Treat your taste buds with a lunch feast

In this sultry summer, I suddenly want to eat kimchi. . . .

Suddenly craving kimchi, maybe a little spicy to help appetizers in this sultry summer. Therefore, I made a special trip to a restaurant that offers Hainanese chicken rice set menu during lunch time.

I have flown to Singapore on business before and have eaten local delicacies, one of which is Hainanese Chicken Rice. Hainanese Chicken Rice in Singapore, the chicken is tender but not chickeny.

At that time, my colleagues explained that because Singapore started in the 1990s, there were no fresh live chickens for sale, and all domestic sales were chilled chickens. So, one of the main points of all chicken cuisine is to use spices to remove or mask the snowy taste of chicken. Of course, Hainanese chicken, which is dipped in soup boiled with spices, is full of spices and is also a delicacy.

Hearty Hainanese Chicken Rice Meal

Speaking of the Hainanese chicken rice meal I ordered today, the main course of Hainanese chicken and fried rice was served with a bowl of Chinese-style old fire soup, a small bowl of kimchi and three-color sauce. Although I think kimchi should be a Korean food, it doesn't seem to match with Hainanese chicken rice, but I ordered this Hainanese chicken set because of kimchi, ha. Of course, I also like the Hainanese chicken rice from this restaurant.

The three-color sauces offered by this shop are delicious, including slightly sweet black thick soy sauce, green ginger paste, and red chutney.

Three sauces, plus kimchi, feel like a lot of ingredients, so I'll give my taste buds a little fun. Sometimes I order one kind of sauce at a time, sometimes I choose two kinds of sauces, sometimes I order three kinds of sauces together, even a piece of chicken and a piece of kimchi to eat, each time I eat it, it changes a little bit. After lunch, it is like eating a lot of delicious food, which is full of stimulation and enjoyment for the taste buds, haha.

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