The idol of an idol is a god stick——The Mystery of Erwen Turning into 50 Mao

Erwen degenerates into fifty cents. If she really just believes in the wrong religion, there may be a possibility of turning back to see how deeply she is poisoned; but if she degenerates for money, fame and fortune (after all, her religion is also the "God of Wealth"), Then she's just pretending to be asleep, and we'll never wake her up.
Lai Jinqiang, the master of the Xuanwu God of Wealth, took a group photo with his disciples. The far right is his proudest disciple, Lin Erwen.

Have you ever had such a friend by your side? After becoming a religious person, my temperament has changed drastically, and my words and deeds are like a different person. Either I start to say things that you don't understand, and I want to pull you into the religion, or I start to stay away from your old friends.

A senior male fan with Lin Erwen as his idol found that his idol has also had an idol in recent years, and the idol's idol is actually a magic stick who constantly shows off his disciples' dedication on the Internet.

This male fan is known as the number one Lin Erwen male fan in Hong Kong. Every time Lin Erwen holds a concert, he watches at least two concerts, but he can't hide his disappointment at the transformation of Aunt Wen in recent years. He wrote 7,000 words about how Chen Erwen became fifty cents. In the fan's description, there is one thing that is particularly concerning. Before Aunt Wen became a religious person, she seemed to be not very defensive about people, not to mention that she had no idol burden, and even kept a distance from others that ordinary people should have. No. Aunt Wen asked this male fan to meet privately for the first time. Because the conversation was very enjoyable, and he didn't even watch the movie he had bought a ticket for, he took him to his home to discuss the wine until late at night (Lin Erwen's partner was also there at that time).

Just think about it, even if Lin Bo, Wu Yifan, etc. wanted to chat with fans all night long, they wouldn't bring them home, right? Is it Aunt Wen's easy-to-believe character that gives the magician a chance to take advantage?

Xuanwu Temple of Wealth Master received Christmas gifts from his disciples. Does Taoism also celebrate Christmas?

After Aunt Wen became a religious believer, she took the sea and all rivers as her life creed. However, I am very suspicious of her inclusiveness.

Why do many people seem to become broad and detached after they become religious? In fact, many believers just close themselves off and live in the world that religion has built for them. Many people will stay away from their former friends after becoming religious and re-establish a social circle around religion. In serious cases, all opinions from people outside the religious circle will not be listened to. Just like today's Erwen, it seems that "the sea is inclusive of all rivers", but I am afraid that even the opinion of the No. 1 male fan in Hong Kong who was invited to her house to talk all night long could not be heard. As this fan said: You don't seem to be extreme, but you have lost your mind.

After Lin Erwen studied Taoism with the master of the Xuanwu Temple of Wealth, he made a lot of donations, and was often mentioned by the master.

What Aunt Wen believes in is not even an authentic religion, but a god of crooked ways. God sticks are better at brainwashing than ordinary religions, and they know how to grasp the vulnerability of people and reshape the worldview of believers.

When a former friend sees that your words and deeds are weird, so they kindly persuade you, but Master Shenbang tells you that following these "worldly friends" will only affect your practice, and it is an obstacle that you must break, and even put all your "worldly friends". "Friends" are all described as bad friends who want to harm you, only Master has no plans for you and is dedicated to your good. What you dedicate to the master is not really to the master, but the practice homework that the master has given you. This is also the reason why God Stick is not afraid of high profile and exposure. He always has a way to make his disciples and believers become obsessed, and coax others to drink the soup of confusion he has concocted. For the magic stick, "kick the explosion" and "explore" may be a free publicity.

God stick teach you not to be deceived

Aunt Wen's master, Lai Jinqiang, the founder of Xuanwu Wealth Temple, failed to study in Hong Kong in his early years (mainly because of his poor English), and his education did not stop at primary school. After many years, looking back on the past, he shamelessly said that Chinese culture has a long history for thousands of years, while European culture has only Three hundred years of history. Later, when Lai Jinqiang went to Taiwan, he suddenly learned that his main business was to look at photos. For some reason, he returned to Hong Kong in recent years. The last post on his "Taipei Temple of Fortune" page was published in 2016. After returning to Hong Kong, a man who looked at the xiangxiang turned into a master of Taoism and recruited disciples to follow him. The disciples served him with foreign luxury brands and red wine, which was very majestic. To put it bluntly, this kind of person is actually a life coach who deceives people who are confused and confused in life. Lin Erwen and these people actually regarded him as a master of Taoism, thinking that what he cultivated was Taoism, and even regarded him as "the last faith".

Erwen degenerates into fifty cents. If she really just believes in the wrong religion, there may be a possibility of turning back to see how deeply she is poisoned; but if she degenerates for money, fame and fortune (after all, her religion is also the "God of Wealth"), Then she's just pretending to be asleep, and we'll never wake her up.

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