Micro Chronicle|Postmodernism Philosophy Popular Science Video Script (Pseudo)

I'm talking to myself in my online notebook, ignore me. You can turn to the end of the article if you see useless chatting~

1. Reasons for Soren Kiecko’s Escape from Marriage

00'02''00 A blank sheet of paper slowly appears from the right side of the screen.
00'06''00 White paper occupies about 70% of the screen.
00'07''00 Pause.
00'07''40 The white paper shakes gradually and violently.
00'11''00 ends.

Two, one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

00'01''50 From the bottom left of the screen, a piece of paper full of words appears slowly.
00'04''20 The right hand holding the pen in a strange posture slowly appears from the lower right corner of the screen.
00'05''40 Shake your right wrist like a master calligrapher, but keep the pen from touching the paper.
00'08''00 ends.

Three, metaphor

00'07''00 Suddenly turning on the light in a dark room. The light source is on the right rear side of the lens.
00'09''30 The shadow of the middle finger appears from right to left.
00'13''85 Shadow to the center of the frame.
00'17''15 Suddenly back to pitch black.
00'21''65 ends.

4. A Fashion Show Borrowing Buddhist Concepts

00'10''00 The screen is always aimed at the white wall, and two lines of subtitles appear:
''Miss Nonita's debole art''
''देबोले आर्टे दि सिग्नोरा नोनिता''
00'15''00 ends.

5. Pseudo-postmodernist montage art

00'00''00 Chocolate whipped cream.
00'00''67 A white woman stands in a white bathtub holding a cross.
00'01''34 Two white women eating chocolate ice cream.
00'02''01 A woman of yellow race is sitting in a dark room eating sukiyaki.
00'02''68 black background with yellow subtitles:
"A Tribute to Piero Manzoni"
00'07''11 end

6. Condillac's "Concept"

00'02''00 The screen is a tabletop. Hold a piece of white paper with obvious white dots on the left hand outside the screen, pat the paper to the left side of the table, and move your hand away.
00'05''00 A red cross appears on the screen for 1.5 seconds.
00'06''90 In the same way, slap another completely white paper on the right side of the table.
00'09''90 The right hand is in front of the table with the thumb, and a green tick will appear on the screen for 2 seconds.
00'12''15 On the screen, two big red words "Differentiation" appeared, and a bleeding effect was added.
00'17''00 ends.

7. Husserl

00'01''00 The effect of entering white text on a black background, the text content is:
"In the world, the public symbols disappear. The öffentliches Zeichen appear. Human thinking is stagnant, suspended on the appearance of things."
00'14''00 The subtitle fades out and disappears completely after 1.5 seconds.
00'17''00 The large white characters "1+1=2" appeared on the black background. After 1.5 seconds, it gradually turned red, and after 3 seconds, it turned red.
00'25''20 The light gray characters "@?@$!" gradually appear, and the color is saturated for 2 seconds before fading.
00'37''00 ends.

8. Dadaism

00'00''00 holding a painting against a white wall background.
00'04''00 It takes about 2 seconds to tear apart the painting with both hands. After the action is over, the red word "déchirer" appears on the screen and disappears after 1 second. The right hand part disappears from the screen.
00'08''00 Take a supermarket leaflet with the right hand and put it together with the left part. Ask another person to help apply hot melt glue in the middle, fill it up, and when the hot melt glue is about to drip, the film ends.

9. Modern Design

00'00''00 A blank sheet of paper is placed on the table.
00'02''00 Use a compass to draw a circle on white paper, keep drawing for one minute.
01'02''00 Blacken a part of the enclosed area with a black marker.
01'42''00 ends.

10. The source of Schleiermacher's passion

00'00''00 Black curtain background. The room was dimly lit, and there were faint pictures on the curtain.
00'03''00 Use the torch to shine on the edge of the picture, and then light the center a little bit. The more you go to the middle, the more violent the torch shakes. The picture in the middle is a bit like a duck and rabbit picture.
00'11''00 Turn off the torch.
00'14''00 Turned on the light in the room, and found that it was actually a portrait of Ah Bei.
00'18''00 ends.

Explanation that is more difficult to understand than the text

Nowadays, few people talk about the words "so boring" in their spare time. Mobile phones, small toys, pocket books, etc. can easily fill up the vacant fragmented time. One of the consequences of this is that more and more people have no way to "fantasy" something meaningful, they can only look at one and write another, whether it is feelings or analysis, the brain is more inclined to a certain object Generate a linear response, then search around for evidence for a response, and finally do a good job of disguising that gut reaction as an idea. This intuitive rationalization means that the more people's fragmented emptiness is filled with fragmented information, the less "meaning" is needed.

However, it does not mean that our generation needs to use "meaning" to satisfy ourselves. It must mean that the next generation or the next generation also needs to comfort themselves with the same things. When fragmented information evolves into a reasonable way of life , people no longer need "meaning" to fill themselves. So for those who have knowledge and can think independently, understanding will become "pure", and this purity may transcend the opposition between rationality and irrationality. But because pure understanding does not have strictly corresponding symbols, this kind of interpretation tends to fall into irrational dogmatism.

This article is an experiment, whether it is possible to use context to limit this kind of dogmatism a little bit.

But since this kind of film is already regarded as a second-hand text, there must be a certain degree of absence and asymmetry in the expression, but this is not so important. The film is originally to provide another way out for history, rather than a complete translation with visual symbols original. In fact, the complete symbol of the film also includes the original historical text, which is different from the irrational postmodernism. But here, the complete sign still cannot get rid of a certain historicism similar to ancient natural scientism, but beyond historicism here, it seems that expression and understanding can be made pure at the same time, so as to transcend the opposition between rationality and irrationality.

This kind of postmodernism is different from self-talking postmodernism, and also to some extent different from Thomas Nagel’s The view from nowhere, interpreting this stillness from a perspective beyond oneself. Arguments with rationality as the ultimate goal. Rather, it is an encyclopedic detachment based on the historical context. For the time being, I feel that this kind of "pure expression" and "pure interpretation" may be the end of the big informationization: for example, one of the characteristics is that when this era is becoming more complete, people no longer need "secrets" at the same time.

This seems to be difficult to understand. Let me make an analogy. For example, people in a small tribe can rely on brain electrical signals to communicate. If the brain signals are forced to be amplified, that is to say, what a person is thinking can be read by others at any time: Of course, this is too difficult for modern people, but if it is like this from birth, people have no way to think about things that are harmful to the interests of the community, then this kind of exchange is not terrible, just like the normal way of modern thinking One is not allowed to think insanely. In this state of complete information, what people think is "can be thought about", and there is no need for secrets. In other words, human thinking will be completely confined to the "searchable" material, which is the final form of "you can only look at one and write the other" mentioned above. At this time, people will have a common thinking, not to say that this is a collective thinking, but a common society where there is no need to distinguish between subjects. And only in this kind of society can there be a "unique" understanding of the script above.

As for whether this kind of thinking is sad or a "custom", it is a matter of perspective. After all, no one really feels sad because they are not aware of ignorance.

really useless postscript


A few days ago, I chatted with @Crosscharacter teacher, and then turned to the previous notes and sorted them out. I remember that it was less than half an hour when I wrote this note. It turned out that it took almost five hours to sort out three days... Delay my reading time...
So every time I tidy up, I am very envious of the word teacher who can write while thinking. Lu Jiang is also the kind of brain that can write directly. A few days ago, Master Chin also said that he is more used to words and ideas together, and sometimes he even gets used to words first. on ideas...
Every time I have to turn my notes into graphics, and then organize these graphics in my mind until they are about the same size before I can write a complete sentence. It’s so troublesome ○| ̄|_


Yesterday, the second-hand book that I ordered from the bookstore for more than half a year and may be out of print arrived. The bookstore found it before me. I am happy~


Dry stool recently. Here comes the present newspaper who doesn't like vegetables.


I usually don't like to interact with humans very much. Recently, I found that there are really some Asians who take the obvious self-effacing words seriously...
-_- So ordinary people are actually more willing to be bluffed. In the eyes of these people, direct selling, Cambodia, etc. are more profitable than risky things. perfect……
Humans are so troublesome~_~


When I was young, I seemed to be able to say things like how boring, but now there are very few people, and I have time to write them on weekends~


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野人學中世紀哲學,暫時還沒死的怪咖野人。正在學習如何假裝人類。 ⋯⋯ 喔幹,學不會。
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