From It's my duty to the "last generation"

From the eternal state of youth that is gone forever, back to the childhood of three or five years old, he did not hesitate to punish the "adult who made him sad" by killing himself. This has been the case for thousands of years, and for thousands of years, Nezha committed suicide.

"If you don't leave, you will be subject to administrative penalties, which will affect your three generations!"

"This is our last generation, thank you!"

The conversation resonated explosively on the Internet, like a slogan, setting off waves everywhere. I haven't seen the video of the confrontation at first, and I can probably imagine the specific picture. A young man is angry against the recent epidemic prevention measures, and finally adds a decent "thank you".

Then everyone who has been resonated has been depressed for a long time. After a few months, or three years, more than ten or twenty years, they finally vented out this sentence, so there will be "the strongest voice of the times". , "deafening", "the best natural drama of this era" and a series of descriptions. But following the label all the way to find it feels top-heavy, and the things that surround it like lace look shameful.

"The Last Generation" has received too many compliments. I don't like this kind of "moving", even to the point of boredom, as if a young person is prematurely aging or dead.

A few days ago, after May Fourth, I said that there are no young people in China, and it was fulfilled only here. From 1989, the Chinese "going to Tiananmen Square, this is my responsibility", the eternal state of youth that will never return, have returned to the childhood of three or five years old, and they will not hesitate to punish themselves by means of suicide. "It makes him sad. grown ups". It has been like this for thousands of years. For thousands of years, it has been forced to retreat. In the end, it can only end with Nezha committing suicide.

One Weibo post is to refute others who say that foreigners cannot understand the emotions in "This is our last generation" and thinks that should not be the case, and uses the topic repeatedly discussed after the protagonist in "Walking Dead" as an example, "What are we doing? Should children be brought into such a desperate world?" He sees the "last generation" as protest, as well as "love and responsibility, where individuals have the ability to make decisions for themselves, to love what they have created, and to face themselves and their future."

What makes me wonder is that everyone has begun to refute the "Nezha committed suicide" narrative and put forward a point of view that they think is more modern and free. How can they continue to praise this sentence. Both sides have repeatedly praised, saying that Nezha committed suicide, and praised those who said it was a responsibility. Can this story only end here, because this is "the strongest voice of the times"?

Of course, foreigners can't understand this emotion. Who can imagine the way the people of a country choose to fight their own government is to shout a self-cursing slogan in exasperation, we will not have children, "This is our last generation!"

I don't know if the heroine in Walking Dead ended up having a baby of her own, but I think the discussion in the show -- about "should we bring our children into such a desperate world at all", even if It is still possible to talk about this relatively "narrow" issue that is separated from the focus we are now focusing on, and the answer will not be "do what you think is right".

The movie still shared by many people is the movie "Tan Sitong" released in 1984. In the film, Tan Sitong said to his wife that the country is already dim and dark, and to have a child now is to have an extra slave and live in the darkness of tyranny, it is better not to give birth. This is a more literary expression, and judging from everyone's reaction, what we are ignited is more like a kind of "watching" literary touch.

We object to Orwell's "1984" being shut down on Douban, shouting "This is our last generation" on the Internet, using the mouse to drive away flies on the computer screen, while the real self is trapped in the flesh, At the age of 39, he was forced to return to his mother's arms by volunteers. (39-year-old Zhang from Hubei, in order to escape the forced marriage of his family, lived in Dongguan and cut off contact with his family for 14 years. Recently, a volunteer found Zhang and notified his mother after confirming his identity. After four days of searching and crying, Zhang finally decided home with mother)

If the question of whether children should be brought into such a hopeless world can be understood more broadly, I would like to answer the letter Sally Rooney had Alice write to Eileen in "A Beautiful World, Where Are You":

“People of our age, who used to get married, have children, and were in love, are now single at 30 and living with roommates they’ve never met. Traditional marriages are clearly not fit for purpose, and almost everywhere in this way or That kind of failure ends, but at least it's an effort, not a sad, fruitless foreclosure of life's possibilities. Of course, if we all stay alone, practice celibacy, and manage our Personal boundaries, many problems will be avoided. But it seems that we will also have almost nothing left to give life value. I think you will say that the old way of getting along is wrong. Yes! We do not want to repeat the old mistakes — we don’t. But when we remove what’s holding us back, what do we think to replace it? I’m not defending forced heterosexual monogamy, just saying it’s at least a way of doing things, A way to see through life. What do we have now? Instead? Nothing. We hate people for making mistakes more than we love them for doing good. So the easiest way to live is to do nothing, say nothing, and love nothing anyone."
(machine flipped, please forgive me)

I refute that "this is our last generation" is not a responsibility, and it is not worthy of such praise (it's fine to look at it as usual). It is by no means saying that having a child is a responsibility, but you should think about it before that. What do we have now.

Some literary scenes were born in reality, and "1984" no longer needs to be evaluated on Douban or in the book, because we already have a rougher reality. Ne Zha committed suicide, the last generation, the individual heroism we want to achieve, no longer needs to pass through fantasy.


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