walk in the moment


At the beginning of last week, it was the beginning of autumn on the 24th solar term. According to the elders, it has begun to enter autumn, but the weather report and body temperature cannot deceive people. The high temperature is still above 30 degrees Celsius every day. . For people who work outdoors for a long time, they must feel more deeply.

In recent years, the rise of platform food delivery services, coupled with the anti-epidemic policy of "staying at home and going out less", has increased the demand for food delivery, and more and more people are working as drivers in this industry. The nature of the work seems to be simple, but it is not easy to cope with. The hot motorcycle exhaust pipe is sandwiched under the feet, and the blazing sun is on the head. Sticking to the speed while trying to keep the food "safe and sound" is indeed a hard and technical job. Although the ultimate purpose of hard work is to earn a reward, but at the same time, it is also to provide services to satisfy the appetite of diners in a timely manner, which is great and worthy of appreciation. Therefore, no matter the time of delivery is sooner or later, Or if there is any soup or juice in the bag, please don't be stingy: "It's not worth it, it's hard work!"

The same about manual labor, there is a short film I saw earlier, the filming location is Chongqing. A coolie who distributes bottled drinking water is pulling a cart of bottled water and striding uphill with difficulty. Chongqing is a mountain city built on many mountains. The average altitude is 400 meters and the terrain varies greatly. It is the "city of mountains and rivers that never sleeps", and it is also the first of the famous furnace cities. It is normal. It is very good to live there and have a good view. There are buildings under the road, buildings above the road, buildings above the buildings, and buildings above the stacked buildings. Visual fatigue. But when it comes to working as a labor force in the city, it is extremely painful.

In the short video, the worker is struggling to walk on the uphill road that has been burned to the point of being deformed. On the sidewalk next to it is a father with two children. Seeing this, he immediately handed the cold "wastewater" to the children. Step out of the fence and help push the load from behind. The workers felt a sudden light on their shoulders, and they were startled at first, but later they found out that they were helping people, so they continued to move forward silently. They did not say thank you or wave goodbye, but exchanged understanding glances with each other. "Thank you", "You're welcome".

Many people left comments after the viewing, and wrote compliments such as "Dad did a good job as a teacher" or "Ah, this citizen is really kind and helpful." Mostly other things. If this is an inspirational movie, the theme of the movie is to be enthusiastic and helpful, and the enthusiastic person will often become the protagonist. However, in real life, the real protagonist is not someone else. workers. The help of others may only have a short period of time, and you will leave at once, but you still have to keep pulling down the heavy burden you bear. This is the "today's work" that must be completed, and the "today's work" that must be completed. journey". No frustration, no complaints, no cursing (at least at work), the water delivery workers focus on climbing the slopes, bowing their heads and pushing forward, daring to accept the ordeal brought about by work or for a living, and may be able to achieve more in the future A good self, this attitude, perseverance and determination to take responsibility is more worthy of recognition.

If this happened in Macau, the message under the video might also be different. It might be asking the authorities to use public funds to build a moving walkway on the ramp, or it might be unacceptable for young people to take on hard work, or it might be an enthusiastic People have launched motions asking the government to provide financial aid, provide matching job vacancies, and so on. It is an old saying that "no position is high or low, but people want to be high", and it is the king's way to suggest how to "go against the slope" when the epidemic is rampant, the economy is sluggish, and employment is difficult. Although the residents who were born and raised in the small town have not yet compromised to the point of being overwhelmed, there are already many people who are indignant that the salary and types of work are not as good as before or not as ideal. Ask yourself, today we find that we have no skills and experience points. There are 10,000 outlaws who can be our own incarnations. People are superfluous. Is this the fault of the disease, the fault of the society, or the inducement in the beginning. Do you just want to be rich and prosperous, but don’t want to carry the self that has been learned and honed, such as “water bottle” and “cart”? A small town is no longer a blessed lotus land that will always be sheltered and safe from disasters, and it is not a place where you can get wealth and wealth easily. Ubang Paradise, and take advantage of this opportunity to overthrow and start again, make a good second plan for life. Think about how to strengthen yourself, show your advantages, and be the best preparation for climbing the peak tree flag with a better attitude. It seems much more important to take the road of the present than to pursue the future or live in the glory of the past.


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司湜 生長於澳門。五行缺木,命定與書紙為伍。土性,卻實際上是個水漾人。水是...... 方格子:https://vocus.cc/salon/wilhelmina
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