For you who have difficulty knowing yourself: The first step to sobriety is to start being honest with yourself.


How long has it been since you were honest with yourself?

Please take a moment to reflect on it carefully. Have you ever felt negative emotions recently?

Or, are there any natural intuitive feelings that you have ignored for various reasons?

To use two analogies, when we feel uncomfortable in a relationship, do you find reasons to persuade yourself to keep the relationship going, or do you bravely leave?

Then again, when you have feelings of insecurity, fear, emotional or physical, do you ignore and avoid such feelings, or do you face and try to understand the root of your emotions?

 If your answer is the former, don't worry, when you have the heart to watch it, it means that you are ready to embark on the road of "awake".

Awake, representing conscious life.

As the pace of modern society is getting faster and faster, people usually go to work, and they may have to take care of their family and children when they go home. This also makes us gradually forget the importance of "looking inward" , and many people even don't know it until they are close to death. When I woke up, I sighed that I didn’t know what it was like to live my whole life.

When we live our lives unconsciously, the easiest situation to encounter is to swing with emotions, such as negative emotions, and unconsciously follow the emotions to fall, allowing ourselves to fall into the vortex and circulate without touching the edge.

In this way, it is easy to extend the situation that we can see the outside world but cannot see the inside. We may be obsessed with changing the outside world to make ourselves comfortable, such as wanting to change our partner to achieve the ideal of the relationship; or to the world we see. Always full of complaints, these actually represent living unconsciously, because we are not aware of the problems with our inner beliefs .

Be honest with yourself and respect yourself.

Learning to be honest means taking responsibility for yourself and loving yourself.

We have grown up in an era of cumbersome information, and there are too many thoughts in our minds that do not belong to us. To identify what is in our hearts, we must first calm down, go deep into our inner awareness, and open our hearts to any intuition messages that appear (including bodily intuition).

 Think about yourself when you encounter an uncomfortable dating environment, do you choose to leave, or do you think you are such a disappointment, so you stay?
When you are in an unhappy job, do you choose to be brave enough to make a change, or do you feel that you have no ability and no opportunity?
If you feel unhappy with the other person's behavior in an intimate relationship today, do you bring it up to discuss it, or do you pretend you don't care?

In the latter answers, most of them come from the experiences we absorb or the ideas of others, but remember, these are never your inner voices.

For people who have already contacted the body and mind information and started to practice it on themselves, sometimes there may be such a blind spot: because they have already understood, certain emotions or feelings should not appear.

For example, A has been dealing with relationship issues for a long time, and he deeply understands that he has released the pain of the past, and also understands that everything is love, but one day later, A met a relationship, and he was inexplicable in the relationship. A fear of relationships arose again, which he felt was an undeserved feeling for a subject he had already worked out.

Now A has two options, one is to continue to think that it should not be, and the other is to accept such feelings and realize that such emotional feelings are generated from "experience", not himself .

No matter what kind of situation you are in, you need to be aware of yourself all the time. When you are too relaxed, the ego is easy to use the gap to achieve the purpose of creating fear, and honesty also means that I am not afraid and willing to face it. , the subsequent ablation of unwanted beliefs and feelings is smooth enough.

Are you honest with yourself today?

Accept yourself honestly and never be ashamed. Those are you, who need to be loved.


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冉媛 躁亂的世界需要平靜的靈魂。 我是旅途憂鬱深淵死亡而獲得新生的自救者,現職身心靈工作者、創作者,服務牌卡占卜、解夢、月亮歷解讀、催眠療癒。 喜愛文字、影集,擅長傾聽與引導他人認識自己。
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