various disturbances

The last 1 test has been unable to complete

Today, I went to the company to test for a long time. It was very fast to test the remaining 1 case before 2 pm. I feel that I can go home before 3 pm.

Unexpectedly, the PM said that he would hold a meeting and accompany the outsourcer to confirm the version of the project for next year. He thought it would be completed soon, but it turned out to be almost 4 o'clock!

After the meeting, other people called over, and asked me to help them check their equipment and unplug the network line. After a while, I could finally finish the last case.

Unexpectedly, when the test was completed, when sorting out the test results, other system manufacturers actually sent letters to argue that there was a problem with the rules that we have been online for a year.

After all, this matter has something to do with what I'm testing now, so I can't leave it alone. I have to confirm with my colleagues while sorting out the test results, and I didn't leave the company until almost 17:30.

I'm tired and I've been disturbed all the time. If I knew earlier, I could test a little faster, and then I could sneak home first 😂


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甄筱~歡迎互拍~ 生活中不能沒有故事,喜愛各種腦補、分享、閱讀
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