[Complete reading notes] "Complete" puts aside perfectionism and achieves all unfinished goals!

Dr.J 的成長實驗室
To accomplish the goal, maybe..."Work harder" is not necessarily the answer!

Like many people, I often have a lot of new ideas to try, but after trying for a while, maybe because I didn't see the expected progress, I changed to a new goal...

So, when I saw the introduction to the book Done, I was both excited and nervous!

What excites me is the text behind his book: "Allow imperfection to move forward; if progress is not smooth, don't stop!" It aroused my curiosity! I'm nervous: I'm afraid it's another bestseller with more marketing than substance...

However, when I started reading, all the worries were gone! All that remains is the excitement of wanting to constantly explore the wisdom of the author's life, accompanied by me constantly digging between the lines...

I really like the narrative style of this book. It's witty and ironic but not frivolous. Through countless stories and cases, the concepts that might otherwise be blunt are brought to life and interesting! This is all thanks to the skill of the author and translator, and I am very grateful to them here! I like it so much that I unconsciously imitate the author's narrative brushstrokes in one or two of my sharings. For me, it is also a fresh and interesting attempt!

Having said all that, who is the author of this book? It will be revealed for you now!

In 2013, author Jon Acuff published the globally popular "Getting Started" book, encouraging people to take the first step! Encourage people to take action, start a business, write a book, or pursue other goals that they have dreamed about for years but have been afraid to try!

However, after a few years, the author realized that he had "hunted the wrong witch"...

Many readers have given him feedback that there is one more important thing than "start", which makes "start" stand aside!

Do you know what it is? That's right! It's "Done"!

It's also for me. From a few years ago, "starting" is not a big problem for me, but, "several battle lines have been opened, but only half of them have really opened up"...

Later, the author started a 30-day challenge video course (30 Days of Hustle) on the Internet, helping thousands of people achieve their goals, but it's not over!

In 2016, a researcher at the University of Memphis approached the author with a proposal that he wanted to study participants in the author's "30-Day Goal Crash" course to analyze what partially worked, and what didn't, as a Ph.D. paper.

One of the findings of the researcher surprised the author!

It is the course activities that make students feel less stressful! It's those activities that drop the tethered perfectionism that makes one give up on the pursuit of goals. Whether students want to wear one-size-down pants, enrich their blog, or get a raise, the results are the same!

The less you aim for perfection, the more effective you will be!

In this way, to achieve goals, sometimes "working harder" is not the answer.

What is the answer?

The answer is hidden in this book, waiting for you to dig!

  • Title: " Done: Turning a Long-Term To-Do Goal Into A Realized Effective Exercise"
  • English title: "Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done"
  • Author: Jon Acuff
  • Recommended index: Life Changing (★★★★★+)

🎨 Impressions / How can I rate this book?

If you want to improve your goal completion rate and don't want to fall into the cycle of constantly setting goals, giving up, and setting new goals, this is a must-read book!

🚀 What is this book saying?

To "complete" the goal, working harder is not the answer, and the perfectionism that ties hands and feet is discarded, and the results will be great!

The author reveals to us 4 lies that perfectionism tells us at the beginning of the goal, and what we can do to deal with it; halfway through the goal, perfectionism in disguise: "hiding place" and "sounding obstruction" , the "unspoken rules" that have been hidden deep in our minds, and the "3 fears" that we will encounter when we are about to complete our goals.

It covers all the unique mental methods that want to improve the completion rate of goals!

🚀 What kind of people should read this book / can benefit from this book?

  • If, you often fail to achieve the new year's new hope set at the beginning of the year
  • If, you often have not completed a goal, you want to move on to the next one, so that you can't focus on the existing goal
  • If you find that you have a lot of things you want to do but haven't done yet, or can't find the time to do them
  • If you start a lot and finish very little

🚀 What kind of people should "not" read this book / "hard" to benefit from this book?

  • If, you firmly believe that things are not perfect
    (However, if the results so far are not as good as you expected, you might want to think twice...)
  • If your goal achievement rate has always been high, you don't think it is necessary to improve
    (Honestly, if you consistently achieve your goals, this book may be of limited help to you)

☘️ How did this book affect/change me?

The day when things are "no longer perfect" is the day when "keep starting over" parted ways with "people who made it through."

This sentence reminded me, is it the former or the latter that I want to be?

The opposite of perfection is not bad, failure, but completion.

Being able to accept my own imperfections has allowed me to reduce my doubts about myself that are masquerading as "good intentions" that are actually "perfectionism."

In fact, people can only focus on one thing at the same time. When my attention is released from self-doubt, he, who has nowhere to go, can only focus on moving towards the goal!

Time is limited, but we are never willing to admit that to do one thing well, you must sacrifice another.

To me, this sentence is like a twilight drum and a morning bell, awakening my originally chaotic mind! So write:

The resources each of us have are time, attention, energy;
As long as one of these three is not in place, it will be difficult to do things well, but they are all limited.

When I allow myself to temporarily fail in certain areas, I also let go of the guilt-ridden self that I am.

The two disguises of perfectionism: the "hiding place" that makes us think we are productive when we avoid our goals, and the "high-sounding obstacles" that keep us from pursuing our goals with a justifiable reason. The last piece of fig leaf in my heart.

Worrying about the progress and results of "imperfect" makes me procrastinate from time to time and involuntarily on what I should do at the moment, complicating things. Hit the nail on the head, every word is precious.

"Complete" and "perfect" are only one word apart, but they are the distance between heaven and earth.
As if I read and wrote this reading note before and after,
It was only one or two weeks away, but what turned over was the belief that has accompanied me throughout my life.

✍️ My favorite / most resonant / most want to remind myself 13 sentences

The day when things are "no longer perfect" is the day when "keep starting from scratch" parted ways with "people who made it through"
The opposite of perfectionism is not failure, but "done"
Letting go of perfection, in a way, is also to stop doubting yourself
"Half" the goal, so that we can "win" this time, more likely to be willing to do more next time, and then "win more"
Time is limited, but we are never willing to admit that to do one thing well, you must sacrifice another.
There are only two extremes, no middle ground, and that is the kingdom of high-sounding obstacles.
If doing what you're naturally good at counts as cheating, you're doomed to pursue difficult goals that you're sure to give up. It's like a fish sailing a nautical mile without swimming
Shame stops in front of data
Perfectionism parades the streets with great fanfare, but data blows up every float with truth
Midway through your goals, it's more inspiring to look back at where we came from than to see where you're going
Things won't be perfect, they won't, not because we go wrong, but because life doesn't work that way, and life is always a little different than we expected.
It's not terrible to finish, the finish line is the starting line to the next goal
Don't let fear of the next step take away the joy of accomplishing your current goals

✅ You can look forward to this book:

  • Teach you how to overcome perfectionism! (If you think you've suffered from it too...)
  • Make you more confident in yourself!
  • Increase your goal completion rate!
  • Let you realize more new year's new hopes!
    (However, after reading it, you may find that you need to "cut in half" the target!)

❌ You may not look forward to this book:

  • is a book that teaches traditional time management skills (but when you get over perfectionism, productivity is bound to increase!)

☘️ My 9 favorite ideas that resonate

#1 The 4 Lies of Perfectionism

  1. If things aren't perfect, just give up
  2. Your goal should be bigger
  3. you can do it all
  4. Happy doesn't count

For these 4 big lies of perfectionism, I have written a special article to share, please see: "Debunking the 4 Big Lies of Perfectionism, "Complete" All Unfinished Goals! 》

#2 Perfectionism's 2 Pretenders - Hideouts & High-Sounding Obstacles

For these two lies of perfectionism, I also wrote a special article to share, please see:

"The World's Best Liar? Clearly escaping... and making us feel productive! " "Hideout"

as well as

"When moving towards the goal, the two most "brilliant-sounding" obstacles! " "Bright-sounding obstacles"

#3 "Studying in the dark" to keep things simple

Those who can continue to accomplish their goals will not make things more complicated and difficult, or set up high-sounding obstacles for themselves. Instead, they will "secretly manipulate" beforehand to pave the way for completion.

"Working in the dark" doesn't sound like it's very bright, but sometimes it's just like the bottom.

  • For the morning run the next day, prepare your sports clothes and jogging shoes the night before, in case you can't find clothes in the morning and go back to sleep.
  • Because the mind is clearer in the morning, the important things are dealt with in the morning, and some trivial work is arranged in the afternoon.
Perfectionism always makes the goal more complex and difficult;
People who accomplish goals make things easier and simpler.

In response to this, I have written a special article to share, please see:

"What should I do if the goal is difficult to achieve? Actually...you can choose to do "this thing"! 》

#4 Unspoken Rules

In response to this, I have written a special article to share, please see:

"Notice! The "unspoken rules" you must know! 》

#5 Don't practice golf at night!

In response to this, I have written a special article to share, please see:

"Remember...don't practice golf at night! 》

#6 The “Data” We Love and Hate

If you don't check your bank account, you won't see how small the balance column is, and you won't be sad. If you don't stand on the scale and make a trip to the hospital for a health check, you don't have to worry...

Perfectionism is the desperate pursuit of unattainable standards.
Data will tell us the truth, and perfectionism cannot tolerate the truth

So he chooses to scare you! Makes you think that once you open Pandora's box and see these "secret numbers", you will be crushed by disappointment!

For example, the data will tell you that your savings amount is low, but you spend more money on hand-drinking than you think... If you start making tea and juice in your own home (this is before talking about it) me?), and you can easily start saving for vacation travel.

But perfectionists don't like these, and he wants to tell you, either save a lot of money, or don't save it! Or tell you that if you stand on the scale, you'll be blown away by the weight you gain, instead of admitting that just getting a little bit of weight can make your weight loss easier go down.

But you know what?

Embrace denial when you ignore data

Whether I know it or not, the number in my account is the same, it won't decrease because of what I saw today, just as my weight is the same whether I stand on the scale or not, it won't decrease because I see it today I choose not to measure and become lighter; however, knowing the balance in my account and seeing the position of the needle on the scale can help me decide whether to have a cup of afternoon tea with black tea latte and scone tomorrow? Be able to provide me with sufficient information to make an informed decision.

Denial makes us ignorant.
Worse still, the only people we don't recognize in denial are either others or ourselves.

In response to this, I have written a special article to share, please see:

"If data has so many benefits, why don't we use it more? 》

#7 Look back at the starting line

There's nothing wrong with aiming for the finish line when heading towards the goal, but overemphasizing the finish line is dangerous...

When we focus too much on the finish line, we lose the power to "see how far we've come"

Midway through your goals, it's more inspiring to look back at where we came from than to see where you're going.

In response to this, I have written a special article to share, please see:

"When heading towards the goal..."Isn't it wrong to "work hard at the finish line"? 》

#8 3 Buttons That Can Be Adjusted When Results Are Not as Expected

In response to this, I have written a special article to share, please see:

"When the results are not as expected, actually...you can "do it"! 》

#9 The day before it's done is scary, the last 3 fears that hide

As we get closer to completing our goals, we may think that the pressure will be less and less, but the truth is often the opposite of what we think...

Perfectionism becomes the goalkeeper at this time, standing in front of the goal we are striving for, and as we get closer, the sound of his roaring and driving at us grows louder and louder!

There are three fears, and as we get closer to completion, we'll hear at least one of them, maybe all of them.

1. Fear of what is about to happen

2. Fear that things are not perfect

3. Fear of "what's next"?

In response to this, I have written a special article to share, please see:

"The original goal is about to be achieved! Why... I feel scared instead? 》

Reference source:

Done - by Jon Acuff

I'm Dr. J, your #growlab .

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See you in our next article!


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