Hong Kong and Taiwan vs WHO: How the WHO sings China's publicity drama

Screenshot of RTHK "The Pulse"

WHO Assistant Director-General Bruce Aylward was repeatedly questioned by a female reporter on Radio Television Hong Kong's "The Pulse" program, asking whether the WHO would reconsider Taiwan's membership regarding the effective control of the epidemic in Taiwan. The director avoided talking, saying that he "couldn't hear the question" and interrupted the video conversation. After the reporter redialed to continue the questioning, the assistant director-general praised China's good epidemic prevention work and ended the visit hastily.

The official media hurriedly jumped over the wall, denounced RTHK's use of Taiwan's independence to "touch porcelain" WHO, the female reporter's "obvious ulterior motives", and Taiwan's "use of the epidemic to seek independence" is a dead end, and then praised the WHO Assistant Director-General's hasty disconnection as "the best" hard core reaction". Looking back at the visit before and after the visit, the RTHK program cites Taiwan's remarkable achievements in fighting the epidemic and begins a question to the WHO Assistant Director-General. The reporter was calm and calm, using neutral words, daring to ask questions, and persevering, but the WHO cut off the call, avoided it nervously, and dared not even mention the word "Taiwan". Under the interpretation of the official media, the former has become a "broadcast independence", and the latter is a "hard core". It is obviously laughable and advertised as a model. It can't help but sigh the typical "Chinese logic": only ask the position, don't ask the right and wrong, the dragon door can move, Reverse black and white.

Using Taiwan's performance in this epidemic to talk about public health issues, the premise and questioning are close and important, and have nothing to do with sovereignty or even politics. How to provoke China-Taiwan relations is the so-called crime of desire, and there is no excuse.

When the word "Taiwan" cannot be mentioned, it shows how China has extended totalitarianism and put the health and life safety of 20 million people in Taiwan at the expense of it. The Taiwanese government sent letters to China and the World Health Organization as early as December to obtain information on the epidemic, and stated that there was a possibility of human-to-human transmission of the Wuhan pneumonia, but no reply was received. The epidemic subsequently broke out in China. Taiwan restricted the entry of people from the epidemic area as soon as possible, and controlled the distribution and sales of masks. The epidemic was brought under control in a timely manner. What Hong Kong and Taiwan are asking is that Taiwan found a good way to fight the epidemic when East Asian countries fell into the epidemic crisis one after another. However, because it is not a member of the WHO, it cannot give other countries experience and tips in a timely manner. How does the WHO evaluate it? Will the WHO reconsider Taiwan's membership based on public health safety?

In Ma Ying-jeou's time, Taiwan was invited by then WHO Director-General Margaret Chan to participate in the WHO as an observer with Beijing's tacit approval. At that time, why was Taiwan allowed to attend the WHO as a non-voting delegate, and why was it not seeking independence? Chinese representative Li Qiang said at the World Health Assembly on February 3 that "the so-called exclusion of Taiwan from participating in the World Health Assembly will lead to a gap in the international epidemic prevention system, and it is a lie and an excuse fabricated by the Taiwan authorities to plan to participate in the World Health Assembly." Contradictory logic, and China's manipulation of the WHO: Politics first, lazy people's life and death.

The WHO misjudged the spread and crisis of the Wuhan pneumonia, and was slow to classify the Wuhan pneumonia as an "international public health emergency." It persuaded countries not to evacuate overseas Chinese from China. Loss of credibility in the world. Taiwan has cut off the epidemic and closed its customs as soon as possible, without relying on a high degree of internal blockade, and has become the most effective and international reference place in the fight against the epidemic.

Criticisms from various countries, and there is even a petition on the Internet calling for WHO Director-General Tedros to step down, with more than 700,000 signatures in support. At a time of embattlement, Xi Jinping trusted Tedros: "You have led the WHO to be widely recognized internationally." - A statue set to directly represent the world. The international organization has become a totalitarian vassal - the World Health Organization has turned into a Chinese health organization. This drama has moved from behind the scenes to the world, so that everyone can see how the WHO has packaged China's much-criticized anti-epidemic again and again, without mentioning a word. The spread of the epidemic caused by the concealment of the Chinese government. In the words of the WHO, China declared that "the virus did not originate in China", and at the same time used the state apparatus to build momentum. "It took China two months to buy time for the world." Let the story of the epidemic, which started in China and spread to the world, be completely rewritten, so that there is no need for accountability and the root cause of the epidemic.

From the Confucius Institute to the International Criminal Police Organization and the World Health Organization, from Margaret Chan to Tedros, China has placed forces in increasingly "independent" and "international" organizations. . Tedros has praised China countless times, and this time the WHO Assistant Director-General made a fool of himself on the screen, showing that the party-state drama has been sung badly: the WHO has lost its autonomy, and there is nothing to say when seeing the politics that the mainland avoids , first draw the red line, and scramble yourself. When a dictatorship can control the world, not to mention that the island of Taiwan must be self-reliant to fight the epidemic, the world should be alert to the coming of tyrants, abnormal replaces normal, and the WHO should be disbanded in place.


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