Daily Write/Tuesday Cafe

Citizen friends, what day do you like in the coffee shop?

Every cafe has a different week, maybe I belong on Tuesdays

In fact, I don’t really like the cafes I go to, especially on the sixth day, because there are a lot of people chatting in the cafes, and sometimes it’s really noisy, especially that day is my writing day, and every time the inspiration comes suddenly, after break again...

Recently, I suddenly have a soft spot for the cafe on Tuesday. For the first time, I can read a book quietly in the cafe. For the first time, I understand the original intention of the boss to start a business.

The first text closest to you

Every coffee shop has a different week, and mine belongs to Tuesday, a day when I'm alone.

👉Loneliness lets us meet, and you are still looking for the tree hole that belongs to your soul. Don't forget to bookmark this article 👉Want to know more about your love, please follow Yu Hao's ig. ( please click me )
👉If you want to know more about Japanese and Japanese youth, please follow Japanese and Japanese youth ig. ( Please click on me )
👉Please support Yu Hao's recent collection of short stories " Story. That year, about you and me " & " Resolving worries BAR "


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

羽昊 -入選小日子10周年讀者投稿/女人迷讀者投稿作家/現職/日青文字療癒放映師-寫文章和散文,喜歡用文字記錄人生與生活,著有網路小書集《療癒吧》和生活成長日記《日日聊心》,因緣際會下創辦了日青文字放映所;別人眼中的傻大哥,卻有一顆溫暖的心和笑容。
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為什麼生活要讓你活的那麼累?【星期整聊事|你很好但太認真了】: 有時停下來沒關係


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