Procrastination most likely has to do with our emotions, not our time.

According to conventional thinking, procrastinators are considered to have time management issues and need to learn how to manage their time better. However, psychologists have found that many studies show that procrastination is most likely related to our emotions, not our time. Research shows that low mood only increases procrastination.

I’ve been busy with a lot of things recently, but in the end I found that I didn’t seem to have done anything. I didn’t even do a lot of important things. I couldn’t finish the work according to my preset time. Very bad, especially because of the epidemic, there is no master of ceremonies to preside over the work, and gradually began to live a slash life, so there are so many things to do, and each field is not very different, it is strange that life has become more colorful than before, fortunately At this time I read an article, if you have a similar situation, see if it can help you and me

emotions are at play

According to conventional thinking, procrastinators are considered to have time management issues and need to learn how to manage their time better. However, psychologists have found that many studies show that procrastination is most likely related to our emotions, not our time. Research shows that low mood only increases procrastination. When we are in a low mood, happy activities will especially attract us. For example, when we are unhappy, we especially want to play game consoles or watch a variety show that makes us happy. Everyone has different activities. of discomfort. The result, of course, is that the work that should be done is delayed, so the mood is worse, and a vicious circle is formed. I was really completely on the point, thinking of all the work I get upset and easily distracted to do other things things, forget what you have to do.

Ask yourself if you are feeling down


Next time we want to procrastinate, ask yourself this question, if I were to start working on this project now, what actions should I take to get your focus back on what to do, plus the guilt that comes with delaying On the contrary, I can feel that I can complete the delayed work faster and more concentratedly. As long as I focus on what I should do, and tell myself that maybe the delay is what I need, I will treat myself as a short vacation to recharge myself. , maybe when we delay, our heads get rid of the unhappy state, and we can come up with something constructive about our work, forgive ourselves, we are all human, and we will always struggle and blame for this problem and that problem ourselves, we all make mistakes. In the end, the emotions are relieved, and you can effectively concentrate on what you need to do.

let go

It turns out that what I have to do is to organize my emotions, instead of constantly planning a schedule for myself and then constantly procrastinating. What we all need to plan and organize may be our hearts, and then the procrastination will slowly disappear.

😲Do you agree with the above statement? Or is there a more effective method to recommend? What is your opinion on procrastination?

Finally, if you want my writing cells to grow healthily, reduce procrastination and update more, you may as well give me more support or sponsorship, I will repay everyone's kindness to me with high-quality content 😭

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