The Garden of Eden under the transparent canopy--2. Flower cage

Work hard all day long, try to get an extra inch of space for yourself, strive for a little more advantage, and make yourself more confident to live. Sometimes money is spent, time is wasted, and even mental and physical exhaustion. I thought I had gained a lot, but in fact, I lost even more.

The door opened, and the sunlight refracted softly in.

There are very few tables and chairs in the rest room of the hospital, which are scattered and scattered; there are not many books, mainly medical journals. As far as I can understand, there are really few. I took advantage of the half-hour and an hour gap between lunch break and selected a thirty-two book on suicide research, found a secluded corner to sit down, and quickly flipped through the life of others. For life and death, some people are reluctant to let go, some people cut it hastily, and most people are waiting for the unknown. Especially at this critical juncture. In the moment of silence, I often touch on my cowardice, ashamed of lack of experience, humble status, limited cognition, and all kinds of helplessness for survival. Looking out through the large floor-to-ceiling glass windows, the eyes are full of the scenery of the small town caressed by the clouds.

The small town of Macau is very special, the land is very small, and the people are very dense.

Netizens from afar often ask me how it is possible for 700,000 people to bend their knees on a land of just over 30 square kilometers at the same time and spend a lifetime together. Each square kilometer has to accommodate more than 20,000 people, which is different from the stunt performances at the fundraising party and the standing on the same corner of ice floes as many huge polar bears. I can't respond.

In the past ten years, the small town has experienced economic take-off led by policy and ups and downs in people's livelihood affected by the epidemic.

The population has more than doubled, and gaming and entertainment infrastructure continues. Although he has always been preparing for a gorgeous turn, due to the short period of time and some human factors, the entire transformation was too late. Today's buildings in the small town are a mixture of splendor and dilapidation, new and old. The same is true for public housing. Looking at it, no matter the low-rise "Tanglou" or the high-rise "private building", many of them have installed one after another like prison-like window flower cages. Another local feature. Even if the surface area is small, it is always a situation that cannot be changed by manpower; however, adding a flower cage like a prison outside Qu’s residence is really an operation that many people outside the area find suspicious. .

At present, most clubhouse buildings and newly-built government buildings are prohibited from building hairpins to the outside. Especially after the 13-year policy was passed, strict supervision was carried out on the addition of rooftops and flower cages. Units that were found to be installed would be required to dismantle them immediately. The relevant costs shall be borne by the owner. Therefore, the buildings where flower cages have been installed are generally private buildings or government buildings with a certain age. Among them, there are tenement buildings and elevator buildings. I can understand that the government's concerns about the hairpin building are not only about the appearance of the hairpin, but the added flower cage and roof will bring hidden dangers to the safety of escape. When every window is sealed with flower cages, in the event of a fire, all escape exits from the unit outside the building will be closed. At that time, "home" will no longer be your best "safe haven" and the greatest security; There is a valve on each flower cage, and it seems that there are convenient entrances and exits for thieves, which brings hidden worries to prevent theft. Fortunately, fires and burglaries in Macau have always been low.

When the child is older, the topic of buying a house, buying a house, etc. will inevitably be mentioned when the parents are idle.

For a long time, my mother's opening remarks were always "buy a house, you need to buy a flower cage, preferably every room has a window", "because it is convenient to put things and dry, and the scenery is different", my mother kept talking. , published with confidence, as if it were the result of her lifelong research. The windows of the parents' bedroom were built with flower cages, which happened to be built before the policy was passed, and were not required to be removed. Whenever it rains and winds, it is the best choice for mothers to hang wet and dirty clothes, pile up debris, and place plants. It is also a temporary shelter for passing flying animals. Yes, the space outside the window is taking up too much, and there are too many things. It's just that the small and cramped house didn't expand because of this, but instead looked more cramped and cramped. I do not agree with my mother's great argument and her praise for the flower cage itself, and it is difficult for my family to understand.

Now that the anti-epidemic is at home, there should be some people like me who have a different feeling about the addition of the flower cage, and no longer just like it one-sidedly. Those parts of the flower cage, those load-bearing angle irons, those long canopies and bottom plates that extend outwards like life, not only cover the scenery on the street, but also cover the stars in the sky. For the petty citizens who are forced to stay at home and worry about their livelihoods, for individual eyes full of exhaustion and despair, a small ray of sky and scenery are precious sights and kingdoms. Many people think that the government and the general environment deprive them of their freedom and happiness, but it is the "cage" that they have built and are proud of that really imprisoned their freedom and happiness.

Is it inexplicably similar to life?

Work hard all day long, try to get an extra inch of space for yourself, strive for a little more advantage, and make yourself more confident to live. Sometimes money is spent, time is wasted, and even mental and physical exhaustion. I thought I had gained a lot, but in fact, I lost even more.

(Summary of the epidemic situation: The number of positive cases has increased to 299. The third national test will be conducted from 9:00 a.m. on the 27th to 6:00 p.m. on the 28th. Before going out, citizens must take a rapid test, and provide a negative upload result or photo during the national test. Press The team of Academician Zhong Nanshan suggested that due to the rapid increase in the scale of infection, it is necessary to further increase the number of checkpoints, strengthen epidemiological investigations, clean up the virus transmission chain, and put an end to the epidemic as soon as possible.)


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司湜 生長於澳門。五行缺木,命定與書紙為伍。土性,卻實際上是個水漾人。水是...... 方格子:
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