Fiscal Issues of UBI Basic Income

In response to "VoiceOfDarkness" post: Black Mouth - Unconditional Basic Income - Black Voice (@VoiceOfDarkness)

Responding to "VoiceOfDarkness"'s post - Unconditional Basic Income - Black Voice (@VoiceOfDarkness)

Hello, I am running a "Basic Income" essay call, and I will also search for past essay support.

Although your article is critical of UBI's policy, the comment is very pertinent and speaks to UBI's predicament. I would like to respond to a few points:

1. Indeed, it is impossible to implement UBI without tax increases. It is indeed a fantasy to talk about UBI based on the current financial situation in Taiwan. We can be optimistic but cannot ignore the reality. The monthly 7,000 yuan you mentioned is "basic" enough. The Taiwan UBI Association's version is 12,000 yuan for adults and 6,000 yuan for children. The financial gap is even greater. According to the association's estimate, 29% is achievable with a single tax rate. You said, if you want to pay 29% tax and give you a basic income of 12,000 yuan per month, do you want it? 29% is considered a high tax rate in Taiwan, but it is not unbearable; if it can get the support of the majority, it is not necessarily a fantasy. Of course, the tax increase itself is not a really difficult problem, but the impact on the economy after the tax increase is the reason why it is difficult to implement, which requires a lot of policy and technical considerations.

2. As for the issue of "labor force", UBI was brought up at this time, in fact, it was to deal with the issue of "future"; because AI will replace manpower in large numbers in the future, which can cause a serious wave of unemployment, UBI is "pre-planned" to propose the possibility The solution, of course, takes time and the efforts of many people, and more importantly, the pressure of "time". Of course, it cannot be implemented immediately, but we must start planning, otherwise, the society will have to pay a higher price in a hurry.

I've written so much, so I'll just post a response, I hope more people will see it.


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寓森精神科醫師,喜歡思考與寫作,愛好騎單車;主要關注「自戀」與「無條件基本收入」的主題。目前沉浸在「拉康」中... 個人臉書專頁「納西斯花園」,個人網站 「自戀筆記」
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