A family returning to Taiwan from "Run" in Shanghai: One year later, I still haven't forgotten the fear of closing the city

轉角國際 udn Global
Anti-epidemic personnel in Shanghai entered a closed building, preparing to conduct nucleic acid tests for residents. The photo was taken on August 12, 2021, not the party involved in this article. Photo / Associated Press

Note: This article was written on April 3, 2023

"2022 is an indelible wound for Shanghai, and it is also for the people living in this city."

Looking back at the end of March and the beginning of April last year, the Shanghai municipal government announced the implementation of "global static management". . In the face of the sudden and severe measures, the functions of the entire city have come to a standstill, and even because of the strict management methods, many "inhuman" incidents have been caused in various places. During this period, many Shanghai citizens have posted records on the Internet. It was also silenced by officials.

Xiaodao and Zhiling are a Taiwanese couple. They have lived in Shanghai for more than 8 years. Both of them went to Shanghai in 2014. They met in Shanghai. Starting from scratch, they accumulated a new circle of work and friendship in Shanghai. That married and started a business, from a single state to a joint family, raising two children.

Originally they expected to continue to work hard in Shanghai, but after the closure of Shanghai last year, everything changed. They changed their original plan and moved back to Taiwan ahead of schedule. The following is the first-person oral story of Xiaodao and Zhiling...

​For the full text, please refer to: " A Family Returning to Taiwan from Shanghai "Run": One year later, I still haven't forgotten the fear of closing the city"

Or listen to the Podcast: "First Hand Stories"

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