Health comes from "a good tooth"

Chewing eating is the driving force of health
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You don't necessarily want to live a long life, but you do want to be healthy when you are alive.

Often modern people usually achieve health management by controlling their weight, paying attention to diet nutrition and ingredients, regular exercise, and regular health checks. A few days ago, when I went back to my parents' house, I saw that my father lost a lot of weight and ate less. The old man just said: I'm full, that's enough. Mom also said that he really eats very little, and his limbs are much weaker than before.

I remember watching a piece of "Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha" when I was chasing the drama, and a piece of content immediately came to my mind. In the drama, the old grandma has a toothache but is unwilling to treat it. She has lived for others her whole life, and she doesn't want to be a burden to her children. I don't know much about it. Take care of yourself and think about yourself, but the heroine who is a dentist said something that I think is very pertinent, "What should parents do to be good for their children? It is to be healthy and live a long life, take care of yourself first" In fact, our previous generation Just like the old grandmother in the play, she wants to save a little more money for her children, and she even takes care of the small things like teeth. When I saw my father, I felt very distressed. Do I suspect it could be a dental problem? After inquiring, I also said that my teeth have been treated with dentures.

Many people don't think that health has anything to do with teeth, but it actually has a big relationship.

Source: Pexels-cottonbro-6529057

Suppose you have a toothache or an unsatisfactory bite, which affects your willingness to eat, then our nutritional supplements may be reduced, and the lack of protein may cause poor muscle endurance, and the body's resistance will also be reduced, and health will start to raise the alarm, On the contrary, when we have healthy teeth, normal chewing function, and can often eat the food we like. Eating the food you like and having a great sense of satisfaction is a kind of help to your health, and you can get the nutrients we need from the food. The body can naturally absorb enough nutrients, which can provide the normal operation of the body and greatly improve performance. .

The chewing action of the teeth is good, and the chewing action will be diligent. On the other hand, it can stimulate the function of the swallowing muscle group. Doing more training of the cheek muscle group can improve the ability of the elderly to speak. Therefore, it is said that "chewing and eating" is the driving force of the source of health, and to increase this driving force is to take good care of your own dental health, which is really helpful for middle-aged and elderly people.

Health comes from a good tooth. We must start by taking good care of our teeth.


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