In the sea of stars, you hold my hands tightly


Thousands of thoughts, going around and around, after all, I still end up here.

Maybe the results of being powerless and powerless are the same, don't they all count?

Bright moonlight, shallow water, time roaming quietly like a stream.

Why is the world not in turmoil in the Spring and Autumn period or in turmoil? I think it's because Huiji will be hurt. The reddish-brown blood plasma and the dead souls are exchanged for more killings. The story of this human world is never over, it always haunts human beings, and it is full of endless sorrow, suffering and vicissitudes. No matter how many times of torment and how many heroes are turned upside down, this song of hatred cannot be stopped, and the rest are the remnants of walking dead. It seems that the mortal world cannot escape this evil force.

Where is anyone willing to keep me away from the darkness of the world? Agreed to go to the moon together with the wind and sails, leisurely, enjoying the peace of this contradiction. I think this world, perhaps only my lover alone. This is a kind of happiness, but also a kind of sadness. I really hope that we can ignore the poison of the world, abandon the burning of the human world, and no longer hold the discernment of embers in the era of upside-down right and wrong, no longer be involved in the ruthless reality, no longer be eroded by loneliness, no longer. And then left out on the farthest island.

Perhaps in the future stories, we will not get the most perfect ending. I hope that each other can guard our respective chapters, and look at the distant earth in the ethereal space of space, hoping that when the good will find a resurgence, we will never leave again. tide. Only then can our story continue.


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