those tears of food


Since last year,
Men and I started going to the library to borrow movie DVDs to go home,
In addition to avoiding crowded places,
There are many other benefits,
Not only can you eat and drink at home,
And don't worry about missing some pictures because of going to the toilet.

Just hit pause,
Even if it is a big hero and heroine,
I also have to wait until I'm ready before I can continue the show.

And I have a projector at home.
Turn off the lights, the image of the laptop hits the white wall,
It also has a cinematic atmosphere!

When borrowing DVDs from the library,
As long as you think the title, movie photos, and cover copy are good,
I will be taken out soon.
Last time, I accidentally picked up ten,
Not like the man spent almost half an hour,
In the end, only two or three DVDs were selected.

However, I have a strange problem with watching movies,
Don't watch the trailer and video introduction.
So as not to spoil my imagination of the movie.

That's right, I'm the tough type who hates someone to explode.
Just let me know the end,
Even if the reputation is booming,
I'll be intrigued too,
I don't know if anyone is as fluffy as me? ! what!

Back to the point,
Last month, I borrowed the "Green Eating Revolution" DVD,
At first, I was just curious about the title of the film,
I just want to know more about diet,
How does it affect the body?
Just borrow it directly.

"The DVD picture is taken from the blog"

Unexpectedly, this movie is completely different from what I imagined.
It must be said that some of the scenes are really scary.
Makes me a little unbearable,
can't even look directly,
Just keep moving your eyes,
Anxiously waiting for the end of this shot.

If anyone is as curious as me,
I'm going to rent this movie.
Please remember to be mentally prepared to watch.

"The following experience has thunder, please read it carefully! 》

At the beginning of the film,
In addition to exploring the negative effects of animal protein and fat on the body,
Plant-based eaters are also invited to share about the drastic changes in their bodies during this period.

In the past, I always felt that I didn't eat meat for a day,
Protein intake may be insufficient.
So when preparing lunch and dinner,
Will cook a few pieces of meat to eat.

After watching the sharing of medical experts in the video,
It was discovered that the intake of animal protein,
Instead, it increases the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other chronic diseases.

Honestly, this argument really shocked me,
I know that the nutrition of green vegetables will bring repairing energy to the body,
But I didn't expect it at all,
I have always loved meat since I was a child.
It is the driving force behind many chronic diseases.

those corn, soybean, and wheat that are grown in large quantities,
not as a staple food for humans,
Not for the relief of the famine of African refugees,
Instead, it is the feed provided to chickens, pigs, cattle….

If these grains can make a part,
to help those who are facing food shortages,
How good would that be.

But everything is two sides of the same
If you can't feed chickens, pigs and cattle,
resulting in insufficient supply of meat,
may trigger another crisis,
Even the economy may be affected by this!

the middle of the film,
It truly presents the real picture of the feedlot and the slaughterhouse.

Watching those chickens struggling to survive in those small spaces,
I feel unbearable.
Some chicks are not very strong when they are born,
or sick,
will not be placed otherwise,
can only stay in the original environment,
Being pushed by other companions, even trampled,
In the end, I could only lie weakly on the ground,
Meet the coming of death.

Wait until the chicken doesn't move,
It soon became food for other companions,
Leaves no trace at all.
Although I understand the survival of the fittest and the elimination of the unfit,
But seeing this cruel side,
Still can't help but be shocked.

Perhaps for them,
When death is so clearly visible,
Trying to survive is the only way out.
They just don't know,
No matter how hard you try to live,
There is no escape from the day of death that people have long set.

Pigs are not much better.
pig as mother,
Imprisoned in a cage about the size of its body,
Although it is only a cage surrounded by a few iron pipes,
But moving has become a luxury.

She just got down,
So that the newborn piglets can easily drink milk.
And the group of newborn pigs,
scrambling to squeeze into mother's cage,
So as not to drink milk too late.

Some little pigs rush to rush,
Accidentally got stuck under my mother's ass,
Mom can only keep moving her body,
Trying to get the piglet out of the cage,
but still nothing helps,
The little pig was crushed to death by its mother in the end.
It's really sad to see.
Little pigs who have grown up hard,

only a few months,
And have to face the painful process of forced castration,
without pain relief,
The little pigs kept screaming in pain,
The cruel process made me unable to bear to look directly.

One of the scenes is even more shocking.
When the staff was about to catch the little pigs,
The little pigs rushed to the corner in fear,
One by one, for fear of being caught by those hands,
The moment the pig was caught,
No matter how hard you scream, you can't escape,
In the end, I was so scared that my whole body stiffened.
Even if he was put on the ground, he still dared not move.
You can see how scared the little pigs are,
Such a distressing move occurs.

Apart from chickens and pigs,
Cattle have the same experience.
Not long after the mother cow gave birth to calves,
The calves were taken away from their mothers,
The cow mother trapped in the small space,
can't go anywhere,
Can only groan in a low voice,
Try to find the whereabouts of the children.
The milk that was supposed to be for the calves,
Instead, it was given priority to humans.

And those calves,
Except for a very small number of heifers that can continue to live,
Become a dairy cow specializing in milk production in the future,
The rest of the calves will be sent to the slaughterhouse,
become human food.

I did not expect,
Milk or dairy products that often appear in life,
There is such a terrifying truth behind it.

cattle before being slaughtered,
You have to use the electric shock at the middle of the head,
There is only one chance,
Otherwise, those cows will have to go through more painful torment,
to be liberated.

It must be said that some parts of the film,
cruelly terrifying,
as if they were desperate to escape death,
fight hard,
But still can not escape the ruthless treatment of people.
When I saw pigs and cows shed tears,
Can not help but sad.

the birth of these animals,
to feed people's inexhaustible needs,
but their lives,
should be as precious as any other life,
It's just that today's people,
classify them as the food side,
That's why it's so cold-blooded!

No matter how terrified and painful they are,
Still can't change the fate of this life,
Even the last moment of life,
It was so painful to die.

Think of these habitual diets,
Let these animals be treated cruelly and cruelly,
So sad!

I'm starting to understand,
Why is the environment of animal husbandry so important,
If these animals grew up in such a bad environment,
And walked into death with such extreme pain,
I can't help but wonder,
we ate them,
Will it bring positive help to the body?
Or are we really in another form,
How about accepting all the resentments of their life?
Thinking of this, I couldn't help shaking my head,
Throw away these dreadful imaginings.

I remembered my grandpa and grandma's house when I was a child,
Raised some chickens, ducks and geese on the grass next door.
Due to the small number of
Grandpa and Grandma also only built two or three small sheds.
And there is a straw hut near the shed,
Every time you cook or take a bath,
They have to go to the straw hut to get a few bunches of straw and throw them into the stove.
To keep the fire burning longer.

Too bad I was too young at the time.
Only some fragmentary memories!
However, I still vaguely remember,
The chickens, ducks, and geese would run around on the grass,
The chickens, ducks, and geese run to the grandma only when the grandma is carrying the kitchen waste or feed at home.
and formed several circles,
Don't let grandma go.

Newborn chicks and ducklings,
Grandpa and grandma will put them in the cardboard box,
There will also be a yellow light bulb hanging in the carton to warm them,
I'll peek at them when I have something to do, they're so cute.

one more time,
When grandma was about to kill a duck or a goose,
Also very clear,
Tell the little ones to stay out of the kitchen,
When I can go into the kitchen,
Suddenly I saw the duck's head laying on the rice to bleed,
just terrified,
To be honest, for me at a young age,
But a very scary and shocking picture.

However, now that I think about it,
I don't know the flock of chickens, ducks and geese in the grandpa and grandma's house,
Will it be a little happier than the chickens, ducks and geese in those farms?

I have no idea,
These animals are also going to die,
will also become human food,
Whether the quality of the rearing environment will become the key to happiness.
But I couldn't help comforting myself,
If we can respect every life,
Maybe we can treat these animals in a kinder way!

To be honest, in the days after watching the film,
I don't dare to eat meat.
Thinking of the screams of those animals,
and those tears of pain.
It really makes me feel so guilty.

Although I can't enter the world of plant-based diet,
However, during this period,
I have started to reduce the amount of meat I eat,
and switch to plant-based protein,
After all, eat more animal protein,
It's not good for the body either.
It's also good to take this opportunity to adjust your diet.

Maybe it's been a while,
The goal of a meat meal a day,
It won't be too difficult!


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