit its existence but do not agree with it. Many times emotions drift away slowly like clouds. At this time, you can clearly see more people and things from different angles, and even know how to look inside yourself, whether you misunderstand things due to your own prejudices or beliefs, so that you can do better. Wise judgment.

There are hundreds of handprints, and this article cannot introduce them one by one. Only the commonly used ones can be introduced to you.

  • Heshiyin

Put your hands together in front of your chest, pay attention to the heart chakra gently, breathe in, breathe out, breathe out, and visualize that the heart chakra has a white light, which slowly expands and expands to the whole body. You will feel a calm and peaceful energy enveloping you.

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  • Touchdown Seal (also known as Demon Seal)

At the beginning, when Shaddhartha made a vow under the Bodhi tree, if he did not become a Buddha, he would not sit down. When his consciousness reached its peak, his subconscious mind over his lifetimes was also twisted. Therefore, the Buddhist scriptures describe him facing the demon army (the subconscious mind of fear), Erotic girl (subconscious mind of desire)…….

Stuttgart knew that this was just a phantom projection of the inner subconscious, but it was such a huge shock. At this time, he used the touch mark to connect with the earth, as if it didn't move, and all these phantom projections like the dark clouds in the sky can't last long (unless you take it seriously. , rejecting or resisting it will deepen the existence of this force), and in the end this force can't help but dissipate....

Everything is created by the mind. The so-called demons are all demons in the heart, and it is the subconscious that has been acting for many lifetimes. The so-called demon seal descends on one's own demons, and one's own duality of greed, prudence, and ignorance are opposed to each other, so when the mind is thinking about the difference between right and wrong... etc., you can use this seal to connect with the earth, connect with the earth, and unite with the earth. , take the energy into yourself, ignore the voice of the mind, you and the earth are one and the same. Ashamed, the sound of the brain will drift away, and even want to sleep (because the brain enters Alpha or Delta waves after overusing the brain), at this time, depending on the situation, continue to meditate or sleep.

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  • Meditation Seal

Many people use the meditation seal most often to enter meditation. There are many kinds of meditation. I personally think that the meditation seal is more suitable for simple breathing, Taoist mind guarding the dantian, or focusing on a single chakra and consciousness. The body must be relaxed and calm. Some students asked What is the sense of relaxation is the relaxed concentration, just like driving a car, you can't hold the steering wheel tensely, usually you are relaxed but aware of the road conditions. In this way, you will gradually enter into meditation. No matter what thoughts are in your mind, you just watch it, and the energy will naturally circulate on both sides of your body through this meditation seal. Your consciousness exists in a vast space, even in the entire universe.

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  • seal of consciousness

The thumb and forefinger are connected with ease, no matter if you want to meditate or sit relaxed and look forward. I like this mudra very much, especially after get off work or work pressure, just relax this mudra no matter whether you meditate or not, gradually your mind will have a kind of soothing, because this mudra is to summon higher consciousness to come down to soothe the mind and mind ( You don't need to call it deliberately, just sit easily and make this mark), you can also reverse this mudra, which is that you take your consciousness into your body to repair your body and mind.

This mudra has a very great effect on decompression, but it is ineffective if you can't work on this mudra at the same time.

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Handprints have been circulated for more than 8,000 years, and there are too many handprints in the world. Some schools even created handprints to treat diseases, such as pain relief, physiological, abdominal, descending, etc., but remember that many illnesses are also contrived by consciousness. , If readers are interested, there are many books with introductions that can be bought for reference.

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