Practice "Atomic Habits"

Self Growth, Learning, Mindset Change, Atomic Habits

In the articles I have shared so far, I often mention the word "learning". Learning is easy to define. It can be the exploration of any unfamiliar field, or it can be a more in-depth discussion and study of familiar fields. However, learning is also difficult to define, because it can be any concept, field, knowledge, skill, even movement posture, etc. It covers a wide range and can be said to be omnipresent. But it is undeniable that we are learning almost all the time, so I think the word "learning" should be paid more attention because it can be seen everywhere. If we can focus on learning, focus on investing in ourselves, and learn the various ways that we are interested in and help ourselves grow, I fully believe that as long as we accumulate and persevere for a long time, the reserve energy for future learning will eventually be restored. Can bring us a different life. Even if there is no freedom of wealth, at least the heart is firmer, the life is more fulfilling, and the heart is richer. After all, not everyone regards money as the ultimate goal of life. And I also mentioned in one of the articles that in today's era of all the information at your fingertips, your "attention" is our most valuable asset, so control your attention and your surroundings Creating an atmosphere where we can learn at any time is also an important part of helping us step out of learning and control our own direction.


In the early days of my first reading, I read a book that has been on the bestseller list for a long time, Atomic Habits by James Clear. At that time, I didn't know much about the power of reading, and I always felt that this type of book was "touted" by people as a life-changing book, and I held a skeptical attitude. This book, however, was the one that struck me as a shocker (enough of a twist on the clichés). I still use some of these tips to control my focus and the direction I'm going. Today I will share what I am most impressed with, and I still list him as one of the most important tips for "changing the iron law of self": shaping the environment . The author believes that most of people's habits are influenced by the environment, sometimes not at all. The author also gives a very simple and easy-to-understand example. If a person who wants to lose weight is left in a room full of snacks, the chances of this person losing weight will be very small, even if the person can still rely on the remaining willpower and determination. Weight loss is successful, but the external "environment" will have an almost decisive influence on habit formation. I resonate deeply with this concept, because I used to be intermittent because of the exercise habit of fitness, and I often made up my mind but ended up in haste. Therefore, on this stumbling road, I also began to slowly learn to shape the environment. I started to get up in the morning to lay quilts, organize the desk, clean the room, organize the calendar, arrange the itinerary in advance, and write down my short and medium-term goals every day, etc. . Unexpectedly, I started to focus more on my studies and work, more efficient time management, and regular sleep and movement. These are all thanks to the "environment" I create. I study every day because my room is clean and tidy, I can concentrate more when I study, and I don't get distracted by a messy desk. These are the huge effects on the whole person caused by defeating my tiny "atomic" habits. This is not only a good exercise habit of fitness, but also a lot of behaviors and rest, which are incidentally affected by the environment. Therefore, it can be seen that the environment is a factor that can really impact a person's living habits and quality to a great extent. It can be negative or change direction to make it a positive factor that promotes one's life.


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布布萊恩加州大學爾灣分校(UCI) 分享內容包含:自我成長相關、留學經驗、健身及飲食調配、生活經驗、投資理財好書推薦分享等等。希望藉此平台達到分享交流目的。
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