Luo Fuxing × Su Yujun | The Society of One Person

Luo Fuxing felt as if he was facing broken mirrors scattered all over the place, and Luo Fuxing lived in each broken mirror. Luo Fuxing was overwhelmed by so many "Luo Fuxing". He said that he couldn't tell which of himself in the lens was the real one, or who Luo Fuxing was, or felt that the image in each lens was the real himself. Luo Fuxing said: "I am the real me in the mirror image, but not the real me."
"46 is a contradiction - 4 (death) 6 (six or six Dashun). I tattooed 46 on my hand. After being reminded by my mother, I realized that the homonym of 46 means a fool in our Hakka dialect." " My father died at the age of 46, it seems not." -- Luo Fuxing

Su Yujun and Luo Fuxing have been friends for many years. It is precisely because of this relationship that Su Yujun can get closer to Luo Fuxing's daily life. In the face of a large number of trivial details and words of life, in Su Yujun's retrospective understanding, an anonymous life, surrounded by the "existential" crisis of the subject , started from the age of eleven or twelve, with astonishing action and admiration. In creativity, he gave himself a solid name. This is the real birth, just like the misunderstood "Manny Jackie Chan" prophecy - "the poor man will be free at last" . In the discussion with Su Yujun about this project, I also encountered a similar crisis, but the reason behind it was different: I was caught in the pressure of the meaningful discourse (such as political correctness) of the universal narrative on the individual life experience—— To avoid the fear of “nothingness,” I have always denied thinking backed by bodily sensations, even though it signals so clearly . This struggle is also reflected in the disagreement with Su Yujun. I tried to bring the basic logic of this project back to the perspective of social structure, which is actually my lack of cognition and existence . I remember the resident studio in Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town last year, and I was still emotional about it on the phone. Fortunately, he did not put me in the position of adjudicator, but insisted on his own understanding. It was also during this process that I faced anxiety, repeatedly re-identified complex personal contexts and experiences, and gradually passed through that ghostly fantasy in the real dimension of the body .

-- Editor

Luo Fuxing × Su Yujun | One Person's Society, Unit 8, Cattle Depot Art Village, Hong Kong, 2021

Killing Matt has been the darling of the domestic media in recent years. In various media reports, we can see that Luo Fuxing, the father of Shamat, founded a "killing empire" with millions of family members more than ten years ago. Sociologists believe that the killing of Matt is the product of Chinese social stratification. Artists believe that killing Matt is a spontaneous revolution of the bottom laborers to resist class solidification from the beginning of aesthetics.

Five years ago, Luo Fuxing's sentence on the video: "You haven't even seen me, why call me a fool", which touched me . I decided to go to Shenzhen Pingdi to find Luo Fuxing. At first he spoke to me the same way he did in the media. As we gradually became good friends, Luo Fuxing slowly relaxed, and our daily communication began. In participating in the project "One Person's Society", in order to understand Luo Fuxing more deeply, in addition to my daily interactions with him, I also regularly conduct psychoanalytical conversations with him.

I have selected some very specific events in Luo Fuxing's life. Through the paradox of these events and speeches, we can see the separation between Luo Fuxing's existence and reality , and under the confusion of various words, those seemingly independent personal choices Implies the subject's helpless fate and choice.


First of all, I want to raise a question that does not seem to be a problem. Who is Luo Fuxing ? Is he the father of Kill Matt?

Why am I asking this question? Because killing Matt's father is not the same as Luo Fuxing in reality. The father of killing Matt exists more on the Internet and the media. He is mainly created by Luo Fuxing himself in the Internet and the media. There is a big gap between the father of killing Matt and Luo Fuxing himself in real life. It is precisely this point that friends who are familiar with him often feel that Luo Fuxing is not like killing Matt or killing Matt's father, but more like a "liar" who deceived all of us. Luo Fuxing has successfully created the image of the father of killing Matt on the Internet through various means of deception and hype, and made himself the father of killing Matt.

In reality, Luo Fuxing is a person who understands packaging very well. In fact, he maintains a detached relationship with the members of Kill Matt. He sees distance as precisely where his sense of mystery and authority exists, and the internet provides a safe distance that he can manipulate behind the scenes.

The Shamat family is one of many non-mainstream families on the Internet. The activities of non-mainstream members are mainly concentrated on the Internet. They communicate and interact through social software such as QQ and Baidu Tieba. The organization and management of the family is also relatively loose, and everyone joins different families according to their own interests. Among them, the name of the Killing Matt family was transliterated by Luo Fuxing based on the English word " smart ". In real life, Luo Fuxing is seldom in the circle of killing Matt. He usually just plays with a few friends and plays with killing Matt. The connection between him and other members of the family is carried out on the Internet.

Around 2006, the Internet did not require real-name registration. Luo Fuxing, who was eleven or twelve years old, grasped this point . He has registered many accounts with different names. He felt that in order for something to be remembered, first of all it had to keep making sounds, whether positive or negative. At that time, Luo Fuxing had realized that information on the Internet was changing too fast, and old information could easily be overwhelmed. To this end, he spends a lot of time roaming the Internet, often using his numerous accounts with different names to create discussions or arguments with others, or to praise him collectively. Luo Fuxing feels that only when there is controversy can things be created, and only when things keep happening can they get attention. At that time, the outside world's criticism of killing Matt failed to satisfy Luo Fuxing, and he felt that these criticisms were not strong enough. He believes that in order to be united within Shamat, we must create an external strong enemy to constantly criticize Shamat. For this reason, while he created the account "Shao Matt", he also secretly created "New Matt", a hostile account used to oppose and criticize Kill Matt . He sits on the sidelines and sees which side wins in the end, and he will choose which account to use in order to enjoy the benefits of the fisherman. If the reputation of a member overwhelms him on weekdays, he will use his account group to slander and block them. Luo Fuxing said: "Anyone who overshadows me, I will kill him." He is very good at plagiarizing various articles on the Internet, and then making minor adaptations to cover himself and kill Matt . "Anything that's good for me is available," he said.

"I just used this Nokia 5300 to register a lot of accounts." "Instant noodles are great, it feeds a lot of people in China." - Luo Fuxing
"In the game or in the family, they can be a respectable person." -- Luo Fuxing

Luo Fuxing's own killing matt style is plagiarized from a famous Japanese star Takaya Ishihara . Luo Fuxing felt that Ishihara's image was particularly dissolute, with a strong Gothic style. Ishihara was not well-known in China at the time, and Luo Fuxing felt that he could take advantage of this. Luo Fuxing copied Ishihara in the hope of giving people a visual impact, making it difficult to tell whether he is Luo Fuxing or Ishihara Guiya, and Ishihara's design itself also makes Luo Fuxing feel very good and tasteful; Not famous, even if someone has seen it, they may not remember it. This will bring a sense of deja vu to the public, making them feel that Luo Fuxing in front of them seems to be a star but not a star, which arouses their curiosity. But imitating others always made Luo Fuxing feel inferior. He said that if Ishihara Takaya died one day, it would be a blessing for me.

Left: Takaya Ishihara / Right: Luo Fuxing

After Luo Fuxing ascended to the position of godfather, his popularity also continued to rise, and the media began to intervene and report him in large numbers. The public gradually recognized Luo Fuxing and this group, and Luo Fuxing became famous as he wished. After he became famous, Luo Fuxing didn't play the role of killing Matt anymore. He used the media more to spread some words that were recognized by the public. He hoped that these words could win the goodwill of the public. During the few years I spent with Luo Fuxing, I was once caught in the labyrinth of his words, unable to distinguish the true from the false, and even doubted how much of the killing Matt from his mouth was true.

Speaking of which, maybe we think he just wants to be famous and crazy! He didn't kill Matt at all, let alone kill Matt's father? The Luo Fuxing we see seems to be a "liar", a liar who has deceived us all. Only through frantic imitations and behind-the-scenes black box operations did he successfully deceive the father of Killing Matt. But are we just stuck here, or is that what we think it is? Luo Fuxing himself is very clear and consciously aware of his deceitful behavior. He said: "I am a liar, a lie. My food, clothing, housing, and transportation are all lies. I am a hypocrite. My words, deeds, and even my eyes are imitated."

He knew that these actions were deceptive, and even identified himself as a liar. So why does he still do it? It can even be said that he does not hesitate to make himself a liar, and even his eyes must be obtained by imitation. It got me thinking about the name he recently gave himself (which he especially liked) - Loki . (Loki is the god of mischief and lies in Norse mythology.)

"In the moment when we stopped chatting, I was able to weave a big lie for my next sentence." - Luo Fuxing

The "lie" that killed Matt's father began at the age of eleven or twelve. Luo Fuxing, who had not finished the first year of junior high, chose to drop out of school because he couldn't continue his studies. But during this time, Luo Fuxing has already played the shape of Kill Matt, and began to gradually build his huge "Kill Matt Empire". Luo Fuxing said: "At that time, when I wanted to be famous, I thought of going crazy. I felt that the whole world was mine, and I was the king of the whole world. Pour me some tea and water." Perhaps such arrogant delusions supported Luo Fuxing's desire for success, he said, "I have identified one thing and will continue to die."

"If a man thinks he is a king, he is a madman; if a king thinks he is a king, he is also a madman" - Lacan

Luo Fuxing, who wants to be famous so much, may be the crisis of his own "existence" in my understanding. When discussing this crisis, we have to mention Luo Fuxing's father. Luo Fuxing's father was always the image of a prodigal son in his heart. For as long as he can remember, his father would often fuck women outside and bring prostitutes straight home. (Luo Fuxing often said in the media that his father brought a prostitute home, and forced him and his sister to call the prostitute their mother . In fact, Luo Fuxing said that he took the initiative, because he could get more hugs from women in this way.) The process of his father's sexual abuse The belly of many women was enlarged, and abortion became a daily routine that fathers often had to deal with; at the same time, abortion also became Luo Fuxing's lingering fear. For Luo Fuxing, the mother is a weak and dispensable existence. Luo Fuxing said: "If you think about it, it is better not to have a mother . " In Luo Fuxing, the father has a mother-like function. He said he was born from his father, because his father controlled his life and death. Perhaps in Luo Fuxing's eyes, he was just a wild species left by him and a certain woman on a romantic night. Luo Fuxing said: "I'm not sure in which abortion I will be aborted." This has kept Luo Fuxing's existence in jeopardy. This existential uncertainty made him uneasy, fearful and anxious. So is the existential crisis enough for Luo Fuxing, who wanted to become famous at the age of ten and kept dying for it? It is unimaginable that Luo Fuxing was only eleven or twelve years old when he first started building the "Kill Matt Empire".

This group of photos was taken by Luo Fuxing when he was in a very bad state of mind. At this time, he suffered a great blow in his life. He said: "The messy shape in the photo makes me feel very depressed. In the photo, I feel very heavy. I feel like I am surrounded and trapped by a group of mountains."

"Luo Fuxing" drowned Luo Fuxing

Luo Fuxing is now engaged in the live broadcast industry. Sometimes he feels inexplicable fear when he sees himself on the screen in live broadcasts, or when he sees his image in short videos and media. Luo Fuxing felt as if he was facing broken mirrors scattered all over the place, and Luo Fuxing lived in each broken mirror. Luo Fuxing was overwhelmed by many "Luo Fuxing" . He said that he couldn't tell which of himself in the lens was the real one, or who Luo Fuxing was, or felt that the image in each lens was the real himself. Luo Fuxing said: "I am the real me in the mirror image, but not the real me."

Luo Fuxing in front of the mirror

Luo Fuxing constantly builds his image on the Internet according to the expectations of the public. At the same time, he takes these images seriously, and he cannot distinguish whether these images are virtual or real. He only thinks that the images on the screen are too real. Luo Fuxing's words and deeds are imitating these images. In front of these images, Luo Fuxing was ordered by "he" like a body. He ordered Luo Fuxing to imitate what he said, what he did, and what he did . If you don't do this, Luo Fuxing will not be worthy of this lofty image at all. Here we may catch a glimpse of what Luo Fuxing said, why he thought he was an outright lie. Because his words and deeds are made by imitation. At the same time, we can also imagine that Luo Fuxing tried his best to create the image of the leader of the slayer, in order to create a certain "ideal image" . He imitated these ideal images to obtain a certain sense of real existence, so that he could live . become "he".

He felt like a priest in black, and when he took off his clothes, his body was a bomb. He often likes to wear this black shirt because it has many buttons and is not easy to untie.

closed barber shop

In 2018, Luo Fuxing opened a barber shop called "Imperial Concubine" in Shenzhen. The barber shop closed down after only two or three months. I am very confused: Why would a senior barber like him, who has been in the barber industry for many years, open a barber shop with an unreliable partner in such a sparsely populated place? After the barber shop closed down, he said inadvertently in a chat: "When I opened this barber shop, I knew in my heart that it would not make money and it would definitely close down, but I felt unwilling to open it until it closed down. . " During the opening of the store, he only felt some indescribable discomfort. This feeling gradually became clear in the ensuing conversation. He talked about his family, the media, and society at that time, and made himself a good character. Even the media in his hometown described him as a great man. The media has also shaped the evolution of his identity - how he grew up playing Matt before, and now how to integrate into society step by step...

Luo Fuxing said: "I'm not willing to play this role, I guess I want to resist such a good role and a good identity! I just feel uncomfortable instinctively, I feel that I have been kidnapped, pushed and forced to go. I go wherever I go. Well, I’m sure I can’t go back, then go all the way to darkness, to destruction !”

Luo Fuxing also liked the role that the mass media gave him at the beginning. He once thought that opening a barber shop was a sacred act, and he felt that as long as he catered to the public's expectations, he would be able to gain public attention and support. So why does he here resist this good character again? Isn't this role his dream?

Luo Fuxing on the Internet

After this chat, Luo Fuxing wrote a very poetic and meaningful text and sent it to me: "All the decorative and decorated lies, in front of my own questions, appear to be inexhaustible and extraordinarily ordinary. Only by accepting this Only ordinary people can make a leap, just like opening a store to pay for the self who wants to disguise." In this sentence, Luo Fuxing seems to have a debt in his heart - that person who is disguised to the mass media, conforms to reality, and ideals Himself is not what Luo Fuxing really wants. When this "ideal self" asked Luo Fuxing's innermost being, he was torn apart like thin paper. The princess barber shop has been buried in the fate of failure from the very beginning of her birth. Her existence seems to be a failed ending to summon Luo Fuxing deep inside.

After the princess's barber shop closed down, Luo Fuxing left this passage on the sticker on the wall of the barber shop, "I tried so hard to stay in this place in this city. …"
At the production site of the exhibition, we also wrote this sentence on the back of a piano.

an unfilled hole

Luo Fuxing was once on the verge of collapse after his father's death. When he described his father's death, there was always a dissatisfaction . He was not satisfied that his father died in a house with a leaking tile roof. He felt that as long as the roof was not leaking, his father could die happily. Before his father died, he entrusted the family to Luo Fuxing, and told Luo Fuxing that his mother and sister would rely on him in the future. After listening to Luo Fuxing, all he thought about was how to make money in the future, and then use the money he earned to fill the hole in the tile roof. What is puzzling is that Luo Fuxing said that this hole is actually not difficult to fill, and it does not need to spend any money at all, just climb up with a ladder and fill it with cement. But he didn't do it, he kept it, and he kept busy for it.

A side view of Lucio Fontana's "Concetto spaziale, Attese" (Concetto spaziale, Attese)

Luo Fuxing kept this hole, as if to keep his dissatisfaction with his father's death. This dissatisfaction is what Luo Fuxing owes his father. This hole is not an understatement in Luo Fuxing's life, but occupies a pivotal position. He thought about it repeatedly, saying , "The thing I regret the most in my life is not letting my father die in a comfortable, watertight home."

This hole is not just an ordinary hole in reality, some parts of it must overflow the reality of Luo Fuxing's life. Otherwise, we can't understand, he just doesn't do things that are obviously hard work, and he has always been thinking about making up for it.

We can also change the angle, it seems to mark the key existence of Luo Fuxing's meaning - Luo Fuxing has been on the road to fill this hole. He racked his brains all day thinking about how to succeed, and imagined that after he made money, he could happily go home to fill the hole and make up for his regret that he could not let his father die happily. Generally speaking, a son should be filial, and this hole should indeed be filled, so that the father can die in a comfortable environment. But if from a spiritual point of view, if this hole is filled, will Luo Fuxing's life still have the motivation to continue? Or will Luo Fuxing's life still have a "direction"? Perhaps we can conversely say that it is the debt marked by this hole that gives Luo Fuxing the meaning of existence.

Luo Fuxing's real life is faced with a certain failure of fate, because it is a bottomless pit that is destined to be repaired.

Luo Fuxing posing under the skylight of my old studio

Kill Matt's father is bald

Luo Fuxing's main occupation is a hairdresser. Although he is now engaged in live broadcast, Internet celebrity and other industries, he said: "No matter how many things I do in the future, I will still say that my occupation is a hairdresser." He believes that a hairdresser is his real life. home.

Luo Fuxing likes to do his own hairstyle when he plays Kill Matt, and also likes to do other people's hairstyle. He said that a haircut was about dyeing unshaped hair colorful and blowing it until it was puffed up and hard enough to stand up; but a haircut also gave him the idea of shaving as hard as he could, until he shaved a person bald. When Luo Fuxing described "shaving," his expression and words were filled with an unknown, gnashing excitement. "Barber" is a profession dealing with hair, which provides Luo Fuxing with the process of blowing and cutting. One is the process from nothing to erection (swelling and hard); the other is the process from being (hair) to nothing. In this process we can see some kind of contradiction or logical dialectics.

During the cutting process, Luo Fuxing seemed to have returned to his self before the age of six. At that time, our leader had not grown his hair yet, and his family called him "light courage".

Luo Fuxing has always kept the nickname "Light Courage" in his hometown since he was a child. His mother told Luo Fuxing that he didn't have long hair until he was six years old, so the villagers gave him this nickname. Some relatives still refer to him as "light courage". "Guangdan" is a Hakka dialect, and "Guangdan" means bald head. But Luo Fuxing seems to have long forgotten the original meaning of the name, and now such a title only makes him feel that he is a bad person. When he grew up, Luo Fuxing's hair was like what we see in the photos now. Luo Fuxing said: "When I grew up, I had black and thick hair like a woman, but they still called me daring."

He tattooed a "anti" scripture on his back - "The big stage of cows, ghosts, snakes and gods is like a great darkness. The ten directions are all high walls, and the three thousand worlds are also hallucinations. Delusional construction of a cage today, all living beings realize the great power. The high walls are shaken, the world of illusion is shattered. Now all sentient beings have been rescued, and the peaceful and prosperous world is equal. Hear it loudly for the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and for the Brahma, Demons and Heavens.” He hoped to use this “anti-sutra” to satirize today’s society. , educating the world. He did not change the last two scriptures tattooed on his body to show his respect for Buddhism.

In addition to hair, Luo Fuxing is also obsessed with tattoos. He wanted his tattoos to vaguely reveal that he was a "bad guy". Luo Fuxing seems to have a special feeling for bad guys. Bad guys are a powerful character for Luo Fuxing, he said, "Bad guys are always more respected by others than good guys." When talking about bad guys, Luo Fuxing's first thought is his dead father. Because his father didn't come home all year round, he didn't love his mother, and he didn't love him and his sister, so he thought his father was a bad person; at the same time, his father was a bad person because of his grandfather's education of Luo Fuxing since he was a child. The foreigner used the Hakka dialect and said to Luo Fuxing (roughly meaning): Your father is a bad person. When you grow up, you are very promising. Don't even give him water to drink, and don't care about him.

However, what made Luo Fuxing dissatisfied was that his father died under a leaking tile roof. Is this just a coincidence? Luo Fuxing said: "When I was a child, I thought my father was the greatest, and I often felt inferior to him." We can see that deep in his heart, he actually admired or identified with his father, and identified with this "great bad guy". But my grandfather also told Luo Fuxing from a young age that his father was a bad person. We can see Luo Fuxing's split - logically he knows that his father is a bad person, and what he presents to the public is also the bad side of his father; but some of his behaviors reveal to us fatally, his innermost being It is precisely that great bad guy who is deeply identified with.

Luo Fuxing's "trick" is in Grandpa's words. What if my father died in "water"? So wouldn't the father not have to worry about running out of water? ——There is not only a hole that can never be filled, but also water that keeps leaking down . Luo Fuxing said sadly, "Why is it pouring rain when father and grandmother left?" If we judge from the public eye, Luo Fuxing's father is of course a bad father. But Luo Fuxing's dissatisfaction with his father's death was not that he was unable to create a comfortable environment for his father to die, but that he unconsciously used a dissatisfied "trick" to smash the "grandfathers" scolding his father , and repeatedly told himself, Grandpa and the others are all wrong. Father is great. The paradox of this trick is that as long as Luo Fuxing maintains his dissatisfaction with his father's death, the wet hole will always be open to Luo Fuxing. It constantly tempted Luo Fuxing, making Luo Fuxing always on the way to fill it.

The fog of Luo Fuxing's delay in filling the hole gradually faded, and the truth of his existence gradually emerged. Although the dissatisfaction with his father's death nourishes Luo Fuxing's inner "great father", the eternal existence of his father also nourishes his pain in the sense of existence. The survival of his father meant that Luo Fuxing was always unworthy of him. Although Luo Fuxing agrees with his father, he always fails to get the recognition of this "bad guy" and fails to gain the foundation of existence in front of this bad guy. Luo Fuxing's dissatisfaction time and time again not only reminded his father's existence, but also aroused his inner anxiety and pain, which continued to impact and tear him like a flood of beasts.

However, by chance, Luo Fuxing began to learn how to cut hair. During the haircut, Luo Fuxing broke free from the boundaries of time . He can travel freely in time and space, and return to his childhood - "light guts/bad guy" to realize his identity with his father; he can also blow his hair in the "barren land of his life" in the process of blowing his hair. "He created a "penis" in the sense of his existence, in order to resist those "crying sounds" that demanded his life like ghosts and wolves.


A voice broke into Luo Fuxing's world. This voice came from a deep memory of Luo Fuxing's dream. He said: "In my dream, I was chased by a mutilated newborn baby. To be precise, it should be the baby's cry . It chased me all the way to the edge of the cliff. I was scared, couldn't stand it, and jumped off. ”

Today, when Luo Fuxing talks about children, goosebumps will appear on the skin. Speaking of the incomplete newborn baby, Luo Fuxing thought of the child who was dropped by his father. Luo Fuxing couldn't see them, and only heard the voices of these ghosts and wolf howls chasing and killing him. They were approaching him step by step, nibbling away at him. Luo Fuxing couldn't stand this fear, so he chose to jump off a cliff and die. But after that, what reminded him was that his father gave birth to another child, and this child should be himself . He felt that the moment a child was born was actually his rebirth, which he saw as a sign of entry into eternity. I added that it was a voice that forced him to die, reborn him, and brought him into eternity. His reaction after listening to it was interesting and intriguing. His first reaction was that he thought this interpretation was ridiculous. After a while, he said, "Yeah!" and felt that this statement was very reasonable. Then he opened his arms excitedly and shouted, "I'm born again." After shouting, he felt like he was going to shit and went to the toilet.

The cries of babies appeared repeatedly in Luo Fuxing's life experience, constantly evoking the memories of Luo Fuxing's early life competition with his many "brothers and sisters" . In the competition, the fallen and mutilated brothers and sisters turned into voices to chase down the lucky man born by his father - Luo Fuxing. Being killed by their father means that they have no meaning to their father. Then this voice seems to be these fallen babies begging Luo Fuxing for their lives, and what these voices keep asking Luo Fuxing is - what does your existence mean to our father? Why were you born of your father and we have to die? ...... As mentioned above, Luo Fuxing couldn't answer the meaning of his existence in front of his father, so Luo Fuxing was at a loss when confronted by the cries. These voices can in turn be said to be his own questioning - what is the meaning of his existence? He was so devastated that he couldn't find an answer. Feared, hopeless, and restless, he could only go to death.

After his death, he was born again by his father. For Luo Fuxing, this sense of certainty of existence seems to be only touched briefly and humbly between death and birth again and again. Luo Fuxing said: "Falling into a cliff is physical death, and rebirth after death is eternal life in the soul." Only the immortality of the soul can escape the torment caused by the death of the body again and again.

Luo Fuxing said: "I can't accept death from illness and old age, especially dying from illness like my dad's. It's meaningless, it can't make any change or effect, and these deaths are out of my control. I'm not willing to die like this. I'm only willing to die for the dream, it's meaningful, so that after death it's like rebirth, the rebirth of the soul, and this can reach eternity. I hope I can die meaningfully, and I think every day how dying can bring me to eternity. If There is a kind of death that can bring me to eternity, and I am willing to die immediately, although I am afraid of death."

Whenever I ask Luo Fuxing what kind of death can make him reach eternity, the picture he describes is fixed in a heroic perspective. He said: "The people behind me have witnessed my death, and they will pass on my death from generation to generation. If there is an armored vehicle to suppress and kill Matt, it will pass over me, and if I can live forever, I will You will be at the forefront, open your arms and press!”

The existence of "nearby"

Luo Fuxing said: "Playing with Matt's hair is the most important, because it is the most eye-catching existence, it makes everyone's eyes focus on this, they are all watching my existence, and I don't have to pay attention to the existence of ' father ' . Luo Fuxing originally meant to say, "I don't have to pay attention to the existence near me, but he read "nearby" as "father" . Luo Fuxing repeated this slip of the tongue twice. Slips of the tongue are an important signal in psychoanalysis, often revealing the truth of people's unconscious.

Luo Fuxing's hair that was as hard as a penis and swelled to stand on end has become Luo Fuxing's most eye-catching existence. Luo Fuxing said, "It makes all eyes focus here, and they all look at my existence." Luo Fuxing was struggling to find the answer in his father, but he found it unexpectedly when playing with hairstyles - hair gave Luo Fuxing new life. When all eyes were on the hair created by Luo Fuxing, at this moment, Luo Fuxing finally ignored his father (nearby). The exaggerated and inflated hair has become a manifestation of Luo Fuxing's existence. He can leave his father and go to the field created by "hair" to find his own meaning. The poor man was free at last, he was born again. At this time he said, "My father is just a carrier for giving birth to me. To be precise, I wanted to come, so I came."

Luo Fuxing often paints Sun Wukong stepping on a dragon and descending from the sky

I am reminded of the lyrics of Eason Chan's Cantonese song "Exaggerated" - "You think I am exaggerated! Exaggeration is only because I am afraid". The colorful and exaggerated Kill Matt hairstyle brings an explosive impact visually. Behind the exaggerated visual impact, what deeply stings Luo Fuxing is the barrenness and emptiness of existence . Luo Fuxing said: "Kill Matt should have a kind of anxiety, flying, wanting to break free... but they are really poor." "My hair is always so festive," he says.

Luo Fuxing said: "The colorful and exaggerated hairstyle is an armor for me, like a hedgehog's thorn, an armor to protect myself." Luo Fuxing felt that he was very selfish. He said, "Being a godfather is to protect Killing Matt, and the backside of protecting Killing Matt seems to be only to protect himself." Is he protecting Killing Matt or himself? After a while of inner struggle, Luo Fuxing came to the answer. He said, "Protecting Kill Matt is equivalent to protecting Luo Fuxing, and protecting Luo Fuxing also protects Kill Matt."

It is not so much that Luo Fuxing lived to be the father of Shamat, but to be the father of Shamat was to live. Killing Matt is Luo Fuxing's way to "eternity", and it is also a kind of sublation of death. Luo Fuxing said, "At present, only killing Matt can make me eternal, but it is not enough."

In Luo Fuxing's eyes, these two members are the existences of the slayer's special law-enforcement level.
Luo Fuxing designed an explosive head for the member who killed Matt (who died in a car accident)

"Kill Matt Godfather"

It was not until after his father's death that Luo Fuxing began to call himself crazy by the name "Kill Matt Godfather". Luo Fuxing felt that the Godfather was more divine than the name of the founder of Shamat, which he used before. Luo Fuxing said, " I want to be their father, but a person who has never received fatherly love always wants to be their father. How funny." In front of his father, Luo Fuxing could not get the meaning of existence. Perhaps the best way to resolve this emptiness is to create a father-like character so that he can become it.

Maybe not, it will be. Luo Fuxing wants to be a father, but this father is not in the real sense. Luo Fuxing said: "If it is the real father, then his own power is above me, although I will often fight with him to fight for the right to an equal dialogue." Allergies" , coupled with the gap between the reality of working in a factory for a long time, and the huge enjoyment he can control in killing Matt, made him very frustrated. He lay in the dormitory for days in a row, unwilling to go to work. My father came to the door, hoping that he could work hard and make money. Luo Fuxing quarreled with his father. Luo Fuxing said, "I picked up a knife and wanted to hack him to death." After this incident, his father was worried about Luo Fuxing's livelihood. Due to a chance, his father took him to a fellow villager. In the shop, let him start learning how to cut hair.

Luo Fuxing painted the only birthday his father had with him in his memory. They flew kites on the grass, and at last the kite flew high, broke, and fell down, hanging from the branches. He said the grass on the grass, like killing Matt's hairstyle.
Luo Fuxing processed the above picture into an oil painting. The dropped kite in the above picture turned into a giant dragon in this oil painting. The body of the giant dragon surrounded the factory. Luo Fuxing said that the giant dragon protected the factory and also protected Killer Matt. Safety first is written on the factory floor.

When talking about becoming the father of Killing Matt, Luo Fuxing continued: "I am their father. I have only established basic rules so that they can coexist peacefully. If they have conflicts that cannot be resolved, I will come out again." We can see Luo Fuxing pursues a father's position above the real sense. This father is the founder of the law of killing Matt, he created the law, controls the law, and uses the law to maintain the unity within the killing Matt. But the law does not constrain Luo Fuxing, he is an existence outside this law. In this sense, Luo Fuxing is the "father of killing Matt".

Luo Fuxing often forgets to bring his ID card when he goes out. He said, "I don't need anything to prove my identity. Sometimes when the police check my ID card on the street, I have the heart to kill."

Luo Fuxing is very clear about the position of killing Matt in social history, he said: "Killing Matt will definitely leave some traces in the long history in the future, but it is not big enough, only a small stroke. . . . I can't help it now, I've thought about a lot of things, and only killing Matt can make me last forever."

In reality, there is nothing else but killing Matt to make Luo Fuxing eternal. One would attribute creativity to an accidental whim, but in Luo Fuxing we see a certain inevitability.

Let's look at the tragic fate of Luo Fuxing and Kill Matt/Non-mainstream. (He himself does not admit non-mainstream, he believes that killing Matt is a new version of non-mainstream, and its nature is very different from the previous non-mainstream.) Luo Fuxing wanted to succeed, but he chose an opposite to the mainstream - "non-mainstream" ". In "non-mainstream", he is bent on being "mainstream". To this end, he created a killing Matt, as he wished to become the father of killing Matt/that is, the father of non-mainstream. Luo Fuxing, who wants to become the mainstream, precisely positions himself in a non-mainstream position, and deliberately seeks the right to speak in this position. At the same time, he fantasized about becoming mainstream, racking his brains to package and hype himself. Through the media he became a public figure. After being recognized by the "mainstream", on the one hand, he felt that he was a failure in the era of Killing Matt, and he did not play Killing Matt like he used to, but at the same time he said: "I was very happy before, but now I am not happy."

This is the blackboard in Luo Fuxing's live broadcast room. On the right-hand side of the blackboard is his summary of tips for livestreaming. The money is in the middle because he can make money through these skills. On the left hand side of the money is a big locomotive. His dream of making money is to buy a big locomotive. He said "making money is just to feed my flesh". The big locomotive provided the speed that could take him out of reality or bring him death.

The Oracle of the Lazy Snake

Luo Fuxing told me a story, although what he told was different from the original one. The prototype of this story is in the cartoon "Little Carp Adventures", Luo Fuxing said: "There is a story about a fish leaping over the dragon gate and becoming a dragon. A very ugly snake, wanting to become a dragon, followed the fish across the dragon gate and became a dragon, and It is much more domineering than the dragons that those stupid fish turned into, and it is better than any dragon."

Laipi Snake is the villain in the cartoon "Little Carp Adventure". Its biggest dream is to become the dragon king who rules the world. It possessed dragon horns and draped itself in ill-fitting dragon skin. Although this can enhance the magic power and call the wind and call the rain, it also makes his body covered with "skin bumps" that make his skin itchy and uncomfortable. Luo Fuxing's "skin allergy" when he was in the factory may be an odd encounter with this "skin pimple".

When false is true, true is false, and when true is false, false is true. For the existence of life, truth and falsehood may just be an empty game of obsession.

The pain of existence made Luo Fuxing use the flesh and blood of his life to forge the coat of Godfather to kill Matt, and gave it a "dragon robe"-like meaning. Like a snowball, the "dragon robe" of the father of Killing Matt rolled bigger and bigger and more colorful. Luo Fuxing put on this colorful "dragon robe" and walked on the road when he came, and learned from the "dragon robe" that he has not yet arrived in the future. The life abandoned by his father came again. With a cry, Luo Fuxing's life was awakening. He breathed greedily, stretched his limbs, and waved his dragon robe.

"Tremble! Mortals." -- Luo Fuxing

However, sometimes Luo Fuxing is often wrapped in various words so that he loses his direction and leaves the place of divine response that should belong to his "existence" . One day Luo Fuxing suddenly jumped high, wearing tattered underwear, standing on the sofa chair, proud and red-faced, shouting at me: "You all have original sins, killing Matt should not be known by outsiders."

China Symphony Orchestra - Beethoven: Symphony No. 5

About the story of Luo Fuxing at this stage, I will write here. Because Luo Fuxing can speak well and has the natural ability to blow ordinary things into the sky, so in the sharing meeting of this project, I invited Luo Fuxing to a live broadcast conference that belongs to him.

Author of this article: Su Yujun

Exhibition view, Luo Fuxing × Su Yujun | One Person's Society, Unit 8, Cattle Depot Art Village, Hong Kong, 2021
Exhibition view, Luo Fuxing × Su Yujun | One Person's Society, Unit 8, Cattle Depot Art Village, Hong Kong, 2021
Exhibition view, Luo Fuxing × Su Yujun | One Person's Society, Unit 8, Cattle Depot Art Village, Hong Kong, 2021

Exhibition and Live Stream Contemporary Art Exhibition / Online Sharing/

Time: 23/7 - 8/8/2021 11am - 7pm

Venue: Unit 8, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Rd, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong


Han Zhen Hua x Pan Qiu Rong Han Zhen Hua x Pan Qiu Rong

Lin He x Wu Lao Bai Lin He x Wu Lao Bai

Li Jingye x Lan Haiqi Li Jing Ye x Lan Hai Qi

Luo Fuxing x Su Yujun Luo Fu Xing x Su Yu Jun

Ma Hu x Deng Ya Juan

Yu Sheng x Yu Sheng Mr. Yu x Mr. Yu

White Paper x Yan Ruifang Pak6 Zi3 x Yim Sui Fong

Qiu Hongfeng x Xu Ruo Tao Qiu Hong Feng x Xu Ruo Tao

Wang Molin x Wang Chuyu Wang Molin x Wang Chuyu

Ms D Qi Tong x Peng Jing Ms D Qi Tong x Peng Jing

V x Y

Curator Curator: Liu Nanxi

Psychoanalysts: Liu Yang, Liu Yang, Xu Yajun, Xu Yajun, Yu Yiwen

Exhibition setup: Chen Shisen, Rico Lau

Producers: Mo Zhaoru Mok Chiu Yu, Man Yu Man Yu

Project Initiators: Li Yifan, Liu Yang, Liu Yang, Xu Yajun, Xu Yajun, Man Yu

Hosted by Presented by

Heli Collaborated with

FundedSupported by



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一個人的社會【一個人的社會】藝術計劃 此次藝術項⽬以精神分析的理論與實踐為理念參考,邀請藝術家與精神分析家一同針對社會中的不同個體進行⽥野研究與實踐工作,通過一系列的會談、討論班、協同創作、展覽等活動對社會中的「⼈」之精神狀況展開理解、對話、認知和行動。這個項⽬的初衷是為了在當下的社會語境中,嘗試重新指認⾏動的主體。
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