"Original Novel" Back to Eden - Chapter 3 (1)

Dai Qi's identity was slowly revealed, and the lost memory was slowly awakened.

"Are you from 'Mustard'?" Biao looked at Dai Qi in surprise, but she nodded in response. "It's no wonder that you are not recognized offline. It is basically impossible for the guys in the center to let others know of your existence."

"Then how did you know?" Dai Qi asked, although she seemed to have guessed the answer long ago.

Sure enough, the watch hummed. "Without any bargaining chip, how could they have tolerated us until now."

"Ah, was it originally meant to threaten others?"

"Ouch! Why is it so ugly?" Li stuck out his tongue, leaned against the back of the chair, wrapped his fingers around his slightly curly black hair, and said an unconvincing rebuttal. "We're just fighting for our rights!"

Dai Qi shrugged noncommittally.

Watch picked up the shawl, stared a little at the gold embroidery on it, and rummaged through the rest of the shawl, as if hoping to find something else. Suddenly the watch stopped rummaging and found a mezzanine on the back of the embroidery, from which he poured out half a coin.

"...Ri, do you remember someone from the mustard family once came to us?"

"Ah - you mean 'that' guy?"

"Appeared with a coin from the Mustard family and said, 'I will need your help in the future', and then I haven't shown up for more than ten years."

"That's right! I remember his name was Dai Li."

Watch picked up the coin and looked at it carefully, "At the beginning, we each held half a coin as proof of the contract."

Suddenly, the watch turned out the other half of the coin from nowhere, aligned their gaps, moved closer, and after a time short enough to clench the palms of their hands, they reappeared as one. It was a gold-copper coin with the same pattern as the shawl - a tree.

"It looks like it's him." Watch looked away from the coin, but saw Dai Qi staring at the coin on watch with a very surprised and frightened expression. "What's wrong?"

"Together...together!" Dai Qi finally closed his chin and squeezed out these words.

"Oh! What did you say?" Watch turned his eyes back to his hands again, "It's nothing, it's just a trick."

"Don't you know? Watch is the magician in the 'troupe'!" Li interrupted with a smug look, as if the most popular magician was actually himself. "Otherwise, where do you think his lip service came from?" Li immediately received a look from the watch, and coldly wrote down an account.

"Magician? Aren't you just in charge of negotiation?" Dai Qi turned inward, "Then what are you? Beast trainer?"

"Ah—something like that kind of thing..."

Dai Qi was speechless. It turned out that the rule of not eating for free in the "troupe" also applies to the two heads of the group.

"Do you know Dai Li?" Watch put away the coin and returned the shawl to Dai Qi.

"Uh...I don't know." Dai Qi was a little tired of thinking about what to do. She always felt that she remembered too many things today; but she also knew that if something important was going to happen, time would not wait for her. . Dai Qi tried to provide some useful information, although she was well aware that her almost empty memory was of little help.

At this time, there was a melodious sound of music outside, and it seemed that someone had ordered a song to the performer.

It was a rain song. Each short stroke of the dulcimer is like one or two drops of water at the beginning of the rain, accompanied by the sound of sand bells, as if the rain fell suddenly.

Tick-tock, crash-.

The music was interrupted by the sound of rain outside the tent.

Dai Qi tilted his head and asked, "What happened?"

"It's raining."


She didn't understand, because Dai Qi had never had a drop of water fall from the sky since he was a child. She opened the tent door and put her hand out, letting the raindrops bounce off her palm.

"This water is rain?"

One day when Dai Qi was five years old, the man she called "uncle" sat in the courtyard, looking at the bright and clean sky.

"I almost forgot what a rainy day looks like." Uncle lay down lazily, but his eyes didn't leave the sky for a second, as if looking at it like this, water would drip.

Little Dai Qi walked over to the top of his uncle's head and lowered his little head.

"What is a rainy day?" she asked.

"A rainy day is a day when a pile of water falls from the sky and you can't go out and play."

Little Dai Qi tilted his head. "What a nasty day."

"Yeah, what a nasty day." Uncle turned over and gently held Xiao Dai Qi's hand. "But after the rain, there will be a beautiful rainbow!"

The man's voice echoed in her ears, gradually changing into an anxious urging. Memories appeared in front of Dai Qi one by one like slides, and then she remembered that someone broke into the house in the branch that day.

Dai Qi suddenly woke up from her trance, and she turned to look at Lihebiao.

"What's wrong?"

"My uncle called me here! He's still inside!"

Watch raised an eyebrow, maybe as he guessed...

"Someone invaded, and then I heard screams outside..."

"Okay, calm down." Li held Dai Qi's shoulders and tried to comfort her, but Dai Qi grabbed Li's upper arm instead.

"Go back to him quickly! Please! He needs you now!"

"You've been out for a month."

The reminder in the book quenched Dai Qi's urgency and hope. She fell to the ground like a loose doll. She couldn't believe that she would forget these things. She spent a month happily in the "troupe", but left her uncle whose life and death were unknown.

"I should have remembered it sooner, it's my fault."

Biao squatted in front of Dai Qi and lightly pressed her hand on her shoulder.

"It's not your fault, Dai Qi, no one is more worried about his condition than you."

Biao's face showed a rare smile without any sarcasm. It was not the kind of fake smile during the negotiation, but the kind of smile that really made Dai Qi feel warm.

"Although it's a month late, we have an agreement with Dai Li and we will definitely abide by it."

"The most important thing now is to find that old man quickly!" Li also showed the kind of smile he had always had the effect of healing the soul.

Dai Qi knew that these words would not make her feel any less guilty, but at least she was able to cheer up and take action; in Dai Qi's awakening memory, mixed with all the joys and sorrows, little Dai Qi could There has always been a small wish - "Maybe to have a friend.".

"After the rain, there will be a beautiful rainbow!" She remembered what her uncle said.

Dai Qi knew that her little wish was being doubled.


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《原創小說》回到伊甸Back to Eden-第四章(3)