🎃Halloween|🎃Trick or Treat|Disneyland Limited Candy

Halloween is here, yeah yeah yeah! ! ! Happy Halloween~

Halloween is here, yeah yeah yeah! ! ! Happy Halloween~

Trick or treat, tell me what special candy my daughter got this year.

That's the Disneyland limited candy! Of course, this was taken in Disneyland. The staff of the park gave each child a spoonful of candy, about four to six pieces.

candy at disneyland halloween

Open the box and eat candy!
You see, it's a candy with Mickey's head, it's in the park style, and the green color matches the Halloween atmosphere, doesn't it? ! Then imagine this: a wicked, grinning witch, holding a spoon, stirring a green magic potion in front of a large soup pot with a pile of green firewood underneath. Do you immediately think that green is very suitable for Halloween🎃? !

However, the daughter seems to dislike this green candy. When she opened the package and took out the candy, she glanced at it and said that she didn't want to eat it. I persuaded: "We waited in line for so long to get it, and Mickey Mouse's head is so cute!... Guess what green tastes like? Give it a try and tell me..." Don't all kids love candy? Am I the first mom to "advise" her daughter to eat candy?

Well, my daughter finally agreed and said she was willing to try a bite. She emphasized that it was a small bite, and the rest would be left to me. The daughter held her mouth flat, slowly picked up the candy, took a deep breath, and then took a slow bite... Why do I feel like I'm "punishing" her? It's just a bite of candy, do you need to be so exaggerated?

The daughter ate one of Mickey's "ears", and she frowned as she chewed... Emma thought, is it so bad? I asked my daughter what it tasted like? She said it was watermelon 🍉 and handed me the rest of the candy.

Because of my daughter's reaction, I also put the candy in my mouth a little worriedly and chewed it slowly. "Hey! It's a normal candy! It's not too sweet, it's easy to chew, and it tastes good!"

Emma asked her daughter how it tasted? She said ok. I said, that means it's not bad, do you want to eat one more? She said no. "Why? What do you dislike, daughter?" She said she didn't like it green...

Well, it can only be said that children in today's society are too happy, they may not be able to eat candy if they have it, and they cannot be attracted to eat if they are not good-looking.

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