yes | laugh is laugh

I said "laugh" to continue the joke I mentioned earlier!

By the way, it's time to donate blood again.

In the past, the whole blood donation time was short. When you are in the blood donation consultation room, the nurse will pass the gift from the blood donation center to you.

The separation operation takes a long time, and the preparation time for the needle is also long, so the nurse will give the gift after the needle is successfully applied and the ID card is returned.

This time, the nurse whispered again, but gave me a cooler bag as a gift, and this time I have the answer from Suzutaki:

 The focus of combing hair is actually more on massaging the meridian points on the head. The six yang meridians converge on the head, followed by the very important bladder meridian and governor meridian, and gallbladder meridian and Sanjiao meridian on both sides. Comb the hair until the scalp is slightly hot, except By massaging the meridians and acupuncture points, the pores can be opened slightly to disperse the heat of the six yang, and the blood can be smoothed out.

Comb, can't scare away my bald man.

But the nurse's soft voice and behavior are still abnormal...

When the blood donation was over, the nurse whispered to me, "Mr. Red, this time, the blood donation is in a box. Please take it yourself. There is no limit to the number!" again

I went to the box, ready to talk at length, to resolve the embarrassment!

take a closer look




" I'll take it back for my wife, thank you! " I can only respond like this~~

This time, I was completely speechless, but I found it interesting and warm. There is mutual understanding between people; I am afraid that a single action or sentence will hurt others unintentionally! Will be concerned about others, is good! !

Next time, I must tell them that I don't mind the words bald or bald, everything is as usual, relax, just give him a happy smile, I don't care ^_^

However, should there be no hair-related giveaways? ? Haha, and shampoo, next time I'll wait. …

nice smile

Thanks for watching!

Live life happily, smile and the world is better.◕‿◕。


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