Grateful to have you with me

Because of everyone's interaction and mutual assistance, Matt City can become a heart-warming "city"!

In fact, my life energy has been at a low level recently. Sometimes I feel powerless to do things, and I have quarrels with my family. Life seems to be out of control. Is it because of the cold weather that "lazy cancer" occurs?

Originally, there was a lot of irritability in my heart, there were many voices, and sometimes I couldn’t express my inner feelings. However, in Matt City, I always found one or two articles that resonated with everyone, and read everyone’s stories to help understand the inner anxiety. mood.

Thanks for this place in Matt City, sometimes when you want to escape from life, you can come up to read a few articles, settle your mood, or warm up. When I can’t think of a topic to write an article, or even don’t want to do it, there are community activities organized by everyone. After reading everyone’s contributions, I will still think of one or two ideas, and I will also summon the courage to write articles and submit them, although I only accompany them. run mostly.

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Matt City also helped me to break through myself. In this article , I presented my first painting. Although it was a kindergarten-level painting, I also painted it with intention. When painting, I felt a sense of healing. It was a pleasant surprise . This makes me want to draw a lot in the next year, I really want to draw cute characters! I have always admired those who paint beautifully and admire their skillful hands. I hope that one day I can be like them. I want to draw with my hands.

The previous wind and rain in Matt City also invisibly added some negative energy to me. What I just want to say is to return to the original intention . If everyone thinks this is a good writing platform, please self-discipline, maintain it together, and don’t keep impacting Bottom line, don't let it hit the last straw.

I would also like to thank all the literary friends in Matt City, thank you for your clapping and support for me, becoming my charger, giving me positive energy bit by bit, and replenishing my energy value! Because of everyone's interaction and mutual assistance, Matt City can become a heart-warming "city"!

Finally, thanks @Ziohzhihao for this Thanksgiving pop-up. Gratitude for giving people positive energy is a good activity, thank you!



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