Defects make extraordinary

Everyone needs to give themselves a good fantasy, and also have the motivation to live

I walked into the bright bedroom, came to the window, looked at the dead night scene outside the window, I also turned off the lights in the room, and waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness for a few seconds, so I lay on the warm bed and covered the quilt. An sleep, I fell asleep with peace of mind, opened my eyes again, I have come to a dream, a woman who has been blind since childhood, she is doing acrobatics in the open field, she is agile, flips out somersaults easily and effortlessly, and can fly over the eaves and walls. The ground showed eighteen kinds of martial arts, and the audience applauded. It seemed that he did not look like a completely blind person. A mother led the girl and whispered, "Defects can make extraordinary things." The little girl showed a small amputated stump. Eyes kept flickering, as if finding hope for survival.

When the camera turned, the blind girl was wearing all white Chinese clothes and looked a little weak, but she still stood upright by the aisle, following a group of orphaned girls' volleyball volleyball team, she revealed that the only wish in her heart was to wait for her biological mother to come. Holding her, day after day, through her imagination, she is like a mother beside her, hugging her deeply, her face is full of happiness, but the eyes of other orphans are dim, only seeing the reality, I In meditation, people need to give themselves a beautiful fantasy, and they can also have the motivation to live .

I leaned back, and the scene in my eyes changed again. I looked into the distance. There was a blind company commander standing upright in the aisle on duty. Someone beside him deliberately teased and kissed his cheek. He was shy and covered his hands. Face, just for fear that someone would kiss him again, a Futai non-commissioned officer happened to walk over, accidentally rubbed him lightly, was punched by him, fell to the ground, and the soldiers on the tour bus saw this. , all got out of the car and attacked the blind man immediately. The huge non-commissioned officer found that the person's status was one rank higher than himself. Not only did he disrespect, but he also framed him with contempt. Because he was blind, he even explained it himself. There is no chance, even being removed from the company commander status, I am full of pity, if others are maliciously provocative, I can restrain the impulse, and my self-esteem will not be hurt .

Because of his attack on the non-commissioned officer, he had to strip naked to see if there was any entrained weapon. He folded his gray sports suit with water chestnuts and horns, and handed it over to the female soldier, who was lying in a cold examination room with a group of female officers separated by Transparent glass, staring at his private parts, I was surprised to find that his lower body was covered with bruises, and he had been humiliated for a long time, but I was extremely surprised that he did not report it. I thought deeply about his behavior, as long as it touched privacy, I would rather Endure hardy without losing your demeanor .

Out of sympathy, a female soldier took a bottle of red wine and wanted to drink with him, hoping to warm up his traumatized mood, but no matter how he looked, he was nowhere to be found. He asked all the female soldiers present if there was a The girl lay on a slender wooden slat and said easily, "I know where he goes most often." Two soldiers next to him heard it and plotted how to deal with him. Take him to the outskirts, let him fend for himself, he was in the wilderness, endured hardships, endured humiliation and survived, his eyes were determined to seek revenge, but he lost his way and couldn't get out. Hatred can only be led by the nose with anger, and the exit is blocked in my heart .

I looked at the lady officer waiting day after day in the courtyard of the garden, her expression was getting old, but she was convinced that one day he would come back and find his former self. Over time, the garden was transformed into a European-style restaurant. A tall man broke through the window and fought with the zombies. He aimed a shot and hit the monster in the head, but in the end, he was also fatally hit by the zombie on the head, and his brain was hollow. He said in his heart, "I want to go home, but I can't do it." He knelt down, and he lost his breath. I mourned lightly beside me. While destroying others, it was like suicide. It's better to go back to the beginning and try my best to be myself. , and there are peaceful days to live .

The picture jumps to the process of his torture. Later in his career, he had no choice but to join the gang of robbers. Everyone was holding a huge gun and took a group photo together. Everyone also became majestic because of the fierce gunfight together. Mighty, but other people are still tied up by the police, unable to escape the uniforms of black ropes, people have a painful experience, and they have an additional barrier, and they become majestic, but they go too much, and they will only be conceited by themselves. Trapped, caught in a shackle .

Photo by CDC on Unsplash


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