Film Review | "Van Pao De" pretends to be ruthless to protect deep feelings

All the stories of the past you want to hear are hidden in the future. In other words, all future stories are hidden in the past.

Father to Son is a brain-burning movie. The love expressed in this film is very secretive, and if you don't taste it carefully, you will doubt the arrangement and plot of the whole film.

Although this is a difficult movie to understand, some clues can be seen from the dialogue. The film depicts the helplessness, inevitability, cycle of life and the heavy and obscure father's love through the character of Van Paulde. There are many contrasts between the past and the present in this film. The previous generation and the next generation seem to have similarities or changes in their lives. The only constant is the endless cycle. "All future stories are hidden in the past." This sentence also alludes to the concept of "circularity" that Van Pauld said in Japan.

Van Baode's father left his wife and son, and Van Baode once had the idea of leaving the family. After he locked the door, he didn't really leave, but told "father" to stop here. Because Fan Baode was the one who was abandoned, he did not repeat the same mistakes and made his children suffer. Instead, he broke his wings and lived in a small village, growing up with Daqi with silent fatherly love.

where do you come from? How can you come to my house? You know, my life has changed chemically since you came, and I can't go back...

In fact, near the end of the play, what Fan Baode said to the newly born Da Qi touched my heart. He is really a very gentle father. Although he is not good at words, he is full of love for Da Qi. Even pretending to be ruthless when dying to protect affection. But Daqi knew that his father loved him, and it was precisely because of Fan Baode's ruthlessness and Daqi's understanding of his father that this movie was touching.

After the movie, I thought about the meaning of a name like Van. Van may be the child of Van Paulde and the restaurant owner Yuqin. The story of Van Baode and Yuqin is projected to the generation of Van and Nico, and the film hints at their similarities through constant alternation. There are too many similarities between Fan Baode and Van. Van's movements in the space where Fan's house is planting plants are too similar to Shen Yun and Van Baode, and even the name has a hidden mystery.

In fact, there is not much interaction between Fan Baode and Daqi in the film, but in the dialogue between Daqi and Fan Decheng, you can experience Daqi's sensitivity and consideration. Fan Baode's love for Daqi is introverted, and Daqi's love for Fan Baode is the same. It is probably the implicit and introverted behavior of Eastern society, which makes men express their love for each other not in words, but in actual behavior. Fan Baode has a deep affection for Daqi's father and son, and can also compare the relationship between Fan Baode and Van. They are clearly related by blood, but they can only be strangers in each other's lives.

In "Father to Son", there are many overlaps in the lives of Van Paulde's father, Van Paulde and Da Qi. The film uses editing techniques to suggest this cyclical relationship, but it is easy to confuse and obscure the audience. This movie may not be understood by watching it once, especially Van Baode's deep fatherly love for Daqi, and it is not as simple as the audience thinks. Love is the most important connection between people. It can be obscure, warm, silent, and unrestrained. However, love must exist, so as to connect with each other.

 Compilation of Phrases:
1. Pretending to be ruthless is the way to protect affectionate feelings.
2. In fact, I know that all stories continue after my death. Just not me anymore.
3. All the stories of the past you want to hear are hidden in the future. In other words, all future stories are hidden in the past.

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舒窈ShuYao 一個Podcaster,喜歡宅在家偶爾看看偶像劇,並告訴自己要相信愛情。夢想職業是美食家,號稱擁有靈敏的嗅覺與味覺。
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