guest room

This man is a crocodile

After entering the door, he told me not to stand waiting for him, saying that standing seemed too restrained. So I sat on the dirty sofa bed at the front desk, spread my legs and leaned back casually, trying to look like a regular customer. He walked over to me talking on the phone, and pointed to a plate of boiled edamame on the table, meaning to let me eat this to relieve my boredom. I said no, and no beer.

So many people came tonight for some reason, as if the torrential rain the day before yesterday poured out all the sex and the flesh. It's only after seven o'clock in the evening, and it's not yet the best time for business. I put my legs on the sofa and lay on my side, staring at the screen of my mobile phone and looking up at the couples who came to open the room. I saw women presumably wearing halter tops—one of the straps was casually grabbed by the man—and miniskirts, some of which were so poorly made with colorful threads hanging from the seams. But it's nothing, only women pay attention to women's skirts in this kind of place, and men only think about how to take them off. I suddenly feel a little pity that I wear daily disposable contact lenses. I also worried for a while that if they were wearing the same quality panties, they would be torn apart when they moved violently. But on second thought, it's not a bad thing for the underwear to be torn on this occasion.

I put down my phone and looked up at him, and found that the big box of Durex at the counter was empty, and the last couple of men and women who came just now also took the last box of Jasperbond. I got up and walked to the front desk, leaned over on the table, pouted my butt provocatively, and teased: Business is good tonight, boss.

He hurriedly wrote down the last one, and replied, "Okay." Then we went back to the room together.

I showered in his room and put on the clean T-shirt he gave me. He had a few condoms left on his bathroom shelf, and I pocketed them when I went out and tucked them under my pillow when I went to bed.

He was still on the phone and I was waiting for him. We are going to go to the park tonight. The reason is that I saw a park in the morning that is very suitable for night running, so I asked casually: I want to see the route tonight, will you come? He said: Yes. It's that simple. After a while, I was so bored that I started to close my eyes, and his other hand played with my hair and said, "Let's go." Finally finished.

This is the second time we've gone out together since we've known each other for three months. The first time was just a simple dinner date. Since one day in June, the place where we met has been fixed on his bed. When he saw me put on his T-shirt tonight, he said: I forgot that you are so tall. He always likes to sit halfway in bed, and I like to lie on top of him, probably from the stomach to the crotch area. Going any further is provocative, and I often get caught off guard and get knocked down by a backhand. But in the future, he will still knowingly commit - who made him the only part of his body that is soft.

He walked quickly out the door. I told you to slow down, but he didn't listen, so I grabbed his shoulder and dragged him to the park. There are very few people in the park, and the lights are not on. He was hot and I was tired. When the two of them saw a bench not far from the door, they both sat down.

Next to it is an artificial lake, with thin ripples reflecting the lights of the surrounding streets. It was terribly quiet all around, I hugged the knee of one leg, thinking that this dark vibe would be perfect for a couple to kiss and do something else. But I know that even if I ask him a question like "Do you think I'm watching Das Kapital or Romance of the Three Kingdoms before going to bed tonight", it's much more natural than kissing him now.

Kisses should be reserved for true lovers, he should think so too.

We left shortly after sitting. I decided not to come here to run at night in the future, the lights are too dim to be safe.


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Ariana一部分的我散落在这里。 如果半年没回来,估计我那时已经死了。
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