Read Bigen|Protect your eyes, how to turn off the lights for Matters?

Let's help Matt City "turn off the lights" to save electricity and love the earth (?).

Many apps have a Dark Mode design .

There are websites too, but not as popular. Today, I want to introduce a browser plug-in called "Dark Reader", which allows you to read Matt City in "Lights Off" mode.

Note: These kinds of widgets are collected in the #bookspottools tag and are being updated continuously.

Dark Reader

■ Dark Reader

✅Download and install

The project that develops Dark Reader caters to a wide variety of browser users. In other words, not only Chrome users can experience its charm, even mobile phone users are greeted (Android cry). Attached are the various download sources that have been sorted out:

Computer ◍ Chrome Online App Store (a plugin for Chrome browser).
◍Official website (special plugin for Safari, Firefox, Edge browser).

Mobile phones, tablets ◍ App Store (for iPhone/iPad, paid software).

✅ Operating Instructions

Here is an example of the Chrome browser.

After the installation is complete, you may wish to find Dark Reader from the "Puzzle" in the upper right corner and "pin it". From then on, it will turn into a small icon (icon) and reside in the upper right corner of the browser. Please click it now.

The next step is simple, you can figure it out with a little play.

When you simply want to be a reader, you can activate the "enable" button and immerse yourself in a certain immersive atmosphere - there are two modes of "dark" and "light" - and then "disable" when you want to withdraw "plugin.

dark mode
light mode

Light mode, which I dubbed Gray Mode, is my favorite (laughs).

Let's help Matt City "turn off the lights" to save electricity and love the earth (?).

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