[Qudu is an artist 1] 24-hour life is arranged to paint and let the mentally handicapped taste freedom

Wake up at 7 o'clock, breakfast at 8 o'clock, muscle training at 10 o'clock, interest class at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, eat at 6 o'clock... Xu Hui has lived like this for 19 years. Living in a dormitory for the mentally handicapped, his biggest choice every day is "lunch A" or "lunch B", and other details of life follow the same schedule. Until he encountered an art course, he found a freedom to express himself by choosing colors and lines.

A navy blue jacket, a red horizontal top, gray trousers, and white sneakers with high and low feet, Ma Xuhui (44 years old) limped over. "Follow me!" Originally, he smiled like a child, pulling the reporter to visit the dormitory bedroom.

Because of the moderate mental retardation, Xu Hui's ability to take care of himself is weak, and he needs help to get up and clean up. Nineteen years ago, he was assigned a dormitory and has lived in this blue-and-white five-person bedroom ever since. Each resident has a bed and a four-story wooden cabinet with Xu Hui's mugshot on the wooden cabinet. "Pillow, quilt and slippers." Xu Hui opened one drawer after another and introduced his treasures to reporters. His bed was by the window, and occasionally a ray of sunshine came in, as warm as his smile.

Dormitory life is regular, with physical therapy, occupational therapy, and spa in the mornings; interest groups and free time in the afternoons. There is a roommate activity once a month, sometimes going for a walk, sometimes watching a movie, sometimes doing crafts. You can go home on Saturdays and Sundays, but because her mother has limited mobility, Xu Hui stayed in the dormitory. "The blade is cold, the enthusiasm is not cold, and the heart is even more sad." Luo Wen's "Little Li Feidao" and "Under the Lion Mountain" are his first famous songs.

The dormitory provides residents with choices in their daily life as much as possible, such as preparing two lunches every day, allowing them to decide their own activities as roommates. However, the residents have to be accompanied by girls when they come and go. There are not many staff in the organization. With five hours of free time every day, the residents can usually only watch TV to get by. Xu Hui, 44 years old this year, will probably die according to this rule. until...

"Actually, the time for artistic creation is much more autonomous than that of them." Li Zhenning, known as "Taxi Sir", is Xu Hui's painting tutor. A year ago, Xuhui participated in the three-year course "Love Different Arts" , organized by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and co-organized by the Department of Visual Studies of Lingnan University, for people with disabilities. Since then, he has found a freedom. "Don't force him to draw straight lines and fill in one color; he likes to be free and unrestrained, so I encourage him to be free and unrestrained." Taxi Sir always observes the characteristics of his classmates first, and then works with them to find a creative direction. The mentally handicapped person is not good at expressing himself, but we know how he sees the world from what color he chooses to draw a person and what line he uses to draw a house. Art becomes the language of students.

"Actually, they think that, even if we claim to be an artist, we can't even think about it." Taxi Sir remembered his classmate's work and couldn't help laughing. Xu Hui is also very attentive in every class, and became the monitor in the first semester. "You asked him to do the demonstration and he was willing. You asked him to do the creation on the spot and he was willing to do it. You can see that he would like to do it." Wang Jiahao, a member of the "Love Different Art" team in charge of preparing the art course ( Leo Sir) said that Xu Hui was the "big brother" in the class.

Born with weak physical coordination and inexperienced in painting, Xu Hui struggled even to control the brush. "The lines can have stylus marks, and the stylus can be used for blunt strokes." Leo Sir said with a smile. But Xu Hui has been practicing hard, "By the end of the first year, he slowly began to control the movements of his hands and draw fine details." Taxi Sir also sighed that Xu Hui's ability to absorb is very strong. From the beginning of only drawing his "Masked Superman", now Xu Hui can draw a complete sketch. Not only did he learn how to control the strength, the teacher also said that his whole person was gentle.

After class, Xu Hui returned to his arranged life, but his choice in life was no longer only meal A and meal B. The three primary colors on the color wheel will bring him into the infinite.

In the end, what is the difference between the "Love Different Arts" course Xuhui participated in and the general interest class? Pay attention to the next episode of news: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/realtime/news/20170608/56797272 .

What is mental retardation?
According to the definition of the American Association for Intellectual Disability and Development, intellectual disability refers to the slow development of brain function or the inability to develop fully as usual, making people less than their peers in terms of learning and social adaptability. In Hong Kong, the groups of intellectual disabilities are generally divided into: mild (IQ level 50-69), moderate (IQ level 25-49) and severe (IQ level 24 or below). Intellectual disability is not a disease and cannot be cured with medicine. However, people with intellectual disabilities are also capable of learning various new things, but it takes a little longer than the average person.

If you want to know more about people with intellectual disabilities, you can visit the website of Hong Chi Association: http://www.hongchi.org.hk/b5_understand.asp#

At present, the Government provides various services for people with intellectual disabilities and their carers. For details, please refer to the relevant website: https://www.gov.hk/en/residents/health/rehab/caringmentallyhandicapped.htm

Originally published at hk.news.appledaily.com on 8 June, 2017.


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