Notes|Master the Fearless 14 Lessons Students Share Summary



The author LEO BABAUTA's Fearless Learning Project has recently recruited students for the second phase, and shared the learning summary of this project. It looks interesting to me. This is a project about leadership. Most of the students participating in the course are leaders (or have the will to be leaders). Those who are interested can check it out.

Without the previous introduction and foreshadowing, I will directly translate the learning insights of these students:

  1. You can find joy in the fog of fear: "I found that fear was preventing me from finding joy in my life. I was afraid to enjoy my life today. Now, finding joy in life gives me a steady flow of energy and helps me achieve more Big goals." - Erik Schneider, creator of Cubicle Monks.
  2. Surround yourself with people who are fully engaged in your work: “It is critical to surround yourself with people because they define the state of your day. When you are surrounded by people who can fully contribute to your work, embrace the Uncertainty, you can do more difficult work with more stability.” — Aili Kuutan, creator of
  3. Seeing possibility and being willing to support it: “Be aware of a possibility that arises in the next phase of your life, develop a willingness and support for that possibility, and then make a series of courageous responses with your confident, gentle heart ."—Suraj Shah, coach, Live With Loss
  4. Expand your comfort zone, don't stop at "believing in something that's possible." Go beyond it : "The boundaries of my comfort zone have expanded. All thoughts about myself and the world's possibilities, in one I never imagined I've seen that in a deeper way, I can create profound change in a new way - how to experience life." - Amanda Goddard
  5. Transformation requires sustained effort: " Long-lasting transformation comes with deep, sustained effort. I learned this in the course. Stepping back is a very critical point, allowing concepts and practice to penetrate. I now clearly answer that question. Meaning - "How do you want to present your work?"" - Leslie Lynch, the Caregiver Coach
  6. Creation must be free from constraints "I don't actually know what to expect from this project, but I know this project has touched me deeply. It taught me that you can get out of limited actions and create what we always want The stuff that helped me lay the groundwork to overcome bigger, more meaningful challenges and move my life forward.” —Christoph Weisbrod, founder of Roots Connect outdoor nature adventures
  7. Identify the pattern from the answer and get rid of it: "The biggest one I've learned is to increase the ability to recognize patterns of self-behavior—reacting to some situations, finding root causes, cleaning up inappropriate content. As a result, I'm able to communicate with others Develop deeper relationships. What I couldn't do 3 years ago, I do today - I succeeded in making deep and important connections with the people on the project - being recognized, understood, and full of challenges. The greatest gift is I found myself." — Ann Byard, optometry business owner
  8. The wall of our imagination is wild: “ We build the wall of our own imagination. Co-creation inspires inspiration. My favorite, recurring adage: “Let the little ones approach you, don’t get in their way, because The kingdom of God belongs to these children.” — Ville Salmensuu, creator of a project to buy an island in central Helsinki, for a center for mindfulness and wellbeing
  9. Tidy up your behavioral patterns and defuse it. : "The pandemic has disrupted my life and business. I was lost for a while, but when I took part in this project, I got back on track. Leo took a series of steps to clarify our ambitions, creating A vessel in which we can begin to recognize our own ambitions. Following his approach, I was able to identify and defuse behavioral patterns that had been haunting me for years.
  10. Delivering your mission requires a clear voice : "My mission is to advance solutions to climate change. This project taught me that I can use my voice to tell my audience directly, clearly, and honestly about solutions to climate change. So , through mastermind's course, the tangible result was that I created a podcast: the Accelerate Net Zero - A library of stories and cases on how to advance solutions to climate change." — Katherine Radeka, creator of Accelerate Net Zero
  11. The embodiment of freedom: "Through the project, I planted the seeds of change that would turn into a forest. I learned how to create powerful change, how to make basic priorities for the lives I care about. I dive in and drag Getting in the depths of my story and starting to untie them one by one. For a moment, I felt completely free.” — Brittany Kamai, PhD, Astrophysicist
  12. Connecting to Gifts, Living Truely : "I'm more aware of my inner gifts, and it brings me great joy every time I share this with anyone, anywhere, and I'm so energized. You can Call me warrior, call me fearless, call me Queen D." - Diane Tuscher-Ancede, creator of joy and an upcoming musical
  13. Pause what I'm doing and look inside : "I've learned two things over the course of 6 months. Even if it's only 5 minutes, I can start doing what I love. It's totally fine. I've gotten out of the way of not being able to work for hours on end. Fear of flow stop coming. Previously, I put off many projects because I didn't think there was enough time or I couldn't start because I would lose my flow.

Another thing is that even though I know I'm doing the right thing, I still stop what I'm doing, go inside and ask myself if there are other possibilities for this. If I have questions about my belief system or find past behavioral patterns, I get rid of them and get on with my work. ” — Davor Tomic, film creator 14. We can surprise ourselves if we get rid of defense mechanisms: “I’ve been training my trainees to get rid of actions that they do to protect themselves. (Procrastination, whining, hiding, etc.) When they get out of protective behavior, I'm often shocked by their potential to do things. — Leo Babauta

 GYAML: This is the 2nd course of mastering the heart🔗. The 14 student notes are translated, like a little entity who has found his confusion in the fog. I did not participate in the course, but I also learned something. The valuable content is to gather the scattered sparks in the heart, and finally ignite.
           The 14 items shared by the students all have a premise. As the world-renowned psychologist Owen Yalong said: "The key is not to have the courage to believe, but to have the courage to change new beliefs." - without fear of change.


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