Community Activity: The shock of new knowledge


This event does not apply for community activity fund donations, the basic bonus is 20,000Like, and the 1,000Like donated by Fide. If a supporter sends a Like for this article, it will be used as an event bonus to expand the bonus pool of the current event, or bring it into the next event for use.

rule of activity:

1. The article needs to be associated with the activity, and add the label, "Shock caused by new knowledge".

2. The original content of the article is more than 1000 words, and the quoted and paraphrased content is not original content.

3. The award condition is to be recognized by 5 or more judges, and factors such as appreciation and support are not taken into consideration.

The composition of the judges:

@The Kiss of Gaia and Uranus, @Horo, @white incident, @Schwin, @PoppelYang, @Ivah, @guys , Ling Yuan

Our philosophy:

Do good things to play, change the deserted atmosphere, and discover and encourage excellent creators.

Creation theme:

The shock of ideas and values caused by the acquisition of new knowledge, the types of new knowledge are broad, such as historical bans, scientific theories, cultural differences, art criticism... You can tell your original state and the changes that new knowledge has caused to your concepts and life.

Judge's Message:

This paragraph serves as inspiration and encourages participation, and is the most valuable part of this article.


History is walking on red dust, and the era we live in will also become ruins.

Sometimes, for me, the direction of acquiring "new knowledge" is not towards the future, but towards the past. The repetition and swaying of history, the setbacks and recurrences of the fate of the times, are mercilessly written by time, and even point directly to the society in which we live.

For Ji Kang and his companions, moral discipline is nothing more than a mobile prison, and people cannot be freed under the rule of strict moral dogma and rules; if there is true virtue and wisdom in the world, it must come from private communication with Shanshui . When Zong Bing was old, he painted the famous mountains and rivers he had traveled in his life on the wall: "Playing the piano and doing exercises, I want to make all the mountains ring..."

Many centuries have passed since the era of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest. However, the discussion of social construction, the reverberation of beauty and wisdom seems to have a cycle of time, constantly swaying, so that we in the present world are facing problems that are still so similar. And the dilemma, but there are differences and differences in the method of solving the problem.

Ling Yuan initiated this essay contest. According to my superficial speculation, it may also be a deconstruction of his own footing: whose shoulders we stand on, and which historical mirror we are unknowingly becoming. How does our past shape us, how does it limit us, how does it discipline us, and where does the future go?

Looking forward to everyone's answer.

@White Happens

As a child, I read some children's books, many of which form part of my little knowledge system. In my understanding at the time, Washington had cut down a cherry tree, Newton had been smashed to the head by an apple, Galileo threw two iron balls of different sizes from the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and Edison invented the light bulb.

Later, when I entered the study of history, I slowly discovered that Washington never cut down a cherry tree as in the story, and Newton never seemed to have been hit by an apple on the head. The Leaning Tower of Pisa experiment is a famous thought experiment. The light bulb The history of it is actually not much younger than Edison's age, but Edison improved it into a practical state.

I can still remember every moment of learning these truths, the shock and shock was really impressive.

Equally impressive is the practical skills aspect. When I first joined the shooting team, the coach told me that shooting is actually a sport that uses human instinct. You can accurately point your finger at a target without any professional training, and a gun is just an extension of your arm—this The words I have used so far.

This is about the process of people's reformation, constantly breaking prejudice, seeking true knowledge, realizing self-improvement and enlightenment, and deepening understanding of oneself. This should also be the meaning of learning and progress.

Reflect yourself in the process of personal learning, and the learning process of others can also become a part of the reflection. I hope to see the changes brought by knowledge and skills from different people in the activities.

@The kiss of Gaia and Uranus

What we actually learn will become part of the self, and every shock of exposure to new knowledge, every turn on the road, every reshaping of the fullness of the self is an arrival. And every shock will leave a trace, and they will show who we are, where we came from, where we met and what happened.

These traces will become our logo. Recalling and organizing the signs can make one descend calmly in the jittery flow of information and see the shape of new possibilities.

I like to sort out what I know from the past, and I can often find a few distinct coordinates in it.

For example: when I was learning drama performance and directing, I tried to create an immersive drama for the first time, and I began to think about the connection between mobile thinking narrative, scenes and things; when I was learning the audio-visual language of movies, I understood the dynamics of character scheduling for the first time. , the psychological distance brought by different scenes, the level of light in the narrative. These "vibrations" are like magic, and since then my senses of observing the world and experiencing things have become richer and more sensitive.

There are also some vibrations and shapes that are unconscious. The drama, film and television literature and philosophy I have chosen to study have quietly shaped my way of thinking, and handed me a ladder at many critical junctures, allowing me to Take a look at a slightly higher place, and sort out the vastness and complexity of the present.

These sharp coordinates can often be wired into a map, so I don't get lost in the torrent.

If possible, I also want to look at other people's maps. There may be hidden passages between maps, which can attach new ladders to each other's cliffs, or bring new paths and coordinates.


News - Civic Education

Besides studying, what can students do?

When I was in high school, I joined the school's social practice department. The main activities of social practice included charity sales, organizing charity evenings, and volunteering at the nursing home orphanage. At that time, I classified myself as "the people" rather than "citizens", because in politics class, everyone is a "citizen", and only "good Chinese" are "the people". In political books, this "good Chinese" is a socialist laborer, a builder of the socialist cause, a patriot who supports socialism, a patriot who supports the reunification of the motherland and is committed to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The opposite of good is , there are very few citizens who are hostile elements, bad people, and should be despised - so, I subconsciously resist the concept of citizens. "Social practice" under the control of an invisible network is all I can think of, what students should do in addition to studying.

I never came across that net in high school and never realized it existed. After seeing the net, the first question also has a new answer. After I went abroad, I did an internship related to youth activism. The student activities I followed included: students asked the university to open more preparatory courses to high school students, and asked the state government to give students the right to vote (in March this year, Students gave speeches at the state Capitol in support of the proposal), asking school districts to provide free commuting in a wider area, and student support for illegal immigration. And these are just a few of the practices of civic education.

The concept of civic education is relatively large. After thinking about it, I can summarize my “new knowledge” as: re-understanding of power, and realizing that the concept of “people” is the discipline imposed by the CCP on the citizens of the country, and people who don’t do things will only obey. , but to be citizens who dare to resist established rules and fight for rights from those in power.


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