Matters Mutual Heating Program in Matt City | Daily Earning 1 Like Coin Program (7)

The heating project is coming to its seventh week, with a total of 57 authors, 281 new likes, a total of 1026/4055, and finally breaking through 1,000. It was really long, but it also succeeded 25% of the progress. A nonsensical project turned into a weekly series. Unexpectedly, uphold the usual style, thank the authors first, and then come to talk about right and wrong

Screenshots first, 57 authors this week, 281 new likes, thank you for your participation, there are old friends and new friends, I will follow you all, as long as there are new articles, I will help you like them, you can also follow them

Click the link to like the author, regardless of ranking:

@lessons_from_books @ 聯眾@COOKIE @THA@catfish @ 天马行空@chocolate @ 是小宝@Everyday a new experience @LemnBlackr @ MandyT @There is no internship in life @PhilipMak @Uncle Xin

@ 刘思@zongyou@catding @Esther Merlot@Chicken Feather Trivia @小Food Woman @evahe @ It's a Rabbit and a Cat @vvictor @Agnes Emotions Corner @zhenxiao@loyal to writing@time keeps passing @ 李云@小西@shuyu| Novel recommendation@journey @野@sister 鋰@Su Luofu@Cai Yanqiu @RitaShields @chuanlin @ peasant daily@volunteer grandpa@qiqi@years are quiet and good little swallows @bangnan @ Jeffery @Star Lighting @ Yao Nianguang @混@Epictetus @Elena Daily @MRbear @沙茈@read pen farming @ Miss.Erguotou @fengxiang Miles @王大王@ James's Self-Teaching AI Zone @star_hope@Open Hanging Life

Thanks to the above authors

By the way, I was quite surprised that last week's topic Weekly Diary got a response. It turns out that everyone has written the Weekly Diary. It's really the tears of the times. When I was a student, I always had some rebellious thoughts and always wanted to do this. What's the point? As far as the weekly diary is concerned, it is undoubtedly a dispensable homework. Don't I just have class this week? Do I have to report on the sixth day? However, after leaving the high school period, the university may Fortunately, you don't have to deal with homework every week, anyway, just ask for ALL PASS

Excerpted from Gaoyi Heluo Society

It's so cool that you play for four years (University). In the fourth year, you will be faced with being a soldier or continuing to study in a research institute. If you choose to go to school, you have an advisor, and if you come out to mix, you will always have to pay it back.

Every week, in addition to reporting the progress of the research to the professor, I have to do experiments every day and change the test papers... It's still a weekly diary, but the time and space background is different, and my future is at stake, so I bite the bullet and continue.. .

After graduation, when you enter the society, you still have the same fate waiting for you. You need to report your progress and be worthy of your salary, but the content of the weekly diary has also increased. The more content, the higher the quality, which represents your social economy. The higher the status, so looking back now, no one explained the importance to us in the weekly diary when we were young, and we may not understand the explanation, but as the pace of life progresses, you have to report to your life and be worthy of yourself. Life can’t be lived in vain, just like I come up every week, read everyone’s articles, and thank you for your likes. It’s the same reason.

At the end, let’s have an interaction with you. Seriously, it’s really inconvenient to eat recently. If the level 3 epidemic prevention alert is lifted, what would you most like to eat? Many people choose barbecued meat, conveyor belt sushi, etc. I, I really want to eat steak

What about you? What would you like to eat?


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