"Suffix" Special Issue: "The Cafe at the Literary Theater"

In addition to "authors" and "readers" in Matters, there are...

📌 The invited manuscripts for the June special issue have enough manuscripts, so I will post them during the holiday.

❑ Editors and Sponsors

In the Matters community, in addition to authors and readers, the purpose of the special issue is to highlight two types of citizens: editors and sponsors .

Editors include citizens who hold community events. Search for " community events " to view past events. There are also personal anthologies that recommend the works of citizens, for example, Underground Anthologies | LGBTQ is not only an issue, but also my life , [Volume's Bi-Weekly News] Gu Yu .

There is a group of people who set a fixed monthly budget to support the citizens, or reward their favorite articles, and silently contribute to the vitality of the community. The editor-in-chief fee, manuscript fee, and tip fee of the recommended article for the special issue of "Suffix" are all provided by anonymous verifiers.

❑ Follow new friends

Invite Citizens to follow: I want to join Appreciate Citizens 3.0 but less than 5000Like

If you are not yet an "appreciative citizen" , I invite you to select your own articles and submit them to this tab, and "Suffix" will (try to) give priority to you.

 The following recommended selections from the label (3 to 5 articles are recommended for each special issue), and you can get 200LIKE:

Haruki Murakami Library Tour⛪

Food 🐾 invites you to enter the fairy tale world and travel in wonderland [Taipei 💗 from Alice themed restaurant]

nose that can't stop

It's not just the alarm clock that wakes you up every day, it's "生きKahi"

Discussion | Why did I go to France to take a philosophy class

❑ The theme of this issue: "The Cafe in the Literary Theater"

Taking the cafe as the main scene, using literary style, that is, prose or novels, to describe stories or moods and memories. (fiction or non-fiction), or book reviews or presentations of books or historical stories of this type of essay.

📌Promote "Editor-in-Chief Selected Articles":

 Let the excellent old articles in Matters be re-read with a new look.
You are invited to join the "Editor-in-Chief of the Special Issue of the Month". The editor-in-chief fee of the special issue: 1000LIKE. Submit your planned theme and 5 to 10 selected articles to the suffix mailbox: pdfonline15@gmail.com

I really want to name the theme of this special issue:"The Lost Cafe in Youth" , but I am afraid that it cannot be expressed or emphasized. No, the editor-in-chief is going to talk about what happened before that.

Traditional Chinese translation: "The Lost Cafe in Youth"

Ruki is the character in "The Lost Cafe in Youth", and the editor-in-chief understands that its prototype is actually the cafe itself.

"In the coffeehouse lost in youth", the blurred reading is also followed by sadness@年 Jinghao Xiaoyanzi🌟

However, if you want to summarize the content of this novel in writing, it is indeed difficult to summarize it in words. This is because the author uses a polyphonic method, and the four characters speak in succession. By constantly changing the perspective of the narrative and tone to present the story. Therefore, if you are not attentive in reading, it is easy to fall into the feeling of confusion.

The content of the novel mainly describes a woman named Lu Qi who often went to the Kongdai Cafe in her youth. Because her whereabouts were often uncertain, she seemed to be escaping from herself and life, and the people around her did not know much about her and were curious. The storytelling revolves around the idea of Ruki, the missing character, as a starting point

Quoted from: Lost Cafe in Youth", the blurred reading is also followed by sadness

The book review mentioned " the feeling of being in a state of confusion". For the editor-in-chief, the mysterious woman Ruki in the novel is actually the cafe(s) I used to stay in when I was young. Stare here, day and night, waiting at that table, waiting for that person to come... " ("The Lost Cafe in Youth")

And I often can't, so sophisticated, talk to the boss, maybe I don't smoke, I don't have the opportunity to hide in the back alley, and find out the life experience of those bosses who have lost their youth. After thinking about it later, it should not be too thin-skinned, shy and introverted, the main reason is that I am not (yet) Wen Qing,

Mainly, I am not a literary youth.

Why "I'm not Wen Qing"?

Have you seen "One Hundred Years of Solitude"? Otherwise, "The Crocodile Notes"? Uh, is there "Norwegian Forest"? Second-hand books are almost 50 yuan. Haven't you read them yet? Haven't heard of the movies "Last Year Barumba" and "Chongqing Forest"? Blade Runner, right, at least? No, not at all, the boss didn't check my level of literacy like an interview with a part-time student.

In fact, they are just chatting, what fresh beans have been introduced recently, and which one is suitable for making ice drops?

Only Lu Qi accepted me silently and accompanies me wherever I want. Before I was enlightened by literature, I was probably attracted by art (pictures). I grabbed a very thick magazine at that time. Look, it seems to be called "The Artist".

(Is Lucy a cat?)

Ruki is the character in "The Lost Cafe in Youth", and I understand that its prototype is actually the cafe itself.

In the lost coffee of youth, find yours...@Arielsakura🌟

I really liked the song "The Lost Cafe in Youth" at the time, so I bought the original book - a short story by Patrick Modiano.

The mainland translation is "Youth Cafe", which is less literary and more straightforward than the Taiwanese translation.
"The Lost Cafe in Youth", I think, the reason for taking this translation is also related to the confused young subjects depicted in the book. They wander around and don't know where they are going, so they gather in the cafe and regard it as a One of the strongholds.

This is indeed in line with my life status for a period of time - when I don't know what to do and my life is confused, I like to go to various stores to order something to drink and kill time. And once life "has a direction", "going to a cafe" will instantly return to one of the "common hobbies".

Therefore, I think that the most essential and core feeling represented by "cafe" is the acceptance and tolerance of confusion. When life is so overwhelmed that even staying at home feels uneasy, at least there's a coffee shop to go to.

The editor-in-chief privately thought that Lu Qi was that one, and even today, after the layers of time have passed, I still feel regretful about the cafe. Because when I went back to look for Lucy, it had either closed down or changed hands. It seemed like it had disappeared forever on the streets of Paris. In fact, it was the "Norwegian Forest" coffee shop that had changed hands in 2007 in the alley beside National Taiwan University. I regret that I was so shy to talk, or so stupid, that I forgot to make up a reason (I took a general education class and asked to interview a story about a coffee shop or something.) If I don't know the boss, how can I Say I know this cafe? Therefore, I always pass by with Ruki, and I will never forget it in my heart.

The cafe " is like a sanctuary that keeps me away from all the things that I thought of as a gray life. " ("The Lost Cafe in Youth") I would say that Ruki was the Live House that sparked many beginnings, and the owner will The store is located in a secluded alley next to the university. Electronic music clubs, hot music clubs, and guitar clubs of nearby schools perform performances. It is impossible to say anything without giving back to the students. What's more, it is unpredictable that who will make a name for themselves in the future, go to Dagang to open the album and release an album. When interviewed by a magazine, Lu Qi will be mentioned, and everything starts from there.

👉Extended reading:

Haruki Murakami Newsletter: Say goodbye to the "Norwegian Forest" cafe on 6/30!

☕ Cafe X Memories

Song of Sad Cafe - Wenshan's Own Roasting Cafe@Marcy Marcy🌟

Year of the Tiger Reading Book 02. Before the story of "Nordic Coffee Wave", tell me a story about coffee and me@SunDori /Dolly who is afraid of water🐟🌟

The coffee shop that changed my life@Today Dandi Daan Store🌟

Short Comment丨Special Invitation @Cai Kaixi🦁

The articles written by the shopkeeper are always memorable, and each time I reread them, I have a different feeling.

In my college days, when I dreamed of becoming a fake writer, most of the English poems I studied at that time have been returned to my teachers. The few I remember are one of Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken" ("The Road Not Taken"). 〉. The path chosen by the poet is a desolate, lonely one, with few human footprints, and the path is long and uncertain, but it is also a path that changes the poet's life.

Behind the choices at the intersection of life, there is often a "push" motivation. "The working holiday that changed my life" (the country can be replaced at will) is the narrative I have heard the most in recent years. The coffee shop in Jinguashi is obviously of special significance to the life of the shopkeeper. If it weren't for this coffee shop, the shopkeeper might not have opened this "Today's Dandy" in Matt City for the purpose of eavesdropping on other people's bad words. Da'an Store", wrote articles that made the citizens laugh, but also had a profound philosophy of life.

One year, I was in the mountains of Miyazaki Prefecture, where there was no Miyazaki Aoi, with fine snow drifting. With a laptop, I wanted to find a coffee shop to write Braille. He opened the door of a coffee shop with a strong Showa-style exterior, which was located in a private residence, and was immediately pushed back by the smell of nicotine emitted by the Ojisan who drank coffee while breathing clouds. I closed the door and didn't look back. In the following journey, such a coffee shop did not have the chance to play an important role in changing my life. However, a few years later, I walked into the Blue Bottle Coffee near Nanzenji Temple in Kyoto and unlocked the achievement of drinking high-end coffee in the old house of the Kyoto Machiya, but the Blue Bottle did not become the coffee shop that changed my life after all.

Blue bottle coffee near Nanzenji Temple in Kyoto

I'm still looking for that coffee shop that might change my life. No, wake up! Do you have a lifetime left? In addition to watching Takahashi's life in Japanese dramas, half of his life is almost gone, only the rest of his life.

👉Extended reading:

If you want to know the past and present life of the shop brother, please read Cai Kaixi's interview with the shop brother who has been entangled with the shop brother for several months (played by boasting) and persevered with amazing endurance:

It came out after a long call: salted chicken ft. Today's Dandi Daan store (long text and pictures)

In fact, my original intention at the beginning was not to open a coffee shop, I wanted to open a channel to speak ill of others. Opening a coffee shop is just an excuse to pretend to be neutral: "Hey, hey, I heard these bad things from the next table in the coffee shop!!!" chatting recklessly and speaking loudly" and "the content of the speech was gossip and bad words" began to search.

"Open a channel to speak ill of others" when I heard this idea, the main story screamed, and I really wanted to open a super silent channel, secretly talking about the annoying people around me!

☕ Coffee Shop X Private Story X Fiction

【Wensheng Short Story】Lanzhimou Cafe@文生🌟

That white coffee shop EP.1@shark peach peach🌟

At Starbucks@Shawn🌟

The Creator of the Cafe丨The Rumors of the Cafe CreatorThe Perspective of the Cafe Owner 🌟

Short interview with the author @Chin🦁

Since it is an improvisation, it seems superfluous to ask you the opportunity to write this fictional story?
 I'm lucky to have the time to read as an adult, not to mention the time to write outside of work, which I've always felt is a mental luxury to be able to read and write.

I am a jazz lover. I go wandering with my flute, and I can jam when I meet other musicians. This may be the reason why I like improvisation. I don’t know the requirements and attention to improvisation of text, or how to execute it. this matter? What I do is start writing unplanned with the music on.

It's easy to write logical words when I'm consciously writing, but it loses the fun of literary creation, so I like to write dreams or miscellaneous stories like this written by several unrelated concepts.

Last Sunday, I suddenly thought of the creator of the coffee shop I wrote two months ago. It was a short story I wrote improvisationally in the store. Last week, I wrote two very short stories that are related but not connected. Playing my favorite music, I wrote it down as I felt, and when I finished writing it, I wasn’t sure if it didn’t contradict the previous one—it can be said that this is a very intuitive and lazy way of writing.
Quote from: Very Short Story | The Creator of the Cafe

Do you have a prototype of a Parisian coffee shop in this story?
I remember you said that when you saw the photo on the cover of "The Lost Cafe in Youth", you thought of the neighborhood you lingered in when you stayed in France?
 No, it's a complete mess

But the whole vibe was more like a projection of the cafe I grew up in Taipei.

The cafes in Paris are more like "Mushrooms of the Mario Brothers" in my memory. When you go to the cafe, you can go in and have a drink when you feel tired! Sometimes it is eaten standing up.

To break everyone's myth, the pace of life in Paris is definitely much faster than in Taipei, the speed of eating, the speed of speaking, the pace of walking...

Few people will sit in a cafe and write leisurely, but in my impression, "The Lost Cafe in Youth" is the Latin Quarter, where universities gather, so the atmosphere inside will be more special (Wen Qing?). I used to hang out on the left bank (that is, the Sorbonne, Pantheon, Shakespeare and Bookstore), but this time the fictional story may be a memory of the coffee shop as a whole, and it is more inclined to the coffee shop in Taipei.

I grew up in the "Minsheng Community" with the most coffee shops in Taipei City. I started going to the coffee shop in kindergarten, and I also went to the coffee shop when I skipped class in middle school. There were many screenwriters and directors who would discuss there. creator", but I didn't realize it when I wrote it.

The sound of music ending@Jeger🌟

Short Comments|Rebuttal of Reality and Self @文生🦁

There is no sound at the end of the music.

But when the waves were exhausted from the east of the river, the rain last night was swept away, and the heavy sleep didn't stop drinking, how would these creators know that in the future, we will change the "seeing things and thinking about feelings"... should I say more verbose? Or is it a more powerful way to express our emotions like Jiang Yong?

The author Jeger recalled the past in his friend's car. Everyone's past is a heavy trace of life. When he was a waiter in a coffee shop, he seemed to hear the sound of snoring coffee mixed with the smell of burnt aroma. The figure of the young Jeger, who moves freely, blends into an Impressionist painting that is closest to life.

I like Jeger's detailed description of everything "after the music is over". It is a wonderland that a cultural person, a special ear and a special soul can feel. I can vaguely understand that state; but for me, the music is almost over and over. usually feel a sense of disappointment.

It seemed that this joyous feast had to stop.

You have to get used to the violent abrupt termination, 3 minutes, 4.5 minutes of tenderness or fashion, that is the termination - you have to get used to it, and then move on to the next song.

The interesting thing about this article is... Is the real reality when the music is playing, or when there is no music?

When the music stops, not only the sense of conflict that has stopped abruptly, but also the soul of the listener is also drained... What about the reality just now? Isn't it realistic now?

As for the author's questioning of "reality", I think it has always been a question that many people who suffer from the "suffering of creation" are always looking for.

She felt that she had lost part of her "I" in the eyes of the store manager Little White Rabbit, but what about in reality? Are there any laws of physics? Did she suddenly lose a hand? But she did feel that way—perhaps missing a part of her soul?

"The reality I feel is my reality."

This part is a bit of the pursuit of Saudi and Camus - what is my existence?

And at the end of the music, for me, there is no sound; but for the author's delicate and unique soul, it is a special state of the whole reality.

The "pause" at that moment caused great discomfort to a person.

We have trouble getting used to the "pause" because it's too heavy.

Her reference to the connection between the end of music and literary creation is indeed a motto.

"Duration" requires the thickness of the article, the refinement of the plot, the beauty of the text, and many other factors. This is also the extension of our pursuit as creators - let the viewers try to read or listen to the end. , but also immersed in each creation for a long, long time.

The author's words are powerful, concise, with few redundant words, but the surging emotions of Tao Yong are hidden in the calm words. The days when she was actually in the coffee shop are her exclusive life weight.

Lastly, I especially love the little White Rabbit store manager who is arranged like a good movie and always comes at just the right time—and witty.

The author has lived with time, is no longer in the cafe, and has not seen the eyes of the little white rabbit with his own eyes, but when the music ends, there is still sound.

Heavy Rain Story|Gunei Yi 's "Late Night Coffee Shop" ─ The warmth of the afternoon sunlight hidden in the middle of the night@大雨🌟

Introduction| @Arielsakura🦁

A Japanese literary and artistic work: " Midnight Coffee Shop ", which depicts "small shops that operate in the middle of the night" very well, such as "late night cafeterias".

To be honest, I thought it was a picture book just by looking at the cover, but I did a search and found out that it was a novel.

Since I couldn't read all four books at once, just as far as the book review itself is concerned, I think this book review can give people "the urge to read on".

The author bluntly pointed out the "characteristics" of this book, such as the fact that the shop owner is a drag queen (men dressed as women), and this alone has attracted readers who read book reviews - what is the origin of the shop owner? Why open a coffee shop? Why choose to open late at night? This is what attracts readers to a book in the first place.

Personally, I am very interested in the "detailed cooking description" in the book, maybe the original author is a related practitioner.

In addition, the title of the last book is "Goodbye", and it also mentions the protagonist's illness. What is the ending of this series... This is also a very interesting thing.

Quote from: The Story of Heavy Rain|Gunai Yi's "Late Night Coffee Shop" ─ The warmth of the afternoon sunlight hidden in the middle of the night

In addition, I must praise the cover frame of this series, it is really beautiful. Sure enough, physical notebooks are somewhat peripheralized now. . . .

The word "peripheralization" is also something I occasionally see on social networks. The blogger said that the CD design is very delicate after seeing the promotion of a physical album of a certain star recently. I am lamenting that the physical business is not easy to do now, and everyone is doing it in the direction of peripheral products - putting it on the physical book, it is probably the constantly refined cover design and rich gifts.

After all, everyone is reading e-books now, and it is true that fewer and fewer people buy physical books.

I also have several similar peripheralized books at hand. There is a small book with only over a hundred pages, but its cover glows faintly in the dark. It looks especially like a display on a cabinet or a collection. It feels that with the decline of the real economy, making physical records/books more refined is a way to save the country from a curve.

Just like now with the popularity of home coffee machines, many people have started to make coffee at home instead of going to coffee shops. Many newly opened coffee shops/drink shops have begun to work on their menus/decorations in order to attract customers.

👉Where to eat late at night:

French handmade desserts in the middle of the night are open from 16:00 to 00:00

Quote from: Late Night French Artisan Desserts facebook

@Joanna Recommended

 The texture of the store is excellent, and the dessert prices are quite expensive. At eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, the lights were bright, and someone opened the door to say hello, asking, "Pick up or take out?" There are so many people craving dessert in the middle of the night?

Take out the signature chocolate pie, NT$330 for 2-3 people. The tart crust is the highlight, crispy and fragrant, and the chocolate on the top tastes like raw chocolate (perhaps?). If it is raw chocolate, the price is not too expensive.

The lemon pound cake also tastes good, moist and not dry or hard, but in terms of size, the tapi series still feels that the CP value is higher.

I'm sorry if I feel tacky after eating a dessert. Overall, I will still go back to the store.

☕ Cafe X Encounter X Travel

{American Cafe} A Ketchikan Cafe Tour in Alaska (Part 1)@hippopapa🌟

Travel Shorthand|Liu Ren does not regret wandering writers: a coffee cart around the island, our life is very European@chenxi🌟

☕ Coffee X History

Is it a sin to drink coffee? Coffee that endangers national security?☕️🥐🇹🇷@一一儿🌟

Coffee is a gift from Turkey, and croissants are the bread that mocks Turkey, and since then, it has become the most ironic breakfast combination in history.
A cup of fragrant coffee with a croissant that is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, hiding one political story after another? Quote from: Is it a sin to drink coffee? Coffee that endangers national security?☕️🥐🇹🇷

In the invitation to "Suffix":

"Suffix" interview and writing camp: accompany you to interview a citizen

I am your "true love reader" Reader review

"Suffix" interview and writing camp: accompany you to interview a citizen

Announcement of the theme of the July special issue: Sex and its "non-sexual relationship": Except Sex (tentative)

. Featured text:

 Sexuality and desire are interpreted as another meaning, another role or function, or atypical sexuality (desire).

Welcome to recommend related works, or label yourself: Sex and its "non-sexual relationship": Except Sex

Editor-in-Chief of the special issue: Jeger (tentative)

. How to participate in the editorial special issue :

For articles in the introduction, after-reading or short comment tags, the manuscript fee is 1LIKE per word, and the upper limit for one article is 500LIKE .
A person can write up to two articles, and can introduce their own articles. Deadline: 7/10.
Suffix mailbox: pdfonline15@gmail.com

The above special issue recommended articles can get 200LIKE🌟, and the submitted articles can get 500LIKE🦁, all provided by anonymous verifiers.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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Jeger《後綴》假掰文青誌,關注身為「第一讀者」的精神,獻給Matters的一頁式文青......(Jeger是幻想自己是主編的人) 聯絡:pdfonline15@gmail.com
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