Why did a peaceful person come to "Suffix"?

A major update to the game rules of Postfix

"You're about to enter an imaginary world..." an old adage that lives on.

Editor-in-Chief: Snacks

 An enthusiastic citizen asked in LS Duwen: Are there the same group of people behind "New Sexy Magazine" and "Suffix"? I responded: "Suffix is just an improvisation of my colleague Jeger's annual vacation, just playing at will." As a result, it was the start of the blue week, and I was still helping him clean up the mess. It just so happened that this mum wanted to be on "Suffix", let me explain by the way, why "New Sexy Magazine" and "Suffix" are difficult to be the same group of people. (Actually there's just a man on the verge of schizophrenia behind the scenes of "Postfix")

By the way, here is a willful announcement. Anyone who accepts an interview with "Suffix" must interview another interested author in the spirit of "first reader". If it is published in the name of "Suffix", the other interviewee will also Another author has to be interviewed, and so on. (I'm looking for a solution to get out, hopefully I'll be able to find the next step.)

This mommy, she has more than 1,000 posts. I swiped a few pages and my thumb was sore. I picked an article that has been read the most recently. I read it, but I couldn't find the subject matter. I recommend an article by myself, but I still don't feel it after reading it, and then I ask her to post an article with a "different style". How can I say it?

After reading it, all I can do is: "Yes, otherwise?" This kind of feeling. Let's chat.

(The content of the following interview has been approved by the parties @ArcherMami Tingting to publish the full text )


You like to communicate with people, but do you really have no experience arguing with people?

I have no impression of quarrel experience! It seems that getting along with people has always been quite rational. If the values are too far apart, there will be less exchanges, so there will be no quarrel.

So if you really meet irrational people, how should you deal with them?

I don't get along with this kind of person! In real life, I am very picky about friends, and I will not become friends with different values and emotions, so basically there is no interpersonal trouble, because they are all screened out!

 It's all filtered out, no wonder it can be peaceful, but the problem is that it can't be filtered out! You don't think I'm born to quarrel, do you?

Hey, if you think what I'm asking is boring, you can help make up the question, ask and answer it yourself, or if you think the question is weird, you can also say it right away.
 I'm reminding her, I'm asking strange questions on purpose, I hope she has some emotional reaction, please come and abuse me.

Then you can ask me which idol star I like? Otherwise, our conversation is so serious!

 Do you want to keep talking about this topic with your daughter? I am Wen Qingzhi. Serious conversation? But the reality is like this, you think your colleagues are vulgar, and your colleagues say they want to vomit when they see you.

The type I like is like Zhang Xiaoquan and Wang Bojie, they are still good friends😍

 Do you think I would want to care about your girly heart? Do you want a calendar of firefighters? Buy it yourself

So what would you do if they collapsed like Hong Hong?

No way! Just replace it now! I'm a Sagittarius! How can you cry, make trouble and hang yourself? It's faster to replace it directly!

 That's right, isn't it? Makes me feel like an idiot asking some stupid question.

I almost forgot that this is Wen Qingzhi, so do you think you are Wen Qing?

If it is Wen Qing who likes to read books, then I must be! There is also Wenqing Coffee Shop, which used to love to fake breaking up when I was young and pretend to be very temperamental!

 I can't even fake it when I meet Wenqing, and I don't bother to ask her what books she reads on weekdays. I'm in the wrong place. I would have forgotten to ask her what suffixes she likes in advance.

May I ask why you want to come to "Suffix"? (in the end?)

I saw Chin's visit and found it interesting and was curious what you would write about me?

 What you mean is clearly: "My mother won't let you have the opportunity to write about me." No wonder you give me Tai Chi when I ask anything, wanting to see what new tricks the old cat can conjure up.

So you don't have people you don't like at work?

I don't like anyone! I always feel that I may not agree with this person's ideas and practices, but I will not hate him. Everyone is living in peace. Don't deliberately touch each other's sensitive bottom line, just respect each other! Of course, if someone deliberately wants to step on the line, they will definitely fight back, but I still don't hate each other! I'm a very matter-of-fact person, and maybe I won't be hostile to others, so I've never encountered people who were really unfriendly to me.

How will you fight back? (curious)

Direct verbal counterattack, I am very good at this, usually the other party will be spit out speechless! For example, have you ever been asked when will you get married? My answer is that I want to hold a fundraising dinner. How much do you want to donate? The other party shut up immediately XDDD

 The topic finally has a glimmer of light. My black swan, I have spoken to each other several times. Everyone should see it. The first sentence is: "You like to communicate with people, but do you really have no experience in quarreling with people?" In fact, it is far from the beginning. I thought that typing with a cat palm pad would prevent my hands from getting sore.

This is awesome! Let's make a practical reply, 10 sentences, can it be done?
 I finally found something to encourage her, oh hello, my meow, an hour has passed, and I seem to have lost a year of life

Wow! Quite a challenge! You can try it out, like you can sell me stuff or something.

Then please design a few situations, and then demonstrate how to respond. Please write back the quotes, try to be as specific as possible, thank you

It turns out that the "returning quotes" is that I have to ask myself and answer it myself? Hahaha

 Yeah, what else? I didn't expect that the dumbfounded cat is really not covered, think I'm not tired enough? You've been playing to your brains out, my mommy!

Okay, that's it for today, then talk about what comes to mind. Do you have any questions to ask?

I want to ask are you a girl?

I am a cat! ! !
 (Millisecond flash answer) It's rare to tell the truth that it can be so cool!

(Huh? Send me a reply quote in ten minutes)

 It turned out to be unfamiliar with the interviewee, so I couldn't ask about their strong strengths. I'm sorry, but I also teased you (kindly) with a mysterious voice. However, you should not be angry if you are peaceful!

Let's appreciate the "Elegant Reply Quotations" taught by the temperamental mommy (I dug very hard):

Bank customer service: "Hello, Miss, because you are a VIP of the bank's wealth management, there is a product with a high interest rate that I would like to recommend to you..."

Me: "40% in a year? If not, don't say it! Thank you!"

Bank customer service: “…………….”

Bank customer service: "Hello, Miss, do you need loan service?"

Me: "If you don't have to pay it back, I'll take the loan right away!"

Bank customer service: “…………….”

Insurance clerk: "Hello, miss, our savings insurance is currently only 3,000 yuan a month, and we can get back the principal plus interest in six years..."

Me: "This interest rate is too low, I'd rather invest it myself!"

Insurance clerk: "But investment is risky and you may lose money, but our savings insurance is principal guaranteed!"

Me: "Even if I lose everything, I can still take the risk! Or is it better for me to spend it myself than to tie the money to you for six years?!"

Insurance salesperson: "......"

Insurance clerk: "On this policy, you only need to drink one less cup of coffee a day. Don't you even have the money?"

Me: "No! I really don't have the money!"

Insurance salesperson: "......"

Direct salesperson: "Hello, Miss, is it convenient for you to join this app?"

Me: "Thank you! I need to join again."

Direct salesperson: "Why don't you leave me the information first, and I'll help you join our line group?"

Me: "Thank you! I need to join again."

Direct salesperson: "You didn't leave me the information, how can I contact you?"

Me: "I'll never need it!"

Direct salesperson: "..."

Afraid that everyone would smirk until they fell asleep, and messed up a picture of a very fraudulent beauty:

LS homepage that is very suitable for fishing firefighters

And the beautiful woman in the picture is explaining to you how to retort the white-eyed person. The whole picture and text are matched together, isn't it very Porn! (Pro?)

 Come on, everybody! The talkback is almost over!

Gossip colleague: "Who was that man just now? Is that your boyfriend?"

Me: "What? Which one are you talking about? I have ten boyfriends, I don't know who you are talking about?"

Gossip colleagues: "..."

Gossip colleague: "The guy who just came to see you is very handsome! Is that your boyfriend?"

Me: "Why do you think I like boys? Actually I like girls, don't you know?"

Gossip colleague: "When are you getting married?"

Me: "I have no money, so I decided to hold a fundraising dinner. How much do you want to donate?"

Gossip colleagues: "..."

Gossip colleague: "Look at that so-and-so from another department, why is he still so fat after giving birth?"

Me: "It's better than someone getting fat without having a baby?!"

(The gossip colleague can't hear it at all, it's insinuating her XDD)

Gossip colleague: "Look at that who is in the fifty-five ratio!"

Me: "At least they are married and have children!"

(The gossip colleague still can't hear that she is insinuating that she is a lot older and has never had a boyfriend at all)

 I don't know if everyone has a peaceful look after reading it? "......"

Postscript: Remember this perimeter ?

Interviewing shooter Mommy Tingting is like trying to tell the other person's private affairs from the mouth of a psychologist. Sitting "opposite" to an expert will not work, it is better to sit "beside the expert" and see how others tell others. .

 But why would a psychologist put those pictures? (Just to keep you guessing)

Postscript of the postscript:

Seriously, I’m almost tired of acting as a snack. I’ll give you a week’s notice before @ 不 will come to “Suffix”. He is a powerful storyteller, and he probably won’t give me any chance to see the needle. Please look forward to it.

Start work, everyone wake up and face reality.

Don't vote if you haven't submitted a manuscript yet. You will have the opportunity to transform it into a community event in the future. Come and join us! ! ! ! ! ! 🙏🙏🙏


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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Jeger《後綴》假掰文青誌,關注身為「第一讀者」的精神,獻給Matters的一頁式文青......(Jeger是幻想自己是主編的人) 聯絡:pdfonline15@gmail.com
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