【Translation for comments】DAO DAO webpage original Chinese translation

Translation is a difficult job


I added a Chinese translation for DAO DAO

Asking for your opinion (see where the translation is bad/strange/want to throw eggs)


I found that there is no article about DAO DAO (miserable), here is a super simple list of key points

  • DAO DAO is a tool to help people create and manage various DAOs (it is also a DAO itself)
  • DAO DAO background runs on Juno network, written in CosmWasm
  • DAO reserves can hold any token that supports IBC

No (I'm lazy), a lot of content can be viewed directly on https://docs.daodao.zone (but in English

main topic

I saw this tweet: https://twitter.com/bmorphism/status/1559047694517018624

There is Chinese, but not the original Chinese, and at a glance it is known that it is machine translation

Then I have nothing to do and rush to translate

But checking the results by myself is time-consuming and prone to inaccuracy

So I threw it out and let everyone besiege it.

The following is the DAO DAO website with translation, which is connected to the Juno testnet

Home Preview

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make comments/suggestions

Examples of particularly difficult translations

powered by Juno

Machine flip: "Powered directly by Juno"

I'll just flip the table, okay?

"Hide Instantiate Message"

This is the same as the preface of the previous book.

"It's not human at all"

Instantiate Message should refer to Instantiate Message of CW20 (not sure)

Only if this nonsense can be accurately translated!

Quorum + Passing Threshold

I translated it but I don't think it's accurate...

in conclusion

Translation is a difficult job

Just look at this picture to see how difficult it is


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