"When you have no motivation and want to give up, "this thing" can give you strength! 》

Dr.J 的成長實驗室
Owners with pets take their pets for a walk even if they are tired. Why?

Like Stefan James, a personal growth practitioner/Internet entrepreneur that I personally like and admire, many people with pets still choose to take them out even when they "don't really want" to take them out for a walk. Why?

Because those pet owners love their pets! They care about it!

We do this even more with little babies!

When I was at work, my colleague with a baby often said that they didn't sleep well all night because the baby kept getting up, so why couldn't they just ignore him? Of course, it is possible that they do not know what is the reason for the child's condition, and what may be uncomfortable? But more often it's because they love him and care about him that they're willing to get up in the middle of the night to take care of him, even if they're half-tired.

Oftentimes, I am willing to do anything for the sake of my children that I am not willing to do for myself!

Therefore, when a person has a responsibility to take, he will be there when he should, and he will be willing to act!

The power of accountability

When you need or are willing to be responsible for someone and take responsibility for something, you are more likely to get that thing done!

For example, if there is one thing you promise your friends, you promise your coach, and you are responsible to them, you have a good chance of getting it done! Because you don't want to break your word in front of your friends, you don't want to lose face in front of your coach.

On the other hand, if you say to yourself today, "I want to..." but no one says that only you know, it is very likely that the next day, you will not be in a good mood. This does not feel right. I don't really want to do things to say... how about tomorrow? You're probably going to break your word...

On the surface, it seems that there are no other consequences except that things are delayed. Anyway, no one knows except you... But in fact, there is one person who knows, and that person is you.

You might be thinking, "Yeah, so what if I know?" But it does, and your subconscious may start to think, "If I can't stick to my promises this time, how can I trust myself in the future? Can you do it?” Then, your self-esteem begins to slowly become low, and you have less and less confidence in yourself. In this process, you are actually hurting yourself.

Conversely, if you have an Accountability Body or a "Mastermind Group" that has similar goals and is willing to encourage and monitor each other's progress, in order to keep the promise to them , your odds of getting things done increase dramatically!

Take Stefan, who has coaches, friends, and accountability partners.

For a while, he wanted to practice waking up at 6 a.m., and it just so happened that he had a friend who used to get up early, so Stefan wanted that friend to be his accountability partner.

They made an appointment to talk on the phone at 6:00 every morning, maybe 5-10 minutes, and if Stefan didn't get up, or was late, he would have to donate $100 to a charity or political group he "didn't like", this "punishment" " will bring Stefan pain, and in order to avoid this "pain", Stefan has to make sure that he can talk to his friends on the phone at 6:00 every morning!

There was also a task in that call, that is, both parties had to tell each other 3 things to be done that day, and then on the phone the next morning, ask each other if they had done those 3 things? And if it's done, they're going to celebrate! Say to each other: "Great job man!" "Incredible!" "I'm proud of you!" and other words of encouragement.

If 1 or 2 of the 3 things are not done, they will not be too harsh on each other, but they will think together:

What could be better today? What adjustments can be made to improve each day?

Instead of trying to create "perfect"! Because no one can be "perfect" every day!

※ Writing this, I also want to publicly solicit my accountability partners and think tanks

If you are willing to be my accountability partner or a member of a think tank, to practice getting up early, accomplishing the most important things every day... and other aspects of self-improvement, welcome to private message me on IG, let us grow together!

Looking forward to your reply!

Reference source:


I'm Dr. J, your #growlab .

If you want to see more of my sharing,

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Email: johnson@growthlab.com.tw

See you in our next article!


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Dr.J 的成長實驗室歡迎加入《成長進行式》電子報! https://hustling-thinker-3584.ck.page/46f51c16b2 一起踏上成長的行列! 前國際品牌的全球產品行銷企劃 一個熱愛閱讀、追求個人成長與改變的實驗家 成長來自於一個個實驗的過程 生活,是最理想的實驗室 協助一樣喜歡成長的你, 共同實驗出更精采的人生😊
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