Mid-term review of community activities|Extended thinking after the reading meeting of "Blockchain Sociology", 14 questions

The 14 questions are extended thinking after the reading meeting, and can be used as a direction for writing; from now until August 31, 2022, everyone can participate in the distribution of bonuses!

Inheriting the feeling after reading "Blockchain Sociology"|Ama Online Workshop╳【🎇. Cryptocurrency] Incentive Proposal for the Call for Papers , the "Everyone Award" is designed for all Matters citizens.

If you are still unsure about what to write, the project team (Ama Online Workshop) has carefully organized 14 questions for everyone, which are extended thinking after the reading meeting. direction!

What should I write about my reading experience?

■ Review of Call for Papers

  • Call for papers : From now until 23:59 on August 31, 2022 (Dongba District).
  • Theme of the call for papers: After reading "Blockchain Sociology" (reading and listening).
 [Note] Whether it is actually "reading" the book, or "listening" to the storyteller's explanation, it's OK! You can also use the 14 questions as the writing direction, which will be discussed in detail later.
  • Word limit : 1000 words or more (subject to the official statement of the city of Matt).
  • Three submissions :
    ① Associated with the activity text of the "Blockchain Sociology" reading club .
    ② Put the hashtag #AMAOnlineWorkshop .
    ③ Share. After it was published on Matters.news, the author himself reprinted the article on Matters Discord【 🎇. The August exclusive thread in the Cryptocurrency ] channel.

■ Everyone Award Review

This event applies for 20,000 LikeCoin + USDT equivalent to 333 HKD from the Matters Discord driver fee ( announcement method ).

 [Note] Students who meet certain conditions (early bird + task completion) can write off the registration fee.

The balance forms the [Remaining Bonus Pool] for the distribution of everyone's prizes, which is based on an equal distribution system.

■ 14 questions, extended thinking after the reading meeting

In addition to being used as a direction for writing, if you want to communicate with these questions in real time, welcome to Matters Discord【 🎇. Cryptocurrency ] channel discussion!

1. What makes you want to learn and understand blockchain?

2. In the blockchain world, what is the biggest learning resistance (obstacle) for you?

3. Do you think the "creation value" of LikeCoin, in which the "price" is based on the current development status:
A) Is it both value and price?
B) Or is one of them underrated?
C) Or is there only one of them?
D) or something else?

4. In your opinion, what kind of data is suitable for using blockchain storage?

5. In your opinion, what is the basis of trust?

6. Share the Token projects you have participated in?

7. What kind of multiple pricing system do you need in your professional field or in your daily life?

8. User experience sharing of Web3 ecology:
◍ Where are you having difficulty or trouble?
◍ What do you find interesting?

9. In what contexts is self-identity important?

10. Tell me, what do you think about DAO?

11. What is your opinion on stablecoins?

12. What does the blockchain republic look like in your imagination?

13. What do you think is wrong with the modern representative democratic mechanism?

14. How to achieve democracy on the blockchain?

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