I don't believe in the sky


I wrote a novel with illegal content, and invited friends to discuss it and give me some advice.

We randomly found a table in a tea restaurant, which was neither too noisy nor too quiet, so we could write more concise sentences and more detailed descriptions here.

The weather is very good today, and you can see the cloudless sky from the door.

We walked to the street talking and laughing, and were about to go our separate ways when we suddenly saw the sky change color. The clear sky that was dazzlingly blue a moment ago was suddenly covered by heavy dark clouds. When we looked up, we all knew it was about to rain heavily. Xu didn't expect it to rain today, and passers-by looked surprised.

The first raindrops fell at my feet, becoming more and more frequent. Together with the thunder and lightning, a crazy scene of The House of Dancing Water was staged. None of us brought umbrellas, so we hurriedly ran to the eaves of the nearby building, but we were still splashed by water droplets hitting us in various directions. My friend opened the door of the commercial building and we rushed in, followed by a few passers-by who were also taking shelter from the rain.

It was a slightly high-end office building. We were sitting on the sofas outside the elevator lobby, looking out of the large floor-to-ceiling windows, waiting for the rain to stop. It looked like it would be a while.

After calming down, we discovered that we had broken into a building owned by a Chinese bank. The TV hanging on the wall in the lift lobby is playing a documentary about the marginalized people of society, grassroots families, homeless people, and people with disabilities. The camera followed the host as she sent warmth to the disadvantaged groups with an official smile on her face and official condolences. A mute was sitting on a cushion under the overpass, expressionlessly listening to the host's cadence. After the host finished speaking, he nodded and made a "thank you" sign language. The host smiled and turned to leave. He suddenly looked at the camera that was about to turn away and made three quick movements with his hand——

Fist, circle, fist.


As if asking for help from me.

"What's so good about this kind of show?" my friend said with disdain. She looked down at her phone. I glanced sideways and saw that she was reading my novel. I looked up nervously, and happened to see the passers-by who had taken shelter from the rain. They all turned to look in other directions, looking up, down, left, and right, but they just didn't look at us. They were stiff and unnatural. Like a rusty CCTV lens.

The heavy rain came and went quickly, and the dark clouds outside the window quickly retreated like a stage curtain, and soon the cloudless blue sky returned. I just wanted to leave quickly, but my friend complained that the rain had evaporated and it must be as hot as hell outside.

In the end, they couldn't resist me. We went outside and felt the blazing sunshine. They sighed even louder: "With such a repetitive sky, are we not human?!"

I looked at the sky, which was so blue that it looked like artificial coloring, and muttered, "They are people, they are all people."


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