From 15 days, I made 360,000 and limited to 66 copies per day, and I sold seckill in less than 20 seconds. The online marketing strategy and power


If you like reading books, you must know Fan Deng Reading. This is a mainland APP that shares the essence of a book with you every week. Each storytelling lasts about an hour. Now Fan Deng Reading APP has more than 200 stories

I started to become a Fan Deng Storyteller member with discounts during Singles Day in Mainland China. At that time, it was the best deal in that year's event. Buy one year and get half a year free. I didn't expect the 2020 membership card to be more cost-effective . This time, Fan Deng did not launch a discount on 11.11 , but limited the purchase of 66 copies at 10:00 a.m. every day for 15 days.

This is really exciting. The number of users in the software in 2020 will be 33 million. It was originally RMB365 a year. Now it is a 15-day limited-time event. Buy one year get one year free. Let’s do a simple calculation first.

One book per week for two years: 52 weeks X 2 = 104 weeks

2-year membership card validity fee (buy one get one free) : CNY 365

2-year average per new storyteller: CNY 365/104= CNY 3.5/book

Is it worth it for only RMB 3.5 to listen to a book?

An average new storytelling costs only RMB 3.5, a book takes an average of about 1 hour, an hour only costs 3.5 yuan to listen to a new book, and there are more than 200 book essences in the software, so take 200 as an approximate number, and an average of one hour, this RMB 365 bought 304 hours of sound files, convert it

1 hour of storytelling only needs RMB 1.2 (365/(200+104) to hear the essence of a book, as well as mind maps and lecture notes

, it's really good value for money ! If you were already a user, how could you not grab the event, right?

 Limited to 66 copies per day, all sold out in less than 20 seconds!!!

During the event, the sale starts at 10:00 every day. You can see in the picture that my brother helped me grab it at 10:00:16. My internet speed has been slowed down. I can’t place an order at 10:00:25. The system displays I bought it all. I thought there was a problem with the system. I couldn’t buy it after three days. Finally, I thought it was not fast enough. I asked my brother to help me to place the order, and I finally bought it. Is it a bit like trying to buy pork during the epidemic? The lift is very high, but you may not be able to eat it, you have to buy it!!!

I saw the successful strategy of the online industry from Fan Deng listening to the book membership card, earning about 360,000 yuan (CNY36,135) in 15 days

time limit time limit

-> The limited time does not make consumers want to buy it. The limited time and daily purchases have successfully purchased the consumer's desire. The more you can't buy it, the more you want to buy it. This is the most commonly used "scarcity" in sales.

Precise traffic 0 advertising fee

33 million precise users, no advertising fees, 360,000 operating expenses in 15 days for one event

Electronic (Virtual) Product Advantages

The cost is low, the time spent is small, and the profit is huge. Fan Deng spends time reading a book, making an audio file and a video, which can be sold unlimited times, compounding time and minimizing costs.

2020 is the first year of online commerce

Under the epidemic, less gathering and less going out have caused many industries a headache. Many industries have been forced to go online. Community marketing has become a must-learn skill in all industries. If you learn community marketing, you can also have Fan Deng's business operation model and profit

PS: Book friends who like to read books can scan below to get a 7-day free trial of listening and speaking books


In this vast Internet, you pass by my blog, I use a song by Jay Chou to arrange the lyrics

Can you give me time without a song,

Just turn strangers into friends.

Subscribe to me, my friend your book companion ^^


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你的1號書伴批姝凰用文字留下我看書痕跡,記錄我下班生活 陪你精讀一本書,一起品書,一起成長,讓你自己成為百看不厭的書
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