Daily Love Project

This time Japanese Literary Youth and the reading BAR reading community hope that through a little bit of your words every day, we can warm this indifferent society and warm your heart.

This time @日日文青 and the reading BAR reading community hope to gently warm this indifferent society and warm your heart through a little bit of your words every day

"Missing, the farthest distance is the distance between you and me."

How long has it been since you said to another person: "I miss you or love you"? How long has it been since you enjoyed the afternoon tea time that belongs to you and him or her?

It’s up to you to write down your thoughts

Daily Love Project - Submission Activity˗ˋˏ♡ˎˊ˗

▌Activity content:

1. Submission rules:

a. Write down what you miss about him (her) and any things or scenes you miss about him (about 100-200 words), limited to love content

b. Photos: 1 to 3 photos
c. Submission method:

Please submit your article to the tag #日日爱 Planning Season 1

2. Submission time: 9/15~ 11/26 (Deadline of 12:00 noon on 11/26)

3. Bonus (ranking is based on the length of time spent reading the article)

First place: 250 likecoin
Second place: 200 likecoin
Third place: 100 likecoin

This bonus is provided by @Jeffrey , the founder of Reading BAR. Citizens and friends are invited to participate enthusiastically:)
※Read BAR&Discord ➠Please click me

You can read BAR’s DC together to share a little bit of textual tenderness that belongs to you every day.

Sponsored by| @宇昊/ Editor-in-Chief of Japanese Literature and Youth× @Jeffrey
Sponsorship| @Jeffrey/ Read BAR
Content|Daily Love Project

【Read more】
>>> About you and me/I still like you
>>> Summer love plan/for you who once loved you
>>> Summer Love Plan/Love You Love Me
>>> The Japanese editor is going to get off work|Coffee shop planning|Want to have a cup of coffee waiting for you in the afternoon on vacation?


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

羽昊 -入選小日子10周年讀者投稿/女人迷讀者投稿作家/現職/日青文字療癒放映師-寫文章和散文,喜歡用文字記錄人生與生活,著有網路小書集《療癒吧》和生活成長日記《日日聊心》,因緣際會下創辦了日青文字放映所;別人眼中的傻大哥,卻有一顆溫暖的心和笑容。
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100個人之中,有99個人會把愛情放到過期,你是其中之一嗎? 【日編聊心|愛情的保鮮期】: 如果你還愛他,一定要快看這篇

星期整聊事/ 擁抱成熟自我的第一課
