Does the process of fitness have to be hard to be effective? Tell you the truth from four different angles


Anyone who is in the gym must have seen the phrase "NO PAIN, NO GAIN-no pain, no gain", but is this really true for training effectiveness? Countless bodybuilders have misunderstood the true meaning of this sentence.

NO PAIN, NO GAIN - no pain no gain

For some, the tougher the training process, the clearer the outcome; however, for most, the motivational "no pain, no gain" or "only strong survival" Aphorisms don't really mean anything, have you ever thought that training has to hurt pain to be effective?

Under normal circumstances, we cannot answer this question with a simple yes or no. Therefore, the following four aspects will be used to explain "NO PAIN, NO GAIN" in terms of weight loss, strength training, stretching and improving running performance. "How much truth is there!

NO PAIN, NO GAIN is a question we cannot answer with a simple yes or no

1. Lose weight

If your goal is to lose a few kilograms of body weight or fat, then "negative energy balance" is a must-have concept. When you consume fewer calories than you consume, your body will With an energy deficit, you will naturally lose weight. But we can't always eat calories below the basal metabolic rate, so the best way is to increase the total body exercise training program to increase calorie consumption.

Whole body training, whether you use aerobic exercise or interval exercise, is very suitable for burning calories, although many people now advocate HIIT high-intensity interval training, which allows you to burn more calories at a higher intensity, This concept and logic are theoretically correct, but you really don't need to force your body to this state, or even cause unpredictable sports injuries.

Allows you to burn more calories at higher intensity

When your body signals pain, it's a warning that you've overworked you with this type of training. Be aware that problems with your passive musculoskeletal system, including joints, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons, are almost always the result of incorrect training or overloading; even common delayed onset muscle soreness should not be taken lightly, Very strenuous training or new training movements can cause tiny tears in the muscles, which are technically called microtrauma.

When your muscles are very sore during or after a workout, you should definitely avoid any strenuous training; all you have to do is give your body enough time to recover and wait for the pain to subside and start again your training.

2. Strength training

The motto, NO PAIN, NO GAIN, is especially popular in the strength training environment. First, if your goal is to build muscle mass, there is some truth to this saying; in general, the body needs enough Great training volume and intensity to stimulate the muscles so that they can be destroyed and grown, but also because our body is very adaptable, so in other words, you need to get the body out of its comfort zone also known as homeostasis , in order to set the adaptation process as a motion process.

For example, if you only do push-ups once a day, your muscles are not stimulated and damaged, and relatively speaking, it will not grow and develop, because such training volume is too low; however, if you do it for a long time Appropriate strength training, such as twice a week and enough push-ups, makes the muscles feel fatigued and stimulated, then your body muscles will be forced to adapt and change in order to adapt and resist such external forces The strength of tissue fibers, so experienced bodybuilders will often perform training until muscle fatigue, thereby optimizing the adaptive response of their body muscles, but these senior bodybuilders will also make sure that they try their next strength training. Give your muscles enough time to rest before they recover.

When we train until the muscles are completely fatigued, it is actually a very effective way for muscle growth, but it is recommended that experienced bodybuilders do this training; on the contrary, as an ordinary person, you should focus on correct training movements and angle correction; Once you find that your muscle strength is no longer able to perform the training correctly, you should stop the training of this movement, so as to avoid the sports injuries and risks as shown in the picture.

3. Stretching

We must have all seen some gymnasts do some stretches that almost push them to the threshold of pain, maybe even beyond what their bodies can handle, but it's not necessary for us to make ourselves do it To this extent, because not everyone needs to have their legs over their heads or parallel to the ground.

Not everyone needs to have their legs on their head or parallel to the ground.
The correct and basic stretching rule is to stretch until you feel a slight muscle tension, and under no circumstances should you feel pain. This standard also applies to joint relaxation training.

4. Improve running performance

If you think that the only way to increase your running speed is to run to the point of breaking down every time, you are wrong! Of course, if it's a runner who's preparing for a specific race and looking to improve his personal best, you have to incorporate some really tough workouts into your training process that can be a little physically painful, but even professional Athletes also don't do a lot of these over-the-top training styles.

Do you think the only way to increase your running speed is to run to the point of crashing every time?
Especially, for novice and casual runners, establishing good basic muscle strength and running posture is far more important than trying to run until muscle fatigue. When your muscle strength and running concept gradually strengthen. After that, your training standard will gradually improve.

in conclusion

"NO PAIN, NO GAIN" no pain, no gain This sentence only applies to special circumstances, even more applicable to competitive sports; although most people think that very hard training is needed to obtain great training results, but always It is important to avoid excessive pain in your body. The most important thing is to listen to your body and not ignore signals like pain. If you give your body the time it needs to recover, you will be able to do it for a long time. Enjoy pain-free and productive training in time.

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