Cryptocurrency Bear Market Survival Guide: Coin, hoard, spend.

What to do in a bear market! ? Just... fuck it! Don't fuck that time! ?

Here comes the bear! ?

Eh! ? How did this bear market come about? It seems that it has been down for a while. No one has mentioned cows since UST got off the hook. When I opened Osmosis a few days ago, I found that the picture on the home page had changed, and it became a picture celebrating Osmosis's one-year-old.

Think about how Osmosis went down for a few days after being attacked.

This is probably a house leak every night raining. At that time, in order to make up for this loophole, the block production stopped for many days. Now the price of OSMO has also fallen below 1 US dollar, and the principal has shrunk rapidly. In addition, most of the locks cannot run for 14 days. , I can't help but lose my confidence, but I looked at the records later, and if I add the income of more than half a year, the loss doesn't seem to be too serious [shock! ? In fact, I thought I had lost it to the bone].

Fortunately... the loophole seems to have been resolved so far, and two people are willing to return 2 million magnesium [the sloth said after reading the news: he is a good person! ]:

Since LikeCoin was listed on Osmosis, I am very lazy to Osmosis to convert various coins in the ecosystem, and I also put some airdropped coins and some earned LikeCoins into Osmosis for mobile mining. In fact, in the bull market, the income is really Yes, but since the last LUNA incident, various currencies have fallen sharply and the Cosmos ecosystem has also been the first Found out, eh! ? How big the price reduction of income! ? turn out to be...

Osmosis will experience its first inflation thirdening at epoch time today! All emissions will be reduced by 1/3 in accordance with the token distribution schedule found here

Discord announcement for Osmosis

Although I have always liked Osmosis, whether it is the convenience of the interface design, more and more functions, and more and more currencies, especially in the above Info, you can find a lot of information, and there are also personalized ones. The analysis page is really the best DEX function I've used so far, and it's the easiest to use, and the community's activity and transparency are also very high, but in the later stage, I also began to think about spreading the risk [after all, the principal It’s also gradually accumulated, it’s time to be sad if you don’t see it], and I’m seeing a few good DEXs, but the LUNA incident happened before it was transferred. The reality is that no matter how much you like a project, you still have to do a good job in risk control. , it's really not a wise thing to bet alone [although it seems that I can't find something that doesn't fall XD].

In any case, I still hope that Osmosis can survive this bear market, and then use the mining profits to drink afternoon tea in the next bull market [Well, afternoon tea will be saved recently... At most, buy a hand shaker occasionally.. . Still have to spend, sometimes the money spent is their own... lol]!

Lost! ?

Hey, why did it take so long to talk about Osmosis because this is the content that was posted on LS before, to increase the word count, eh! ? Just kidding, in fact, I put most of it in Osmosis, and because of the 14-day lockup, it was too late to run. ? Eh! ? Love! ? ], so I went back and forth with the doctor, Bo Tu, you have to work hard, my afternoon tea fee, snack money and meal fee!

Because I wanted to know the profit of mining every day, I had the habit of recording it every day, but I didn't add up all the profits. Later, because of this wave of decline, I saw the unbearable principal of betting, and I decided to Let’s sum up all the income. In fact, because I invested in succession, I didn’t record the invested principal accurately, and most of them were reinvested by LikeCoin and income. It seems that I still need to record it later. In short, the rough estimate is about -23% or so, look at the stock market, look at the funds... Well, even gold funds can be negative... -23% seems to be acceptable [this is a big heart! ? laugh! ].

Compared with the fold reaction of many people who fell sharply, I was to clear up what I had in my hand. In fact, the bull market made money... I spent whatever I wanted at that time. , at least converted into heat or something! ? 😅🤣😂], in the bear market, I have to know how many cards I have in my hand😂, just like that, I thought I had a high mining ratio, but it seems to be fine! ?

The most is still put on pledge

Thinking about it, it also fits my behavior pattern, because I used to entrust about half of LikeCoin to other platforms like Steem, Hive and automatic pledge mode XD, and then I also pledged OSMO and ATOM for airdrops. ! Eh! ? Although... the pledged coins have also shrunk significantly! Then because I don't trust centralized exchanges, I only put 1x% in Wirex and Cry Potato for swiping my card...

Then next...

Then the next step... continue to pledge OSMO and ATOM for airdrops, and continue to take a small part for mining, but I will move some to DEX that does not need to be locked for a long time or has no lock-up period, my other one Account @Erica In addition to publishing daily and weekly reports, I will also finish writing some DEX teachings that I am using, and then I will post an experience and comparison here, so I will talk about it later, in short, I will post it, and I also think that at this time, it is more important to earn coins without interruption. Think about the situation when everyone thinks that the coins are too cheap and don't want to work hard... Then it should be more... People who understand will understand😜.

In addition, I also like the decentralized world very much. I think I have learned a lot here. When I find out why the chain has stopped, I am used to looking for that community, that card, and Twitter. What the hell happened, my English is so broken, I also rely on the translation of the dog and my own ingenuity [the confidence that comes from! ? ], slowly spelling things out... the truth? I also adopted a robot cat [ my BitSong validator node ], although the current currency price is too low, I still have to buy cat food to feed her, and also pay for the robot cat’s accommodation [um! I heard that the community commission is promising recently! ? Come on Doraemon! ].

In short... In a bear market, I'll:

  • Posting to earn coins to increase the principal [ Matters, LS, Noise, Steem, Hive, PotatoMedia.... ]
  • Earned coins continue to be pledged
  • Specializing in ATOM, OSMO pledge airdrop
  • Mobile mining continues to dig, but the original income may be used for dinner, but now I can only eat snacks [laughs]
  • Make sure to invest in BTC every other week (swipe Taiwan dollars), exchange other earned coins for BTC from time to time, buy an additional BTC once a month and store it in a cold wallet [it should not be wrong to buy BTC at this time! ], and this time it looks like... the accumulation time should be longer! ? Is this a good thing? Can't laugh or cry 😂😅🐾.
  • Then... think about other ways to earn coins... Laughing [I think @sloth's life may have some ideas, and the sloth will return to me: the best thing I can do is spend coins ! ! ? ].

Next Q & A time <== who wants to Q & A with you, then... I'll talk to myself! 😂😂😂

Why specialize in ATOM and OSMO pledge airdrops! ?

Because I have limited funds for one small shrimp, these two evaluations have a higher CP value, and then... I am not optimistic about JUNO, but I personally don't like their operation XD, if there is a chance... Maybe later in the DEX experience article Come and write! ?

How to survive the bear market! ?

Ah just... Normal mind... If you are afraid, you can change your mood and focus on your career first, but I will continue to do what I have been doing, and of course I will take the opportunity to adjust, for example: I also Started dispersing coins in a few different DEXs, and most importantly, I didn't put life-affecting funds in them... so... so be it! ? In fact, there is a high chance of losing money. It is human nature. Think about how many people say they are optimistic and put it for a long time! ? If you don't sell it, you won't pay for it (of course... there will still be a chance of it being dumped XD), but how many people can hold it? I still remember back then... There was a stock called Wenmao, and I bought two when he was worth more than 30,000... Then, I was just short of money, so I sold it, who Know... Later... eh! ? Because I can't tell fortunes, otherwise how could I sell it! Similarly, I can't figure out where it is, if I can figure out who won't ALL IN, anyway... BTC slowly buy it!

It means that this long article... no one should read it! ?

Leave a message... What coins are you saving now [leave it if you want], the first one will get 100 BTSG [please leave your wallet address to be eligible, you can come back and delete after receiving the coins] [winners are welcome Then pledge it to Doraemon No. 1, please identify the pledge and code the logo of the big league] <-- The gift of coins is so insincere😂😂😂

Those who didn't win the prize can also leave a message to exchange, and when the price of the currency rebounds a little bit, I'll throw the coin again [ now it's tight! ].

Peace on Earth

Welcome to follow 【Cat Country】 , you can receive broadcast messages by following it! ! Small events will be held from time to time, if you want to subscribe, I have no objection! 〔〔Eh! ?

Validator Node: Coding Everyday|Coding League
My NFT works: OpenSeaakaSwap
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My personal blog: . Just go. Erica's. travel. experience. Living in the moment
Fan Page: Let's Go x Cat Traveling
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