"Magic Voice" Track03 #117 Orchestra

The singing voice did not use equipment to expand the volume, nor did it make echoes because of the sealed space. Every song, accompanied by guitar, bass and drums, faintly came out from the performance venue. Zhao Fei had a pair of drum sticks hanging from his shoulders. Apart from that, he had no extra belongings. He put his hands in the pockets of his crimson coat and approached the venue step by step. This night will be the third in a series of performances by the Magic Music Troupe this year. She is also the legendary female lead singer of the band, Chengyin. She returned from the band for many years and made her third public performance. The venue is double the size of the premiere titled "Dress Date" a few days ago...
Ling Ying|Illustrator: KC.5 (Tommy Ng)

The singing voice did not use equipment to expand the volume, nor did it make echoes because of the sealed space. Every song, accompanied by guitar, bass and drums, faintly came out from the performance venue.

Zhao Fei had a pair of drum sticks hanging from his shoulders. Apart from that, he had no extra belongings. He put his hands in the pockets of his crimson coat and approached the venue step by step.

This night will be the third in a series of performances by the Magic Music Troupe this year.

She is also the legendary female lead singer of the band, Chengyin. She returned from the band for many years and made her third public performance.

The venue is double the size of the premiere titled "Dress Date" a few days ago. The sound and dance record that the band belongs to seems to have long ago predicted that Chengyin, the female lead singer known as the Magic Voice singer, will make a comeback. , has made arrangements that now seem to be taken for granted.

Zhao Fei kept walking, his head drooping down inertialy, his slightly fluffy black hair stood up in clear lines, facing the surroundings with a little hedgehog-like hair tip. I don't want to discourage people, just because it has always been the case, and I don't feel the need to change.

"Look! Zhao Fei!"

"Fly!" "Fly!"

Cheers suddenly sounded. Zhao Fei shrugged and looked up.

Facing the music fans surrounding the venue, he put on a faint smile and continued to walk towards the staff passage.

As soon as they saw him, the group of reporters who were hiding on the side immediately showed up to catch up, completely ignoring the security guards who had been protecting Zhao Fei, who took pictures and asked questions.

"Zhao Fei! One after another member of the Demon Music Group had an accident and merged with the Shadow Orchestra. What do you think?"

"You and Ling Ying of the Shadow Band have a long-term relationship. She is only a high school student, and fans care about you all..."

"I heard that after your founder passed away, Cheng Yin once refused to perform. How did you convince her?"

On the one hand, it is an interview with lace news. Since the day of the "Diva Date", Zhao Fei has long been accustomed to it.

According to the consensus of the members of the orchestra, and in line with Zhao Fei's usual style, he always had a faint smile on his face and didn't say a word.

With great difficulty, he got into the passage. The door closed behind, and the ears were finally quiet. The noise was blocked by the thick door, and Chengyin's singing drifted into his ears again.

Including Zhao Fei, as long as he could hear Chengyin's voice, his heart seemed to echo, and the words rang out, expressing the hope and longing in his heart, remembering or forgetting something.

Different from Ling Qin's confidant singing, it is two extremes, but it also makes people want to listen to it all the time.

His steps became brisk, and Zhao Fei walked directly onto the stage to join the final rehearsal. Holding the drum stick in his hand, he walked towards the jazz drum set.

Behind the drum, there is a girl who looks almost the same as Ling Qin, the difference lies in her outline, which is meticulous and exquisite, without any baby fat. The face with short purple and blue hair was without makeup powder, and a pair of incomparably deep eyes stared at Zhao Fei silently.

Ling Ying. He is only one year younger than his elder sister Ling Qin, and he is also the youngest member of the band.

"Little baby, I'm thinking, this section..." The singing stopped suddenly, Cheng Yin in the center of the stage released the microphone on the high shelf, and gestured with both hands in the air, with a natural expression of trust in his tone. "It should be a little more."

Sitting behind the jazz drum, Ling Ying flipped his hands. The drums sounded, and the rhythm was obviously different from the music just now, but they were closely matched like gears.

dong dong dong dong dong dong dong

From low to high, the drum sound suddenly drops, continuing with the previous music.

There was no trace of the series, Ling Ying raised both hands slightly, did not press the drum head, and let the lingering sound continue. She naturally and smoothly made the drum stick in her palm and put it away.

She turned her head away, instead of looking at Cheng Yin, she looked directly at Zhao Fei.

Zhao Fei shrugged and walked to the empty drum set on the other side. He held the drum sticks in both hands, with an indifferent smile on his face, as if being pressed by a button, and the curvature of his mouth widened. His hands were like an extension of his tall and thin body, swinging the stick firmly and without hesitation...

dong dong dong ─ dong ─ ─

To be continued

Continue reading "Magic Sound"

MagicVoice Saga

Track 01 " Can't Tell You This Pledge "
Track 02 " Hearing the Silent Confession "
Track 03 " Memories Rest "
Different " Magic Sound "


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韋浩川韋浩川 StanMiracle。 小說人、自由寫作人、電影編劇。 無可救藥的雙魚座。 出版過廿來部小說。 電影《廉政風雲-煙幕》(2019)編劇。 相信「不被祝福,始終走到最後」! 盼能一直以文字奏樂!
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