Consultation Diary (1) | Do you think you are good enough?

Mio Liu
Do you think you are good enough?

Recently joined a very interesting team who are already doing something I just wanted to start doing called "Teleconsulting".

 He encountered a case recently. He said, "Everyone treats him very well, but he still often feels down and feels that he is not good enough. Are you sick?"

When I saw this sentence, as a person who should be helping, my heart trembled completely.

That's right, isn't that how I always feel?

Everyone seems to live better than me and have a better life experience than me, but when I think about it carefully, everyone is tolerant and loves me, but I still feel bad.

At that moment, I felt like I was in that state too.

Therefore, I did not respond to him immediately, I was afraid that the response I gave would be the assimilated me, and I was afraid that I would make things worse.

The next day I told him, "Emotional depression is something that happens to everyone, but if the frequency is too frequent, too long, and if you do anything you can't get rid of it and you can't be happy, you may need to seek medical assistance from a psychiatrist."

In a position like mine, it looks like a facilitator, but I often see myself in others.

Sometimes, I also feel like I can't go on, but I keep on going.

Like this case, he ended up telling me "Thank you, I'll keep trying."

But in fact, I am more afraid that he will continue to work hard, afraid that he will try to pretend that nothing is wrong. I want to tell him that he doesn't need to work so hard. Facing these emotions and accepting the feelings brought about by emotions is actually a good thing.

But I didn't go on, and maybe I didn't have the confidence that I was right, because everyone's feelings, and everyone's choices are different.


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Mio Liu讀書心得|日常生活|有感而發
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