The guy who said he was going to finish his bible came to "Suffix"

Read the book, just read the book, why advance notice?

(I originally wanted to say that I will post next week, but I have started to work. I can post it as soon as I can, and one less thing if I can. The appetizer-style "Suffix" is also over!)

 This citizen's article originally didn't attract my attention, until one day he posted an article saying "I want to read the Bible". It's kind of like a fake wenqing shouting loudly, saying to watch "Ulysses", and then it's gone (I'm talking about me). There is no end to the word of God. How do you read it?

Let's go, let's have a drink~ It's time to exercise

interview strategy

To deal with such a ruthless character as@无​, of course, is to patiently listen to him recite some of his self-righteous expertise blabla (I call it "the first half"), but his witty and pedantic storytelling, everyone goes to skate the old Wen don't you know? Why repeat it?
I mean, the interview text of the "first half" is just to coax him into saying the "second half" that I am really interested in, so I don't use this part of the little thoughts (it is not important to me), Start directly from the second half. If you are not used to the flashback method, you can skip to the appendix to make up your own mind.

Jesus performed the miracle of turning water into wine at a wedding banquet. If you had a bottle of water in front of you, what kind of wine would you like to turn into?

Beer, craft. 😀

It's a rare miracle to turn into craft beer? Is it that hard to buy?

It's not difficult, but if you have to change it into wine, of course it becomes your favorite.

Craft beer, which one?

In fact, I don't have a particular favorite brand, but recently, I bought the " Mai Gongzi" New Year's Edition version, a 1L bottle with a lot of Xiaonaofu (little tigers) on the bottle, which is very cute and delicious.

The most important thing is that it is strong enough, and one bottle is in place. The beer on the ordinary market is getting weaker and weaker, and it may not feel good to drink four or five bottles of 500ml at a time.

[2022 Chinese Zodiac Custom Edition] Qingdao Maigongzi Craft Beer 1L*8 Large Barrel White Beer FCL Spring Festival Gift Box
Wow, there are anime girls in the picture, so are you watching anime? BL? Can't think of uncle, you also have a girl's heart?

I haven't watched BL's anime, but I prefer Japanese manga. The two I've seen recently are "Attack on Titan" and "Ghost Slayer".

If you have a girl's heart, of course there is occasionally. After all, I am not a straight man of steel! A Chinese cartoon I watched when I was young, "The Legend of Nezha", there is a "Little Pig Bear" in it. It's cute and cute. I like it very much. "Like Piggy Bear. But Piggy Bear is a raccoon, not a tiger. Hahaha, I often tell my friends that my favorite animated image is it, and it is often despised. They like Shui Bingyue, Dragon Ball and so on.

This is piggy bear

So what kind of appetizers do you pair with your drinks?

There is a saying in my hometown that "drinking and not eating vegetables is equal to being a hooligan", and I like being a hooligan. I like to drink alone, I don’t eat vegetables, and I write articles while drinking. I am very slow in writing articles. I came to Matt City for more than two years and wrote nearly 400 articles, often while writing and drinking. When my head is dizzy, my writing is at my best. At that time, everything was there, inferiority complex, cowardice, all stood aside, emotions, expressing desires, and trotted forward. I am also drinking at the moment, that is, the wine with Xiaonaofu.

Sometimes I also drink whiskey, which is more economical. Occasionally drink red wine. Do not drink white wine, only drink white wine on occasions where there is nothing you can do. For example, socializing at work, or declining at some gatherings. But when I usually drink white wine, I end up switching back to beer or red wine. As a result, when I drink it, I get drunk, which is miserable.

How much alcohol do you have to drink to write an article?

That depends on how long the article was written. I used to drink about 3 degrees of beer, which is the most common type in the market. To write an article for three hours, I had to drink five or six bottles of 500ml. Later, the guilt became more and more heavy, and I was afraid that I would become an alcoholic, and I was afraid that my body would not be able to support it. Then change to craft beer of about 5 degrees, about 1L bottle, and occasionally two bottles. For whisky, maybe two glasses.

I often compare myself to Li Bai in front of my friends, hahaha, look at Li Bai, you have to be drunk before you can write poetry, and the poems you write are so heartwarming. Friends often say: Bah!

In fact, I am more curious, what are the special snacks in your local area (Chengdu)?

Walking on the streets of Chengdu, if you throw a stone at random, you can hit a plate of appetizers when it falls: hot pot, skewers, maocai, rabbit head, chicken feet, fresh fish, bobo chicken, barbecue... (30,000 words omitted here)

When I introduced Tutou to my friends from Hong Kong and Taiwan, most of them cried out in fright. But " as long as you're hard-hearted, rabbit-free is cute and delicious."
 Free Rabbit is cute and delicious Free Rabbit is cute and delicious Free Rabbit is cute and delicious Free Rabbit is cute and delicious Free Rabbit is cute and delicious Free Rabbit is cute and delicious (as long as Take it hard)  …

You must know hot pot, so do you know maocai? " Hot pot is a group of people's maocai, maocai is a person's hot pot" . Sounds a little lonely, yes. Let me show you how the lonely maocai looks like this:

As for chuanchuan, it is a hot pot that is strung together with bamboo skewers. It needs to be divided into hot pots and cold pots. The hot pot is like a hot pot, it is cooked and eaten at the same time, it looks like this:

The cold pot is cooked by the boss in a big bucket, put it in the soup, and served it to you. There is no fire. It looks like this:

As for the Bo Bo chicken, it looks like this:

Hey, why is it a bit similar to the last cold pot skewer? Like it's right. However, the specific production methods are definitely different , but I will teach you the quickest way to distinguish: the pot is cold, but the skewers are hot, and the chicken is cold.

Then again...

Okay, thank you for your introduction (suddenly can't stop), it seems that drinking and appetizers seem to be very important to you?

I just said that in fact, I prefer to drink alone, and the appetizers are deliberately said to make you drool. For me, drinking is a source of self-confidence, a booster of expression, a chronic poison...

But not particularly fond of snacks?

That's a fertilizer!

Although it's weird to ask what suffixes you like next, as usual, it's the last thing to ask.

The experience after getting drunk is really rich. I have slept on the bench by the road and on the lawn downstairs in the community, hahaha. But it's all a matter of youth, and now I can't drink it to that extent, at most I vomit. The wine is very good. When I get drunk, I vomit and sleep. I never go crazy.

Well, that young and frivolous you are a drunk man . (I think you should drink less in the next interview)

The so-called lengthy <first half>

"I want to read the Bible" mentioned that in order to better grasp the Western classics, such as "Ulysses", you began to read the Bible. What reference books did you refer to in order to understand the Bible?

In fact, I didn't refer to any reference book, and I didn't have it at hand when I wanted to read it. It took a year for a friend to send it, and I started eating it raw. I never thought that I would not be able to read it. After all, the Bible needs to be widely disseminated, and the threshold should not be too high.

In addition to wanting to consolidate the foundation of European and American literature, another important reason for wanting to read the Bible is to answer questions. For example, if a scientist believes in God, how can he convince himself. Scientific thinking is to be proved, and God obviously cannot be falsified.

I have this doubt because of the book "Does God Play Dice?" , which is about quantum mechanics. The title of the book is Einstein's doubts about the "uncertainty principle" when he faced it. It is obvious that he loved both science and God. And these two are opposites in my worldview, so I'm curious how he justifies himself.

God is "obviously" unfalsifiable. Do you think it would be more reasonable to change this sentence to say that God is "temporarily" unfalsifiable?

It feels reasonable, but I'm a little dizzy, haha. There is no way to deny the assertion that "God exists" through observation. This is called unfalsifiable in science, and if a proposition cannot be falsifiable, then it is not a scientific proposition.

Carl Sagan has an example in "The Devil's Haunted World ": Someone claimed that he had a fire-breathing dragon in his garage, and others went to look and couldn't find it. The man then said that the dragon could not be seen or touched, and so was the fire it spewed, and it had no temperature, not even an infrared thermometer. That is to say, there is no physical method to detect the existence of this dragon, and of course there is no way to prove that it does not exist.

Faith is never science, though. But there is also a possibility that the existing observation methods are not sophisticated enough, maybe many years later, like black holes. If at that time, God became a scientific problem, it would be too serious to imagine, hahaha.

As far as you know, what literary classics do you regularly quote from the Bible? Why do these classics especially like to cite allusions from the Bible and use the theme to play it?

Most European and American classics, including movies, have shadows of the Bible, more or less problems. " Ulysses ," of course, of course, Joyce's other work, " Portrait of an Artist as a Younger ," is even about religious confusion at all. In that book, there is a long description of priests using hell scenes to scare children. , almost scared me. When I read that, I thought the author must have had enough of the church.

Tolkien's " Silmarillion " is also based on the story of the "Bible". Although the book is about another world, the names of gods and people are completely irrelevant to the "Bible", but I I believe that without the Bible, there would be no Silmarillion.

And " Dune ", the savior's name is Paul. And the philosophical works of Nietzsche and Schopenhauer are even more inseparable from religion.

Literature or film and television works are based on the Bible, mainly because the Bible itself is the originator of European and American literature. Most Europeans and Americans have accepted religious teachings from birth, and they may not know one big character, but the stories of the "Bible" are definitely familiar to everyone. Just like the allusions of "Journey to the West", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and "A Dream of Red Mansions" that the Chinese may write about at any time, because they are familiar, they can easily come to them.

Thank you for ( deliberately ) introducing so many classics that I haven't seen before, what about the movies ?

There are more movies, such as "The Da Vinci Code", "Alien: Covenant", "Prince of Egypt" and so on. Even many of the works of Korean director Lee Chang-dong are reflecting on religion. Have you seen "Miryang"? A man kidnapped a child, causing the child to die. The child's mother was distraught. Later, she found comfort in church and decided to forgive the murderer. But when she went to the prison and met the man face to face, she found that the man had also converted to God, and he was very peaceful and did not feel any guilt for the death of the child, because he thought that God had forgiven him. The mother then collapsed in her faith.

Why do you think God performed so many miracles and the Israelites were still rebellious?

I think that's complicated human nature. As I understand it, the Old Testament says that Israel's rebellion happened repeatedly in every period. Although the Bible talks about a lot of the rebellion of the Israelites, in fact, everyone, including Christians, will have their own selfishness, and there will always be people who rebel against God. Arthur in "The Gadfly" was devout since childhood, but was later betrayed by his father, who was a priest, and turned his back on God since then. Although his father later became an archbishop, he had already rebelled against God, both in Arthur himself and in my heart. There are also many priests who have abused little boys in movies, even in a movie like "The Pope's Succession" that sings praises for bishops, there are also such plots. None of these people are Israelis. So I think it's possible that Israel was glorified because of the Old Testament, and it was also tied down because of the Old Testament.

Thank you for every mention of a book title or movie, I have to google it. So do you believe in miracles?

At the moment I don't think there are so-called "religious miracles", such as being hit by a car and unscathed. For believers, it is a blessing from God. But for me, that's one possible outcome of things, that's all. There are so many traffic accidents in the world every day. Some people die and some are fine. Everyone who believes in science thinks that death is a matter of probability. Those who believe in God will think that God decides everything.

You mean, let's say you have a trusted friend who comes to tell you a testimony: I was seriously ill and died, but three days later I came back to life, and you think he really didn't lie, and you really believe it Yes, but since it will really happen, then it will happen, and there is no need to name it a religious miracle? Although science is currently unable to explain?

Basically, I wouldn't believe what he said. Unless I saw it with my own eyes, and this death and life is medically proven, not by his feelings.

When you share your Bible reading experience, there are always two friends in the message area below, interacting with you as if they were chatting awkwardly. Sometimes the discussion is sometimes quite emotional. Are you old acquaintances?

In fact, I don't know the two of them privately, but I've only been in Matt City for a long time, and I'm an old acquaintance on the Internet. Moreover, these two have stirred up blood and blood in the rivers and lakes by themselves, hahaha. Maybe some people don't like them, but through my long-term observation, I feel that although everyone has different views on certain issues, they are not bad people and can communicate. Moreover, a large part of my doubts include how Christians can convince themselves of the doctrines that are obviously contrary to modern civilization. Their messages are also part of the puzzle of Christians, and I have learned a lot through them. Therefore, I still Thanks to them, as long as they are not too aggressive, especially towards third parties. Of course, I also hope that more Christians with different opinions can express their opinions at the same time.

If one day you wanted something surreal to happen, what would it be? Or if you could have superpowers, what superpowers would you like to have?

I didn't expect the surreal to happen. But when it comes to having superpowers, I hope it's "no matter what, don't get angry". And this is actually what I imagined about religion before. Religion should be able to soothe the soul and make people calm.

Jesus performed the miracle of turning water into wine at a wedding banquet. If you had a bottle of water in front of you, what kind of wine would you like to turn into?

Beer, craft. 😀

This is piggy bear

This is the cerebellum mansion (the cute saying of the little tiger)


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